Why Would We Change a Thing?

I love you

Cass’s P.O.V

“So, it looks like we don’t have anyone to look for after all” Will said driving

“Yeahp” I said as I blew my hair away my face

“Cool down Cass. Don’t worry so much about Steph. I am sure she can take care of herself. She’s with Michael anyway. I am also sure he can take care of her as well” Will said as he drove

“Yeah, sure” I said after taking a deep breath

“So, seeing that you are sure that your best friend is fine and unharmed, can we go somewhere else? Just the two of us?” he asked excitedly

“Sure, William” I answer

“It’s sexy whenever you call me William or Beckett. I like it. You should call me that more” he smiled then glanced at me, maybe to look at my reaction

I roll my eyes at him.

“You are the most flirtatious guy I have ever met” I mutter, looking back to him

“I only become flirtatious when I am with you. Only you” he winked

I scoffed then turned on the radio. I immediately hear their song. Everything we had.

“It’s your song” I say, hearing the melody


Then I remember about what Sisky said when we were in the Woodie Awards. I only remembered asking him about that now.

“This song is really nice. What inspired this?” I ask casually

“Oh, uh… I dunno, it all just came to me” he said a little taken aback by my asking about the song. I never ask about what inspired him in writing each song of the band. In fact I only asked it because I was curious with how Sisky said it.

“Yeahp, Bill wrote that based on experience”

“Really?” I insisted

“Well…” he trailed off

“I am listening” I urged him

“Well, that song is actually about Nicole” he whispered the last word so I had to ask him to make sure if I heard it right

“Nicole?” I ask

“Ye—yeah, my ex”

“Oh” I said softly

“I wrote that song after the break up. We have been together for so long, ever since High School actually but not as long as you and that Matt guy. I mean, maybe we were just together for two and a half years.” He said with more confidence now

“Oh” I mouthed again, not really knowing what to say

He turned to me and seemed to be reading my face

“I was really heartbroken after the break up because she was the longest girlfriend I have ever had. I thought we were gonna end up with each other in the end. She was actually our last updater.” He said

“Really? Like the ones that the fans were…”

“The one the fans didn’t really like.” He finished the sentence for me.

“I never really noticed that bad thing about her. You know, she can be a very bad bitch at times. I guess I was just blinded by her. She acts good around me but as soon as I am out of her sight, she had these bad tantrums. The others tried to tell me about it, but I never listened. I didn’t know that she was two faced. It took me two years to figure out that we actually don’t have that much of similarities. She is quite spoiled. That’s when I decided to finally break up with her. I just can’t match her expectations of how I am supposed to be. She wanted me to get a real job, as what she called it. She didn’t and never understood my love for music.” he finished

“Oh” I said again

He smiled then held my hand using his free hand.

“Don’t worry about her, I got over her already. I just had to get it all out my system at that time, that’s why I ended up writing about it. You are the only one I see now” he said

“I know. I was just asking anyway” I said

“I love you” he said, and then he halted the car

My mouth fell open. He said he loved me. He loves me! He just said it moments ago! Or was I imagining it? No, but I vividly heard it! He said he loved me! Now I am just rambling inside my head.

“Hello? Cass?” he waved to me, because I am just staring at him now

“Wha-what did you just say?” I ask, trying to make sure I heard it right

“I said, I love you, Ms Grey” he said loudly so I could clearly hear it

My eyes widened even more. I heard it right. I always do.

“Why? Do you not lo—“

“I love you William Beckett!” I scream at him and hugged him tight
♠ ♠ ♠
aww, the three magic words have been dropped already! How cute is that? It was dropped in the car after talking about Will's ex. hahah.

