Why Would We Change a Thing?

I don’t mind the chase

“Wha— what was that?” he asked puzzled

“I don’t know. Figure it out yourself” I mocked

After a few minutes I saw that he finally understood what just happened and what I did. He glanced at me then gave me a fake glare.

“That was really smart” he commented

“Thank you!” I said bowing down

“But still not good enough”

As soon as I finished bowing, I saw him standing up from the bed and charging to me

“Shit” I mutter running for the door

“Oh, Cass, I will catch you and when I do, you can’t pull that trick on me anymore!” he yelled as he chased me around his place

“Fuuuck!” I squeal as he got nearer to me. He had long legs which made him run extremely fast.

I ran to the kitchen. It was too late before I realized that he had trapped me in there already.

“Oh, now, where are you going to run my lady?” he teased as I tried to get to the only exit which he blocked

“Fine! I surrender! Make it as painless as possible!” I fake pleaded him

“Aww, I’ll definitely not make it painful” he said walking to me.

He immediately grabbed my waist then pulled me closer to him.

“I just want one kiss. A real one this time” he said softly to me

“Anything for my man” I smiled up then swiftly kissed him on the lips. He willingly kissed back until we both ran out of breath again. We both pulled away and stared straight to each others’ eyes.

“Now you are free to go” he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist

“Whatever Beckett” I tell him as we both walk to the living room

“So, what brings you here?” he asked while we both sat on the couch

I seriously forgot the whole reason why I came here. I had to stop and think for a while. I mean, hello, after all the stuff that happened in a span of, like, thirty minutes, all the running and kissing, it is natural for me to forget. Thankfully, I remembered.

“Uh… Steph. She wasn’t in the apartment. I was going to… uh… ask you to help me hunt her down” I say finally remembering

“Oh, okay then. Just wait for me to get dressed ok” he responded putting a peck on my lips then stood up to get ready.

I patiently sat on the couch and looked around his place. In all honestly, his place was really neat compared to the other guys’. He is a clean person. I don’t hang out much here for he always is the one who crashes my apartment. He had quite a handful of guitars here and he always cleans them. They are carefully arranged in his room, away from all the chaos that sometimes happens in the living room just like him running after me around the place. All the running usually takes place outside his room. The guys also hang out in the living room more so that serves as a good reason why Will has to keep his guitars out of the living room.

“Hey there, sunshine. Daydreaming again huh?” I hear Will whisper to me which made me forget what I was just thinking a few seconds ago

“Hi tall man” I mock. I always try to tease him about his abnormal height.

“So, do you want me to help you or not?” he asked happily as he pulled me up from the couch, leading me out the place.
♠ ♠ ♠


OH YEAH, I have an Alex Gaskarth one shot again!

Manage me, I’m a mess