Finding You


Chapter 11

I woke up after a dreamless sleep; well actually I woke up from my 4 hour unconsciousness. As I lifted my body from the floor pain shot down my spine and arm, the result of my brother’s anger. Linda my adopted mum had watched from the door as he beat me, a smile playing on her thin lips as she heard my pleas for him to stop, but they were left unheard as he kicked my now aching side. He had already arrived by the time I had got home, and had happily punished me for insulting his girlfriend which I stupidly pointed out Ari was not, this however had made him madder and caused him to punch me in the stomach. The worst of the punishment however had been when, at 11 O’ Clock, after leaving me locked in my room he had returned, angered after finding out from Ari how I’d stole the new boy from her. I’d been so tired that I had not realised until it was too late and let ‘Well doesn’t that show what a cheating bitch she is then’ out of my lips, leaving him to knock me out cold and leave me on my blood covered floor.

Pulling myself up once more, more successfully this time though, I began to hobble to the door, sighing in relief to find it unlocked. Blood red water ran down my body as I showered, creating a stream of red down the drain, each drop of water stinging as it hit my bruised body. I stood letting the water run down my body clearing off the blood and showing the result of my beating. My left side was a dark purple from just below my elbow to my hip, while my back was covered in small cuts and bruises all over from the items I was shoved against and had thrown at me. My stomach however was cut the most from the multiple kicks that he had placed there, with the punch to my head being the one that had finally ended the pain by knocking me unconscious.

Piling some food from the fridge into my bag I set off towards the park, wearing my blue skinnies and green short sleeved top, with a hoody obviously so that my bruises were hidden. It was still dark, the suns light only playing dimly on the horizon teasing those waiting eagerly for the new day. Dew was settled all over the grass, but I was in no state to care about getting wet, so simply sat on the long grass, earning a wet bum in the process. My watch luckily had an alarm, so I set it for 7:00am so that I would not be late for school whilst still being able to rest my injured body. As I curled up on the grass, using my bag as a pillow, I wondered why I had put up with this for so long, because although this was by far the worst beating I had been given, it still was not the first; maybe I should have told someone?
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Hey guys i might not post for a while cause i tend to spend more time on and feel free to check for more on there though.
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