Why Would We Change a Thing?

It's never quite that innocent

I wake up feeling a little dizzy. It’s two in the afternoon already. I look around to see if Steph managed to get home. The silence in the apartment was enough of an answer. Where the heck can she be? I stood up and grabbed my phone. I dialed Steph’s number. I waited… and waited… and waited.

No answer. Ugh, I am gonna kill her. I bet she is lying somewhere, hung over.

I dressed up then decided to go to Will’s place, maybe he can help me track my best friend. I knocked on the door. No answer again. Agh, why isn’t anyone answering me? I looked for the spare key that he hides under the fire extinguisher near the door. I quickly gained entry. I looked around and it seems like he was still asleep. I walked to his room and indeed, he was dead asleep. I sighed then walked beside his bed and tried to shake him up.

“Will, wake up” I whispered then shook him harder when he didn’t budge

No response. I sat on the bed and stared at him for a few minutes. He looked so peaceful when he sleeps. I watch him chest rising up and down as he breathed heavily. He looked like an innocent child who only wants candy, nothing more. I smiled as I look at him. He looks like a fallen angel.

“Why are you staring at my beautiful face?” My eyes almost bulged out of my sockets when I heard him speak. I was about to reach to his face and touch it but then he startled me.

“I…I wasn’t looking. I… I was trying to wake you up” I stuttered, feeling like my face is blowing my cover already. I was blushing so bad.

“Really huh?” I see him twitching his eyes and opening his right eye, peeking probably to see how I looked like. Ugh, why does he always know when I blush?

“It’s okay to stare at your boyfriend you know.” he said as I felt his arms snake around my waist


I was cut when he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me to him, or if I may say, on top of him. His grip was so tight I couldn’t fight back.

“William!” I screech but all he did was hold me closer to him so our faces were so near already. I couldn’t help but look straight right back. I love his eyes. They are so amazing.

“I know you like this too” he teased

Here he comes again with his flirting. I roll my eyes then tried to get off of him but he held me tighter.

“Beckett, let go of me!” I yell out

He chuckled but all he did was changed our position so he was on top, giving him more power to hold me back. He pushed me on the bed and put both his arms on the pillow I was laying on, serving as another obstacle for me to get out from his grasp. He looked directly down at me with an evil grin on his face

“Try” he mocked as his head went nearer mine

I can’t speak. I was being dazzled again! I hate it when he does this! Then I got an idea on how I can turn the tables around.

His face was so near mine already and I didn’t try to break off anymore because I know that I can’t manage, with both his arms keeping me from moving an inch.

“You look incredibly cute when you are stunned” he cooed to my ear as I felt his lips touch my neck, to my collarbone.

Shit, I can’t breathe again. I think my heart stopped beating. Anyway, I have to turn it all around. I have to do this or else he’ll think that he can always control me and turn me on just like that.

I grabbed his face then pressed my lips on his. He gladly kissed back and as soon as I felt both his arms coil around my waist, I took it as a chance to finally break free. I pushed him on the bed so I was on top of him. I intentionally didn’t break the kiss as I did this so he’ll be preoccupied by kissing me to notice anything. He continued to wrap both his arms around my waist. I smiled in the kiss as I found this as a chance for me to free myself already. I held both his arms around my waist then gently uncoiled them from around my waist. After that, I quickly got up from on top of him then ran out the bed.

I laugh as I see him, lying on the bed, still stunned of what just happened.

“In my opinion, I did manage to break off” I said playfully

He turned his head to give me a confused look. Maybe he was sill piecing everything together.

I swear, boys lose their brains when you make out with them or turn them on in any way.
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HAHAH. I hope you understood what I just posted! :)) Will acted kinda cute there

