1 Girl. 2 Broken Hearts

Chapter 6: Unanswered Questions

---- Joe’s POV (With Nathan McDaniel Captain of the football team) ----

“Hey Nat?” I asked Nat and I had became good friends

“Yeah Joe… what’s up?”

“Umm what can you tell me about the captain of the cheer team?” I asked kicking a rock

“Ohh, dose Joey have a little crush on little Miss. Tori?” Nat asked in a baby voice

“NO… I-I mean I w-was just asking!” I said stuttering

“Chill man, I was just joking!” Nat said laughing “Don’t worry about it every guy on this campus has a thing for Tori or her friend Lauren.” Nat explained “Tori… well she’s something else, no one can really tell anyone about Tori… you have to learn about her yourself.” Nat answered

“Thanks man… well I gotta get going.” I said walking off with an unanswered question… who is Tori and why is she so interesting?

--- Kevin’s POV (With Tommy Parker captain of the baseball team) ---

“Hey Tom, can I ask you a question?” I asked

“Well you just did… buuttt I guess you can ask another one.” Tommy said in a humored tone

“HA HA… anyway! Can you tell me anything about the captain of the softball team Victoria?” I asked finding a sudden interest in my shoes

“OHH Kev’s got a crush!” Tom said laughing “Anyway… besides that she an awesome softball player and every guy on campus loves her… NOPE!” Tom answered

“WEELL YOUR NO HELP!” I said running my hand through my hair

“Sorry man, but I’ve got eyes on her friend Lauren.” Tommy said watching Lauren teaching a little girl how to bat

“Yeah, she does seem nice, well I’ve got to go.” I said walking off with an unanswered question… who is Tori and why is she so interesting?

---Nick’s POV (With Jennifer Blackford captain of the dance team) ---

“GIRLS IT”S TURN KICK AND THEN FILP!” Jennifer yelled again

“Sorry about that Nick!” Lauren said getting a towel to wipe her face “To answer your question about Tori, I really can’t… I mean she’s nice and kind but she doesn’t like a lot of attention on herself so I don’t know much about her… no one does besides Lauren.” Jennifer explained


“Don’t even try… if Lauren thinks you want to know anything about Tori she’ll just tell you to talk to Tori! Sorry Nick” Jennifer said sadly

“Its fine, thanks anyway Jen.” I told her reassuring “I have to go… I see you tonight at dinner” I said leaving the gym with an unanswered question… who is Tori and why is she so interesting?

--- Victoria’s POV ---

“TORI?” Lauren yelled running into out apartment

“Yeah Lauren?” I asked

“Did you know ALL THREE of the Jonas Brothers have been asking about you?” Lauren told me jumping up and down

“No…. how do you know?” I asked not buying it

“Well Joe was asking Nat, Kevin was asking Tom and Nick was asking Jennifer!” Lauren said after she quit jumping “I’ve got to go take a shower” Lauren said running to the bathroom

“Well this shall be VERY interesting!” I said flopping on to the couch with an unanswered question… why I so interesting to the Jonas Brothers?
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This chapter was by tori. I will try to update before christmas. Thanks