
chapter 2

"Sophie! Oh Sophie! Sophie my dear!"

My grandmothers voice woke me up from my deep sleep. "What?" My voice was sleepy.

When I opened my eyes I saw my grandmother standing right beside me, grinning hugely.

"You start your first day of work today," She squealed. "How can you even sleep at a time like this? I'm more excited than you are."

That was most definitely true. Kathleen was practically bouncing off the walls. It was insane.

I sat up in my bed and said, "I am excited, really. I just prefer not to...not to show it as much as you do."

"Ha!" My grandmother said. "You are such a terrible liar, just like your mother."

Kathleen walked to my curtains and pulled them open, letting in rays of sun that were halfway blinding. "Now, I want you to get dressed and come downstairs as soon as you can. I know you're tired and it's only ten o'clock and you want to sleep in. But you agreed to work at my store for me Soph, so get ready and we'll head out."

"What about breakfast?"

"For today you'll just have to grab a poptart, okay?" she asked and then left without letting me answer.

What have I gotten myself into,[/i} I thought. At first I was excited for this but if I don't get to sleep in at all, this is going to suck. Quickly and to avoid my grandmother coming up again, I pulled on a pair of denim capris and a purple v-neck. My black converse completed the look. After I was dressed I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs.

My grandma smiled at me when she saw me. "Great. Grab a poptart and let's head out."

I skipped out on the poptart--I could just eat a bigger lunch--and followed my grandma outside. We weren't going to take the car because she lived about two blocks away from Sophie's Sweets. Walking it was. On the way there she talked nonstop.

"So are you excited to see Connor?" was the first thing she asked.

"Well, if he's cute then-"

"Oh he's cute, trust me. I'm pretty sure you're going to like him a lot. Well not like like, well maybe like like, but you'll for sure like him as a friend. He's really cute and really nice, and just overall a great human being. He's very unique, but in a good way." Breath. "And of course he'll like you too. I mean how couldn't he? You're a beautiful, mature, young lady that is very intelligent. I'm not worried one bit about you two getting along or not."

We approached Sophie's Sweets and walked in.

"But if you aren't getting along just tell me right away and I--"

"Kathleen!" I cut in. "Calm down, okay? I'll be fine."

She laughed. "Right, right, sorry about that dear. Anyway, Connor should be here so I'll introduce you two right away."

I nodded and said, "Okay, sounds good to me."

"Connor!" My grandma called.

"Yes?" a male voice called out from in back. Of course it was Connor's.

"Could you come out here?"

We waited for a response but there wasn't one. Then, a boy with blond/brown curly hair walked out and smiled at us.

"Yes Kathleen?"

I just about died. He was gorgeous.
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Okay, sorry I haven't updated in like aioangfpidfd forever. I've been like, not inspired for this story. So here is chapter 2. :) thoughts?