Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



Skyler had indeed said that he’d try. So that meant yes… he would give me a kiss for every question that was correct. Therefore, I must get every single one of these right!

I stared down at the evil paper. The questions were laughing at me, taunting me. Oh they were in for it now…before I had no reason to get these right other then to save my life. Now though I get a kiss from Skyler for every question I get right…oh yeah they’re going down!

So I clutched onto my pencil and went straight to answering the five question pop quiz Miss. Messer had given me that very Friday.

It took me longer then everyone else but finally I finished. Miss. Messer took from me and I stared up at her with my best puppy dog eyes before asking, “Can you grade mine now?”

Miss. Messer smiles before answering, “Sure. Why do you think you got a good grade?”

I quickly nodded before watching her collect everyone else’s. She walked straight to her desk and found mine and graded it. I was chewing on my bottom lip praying that I got at least two right. Hopefully all of them!

My eyes light up when Miss. Messer handed it back to me. A big +4 was circled at the top and I was ecstatic.

The afternoon I didn’t bother going to my locker. Instead I went straight to the library where I waited for my tutor to arrive. I stared down at the science paper. I couldn’t believe I got four out of five! Normally I got none right…seriously every pop up quiz I’d flunk.

I smiled when Skyler finally entered the library. He raised an eyebrow at me, probably curious about the huge smirk playing my lips.

I kept myself from jumping on him as he slowly made his way over. He opened his mouth to speak but I held up my science quiz and pointed to the large 4 on the top of the page. Skyler’s eyes got wide as I ask, “So…I get my four kisses now?”

The boys’ cheeks flushed and I had to say pink suited Skyler well.

“I um…well…I g-guess,” Skyler stutters as he continues to stare at the paper.

I grin like a maniac. Of course I know the boy is scared of germs so to make the kiss…somewhat less frightening on him I leaned down and quickly pecked his lips. Soft and warm, just like I remembered. There was something about the kiss…I’m not sure what it was but it caused something in my stomach to spark.

Skyler’s cheeks brightened in color as I went in for a second, third, and a fourth. I wanted one more though…

“Can I get one more for effort?”

Skyler’s science book made contact with my head.

“Ow!” I shout and rub the forming bruise. “Asshole that wasn’t very nice.”

Skyler ignored me as he stuttered, “J-just shut up and w-work!”

He was nervous and probably freaking out…my assumption was proved correct as Skyler started rubbing his lips with his sleeve. The boy grimaced before excusing himself. I rolled my eyes…

What the hell did he think I made out with pigs or something? I am more then positive that my mouth is germ free or at least close to it…

Skyler came back from the restroom and took a seat across from me. He opened his book before beginning to read and explain the next chapter to me. I puckered my lips as I tried to take all this in…really what was so important about science? When am I ever going to use this…this crap!

“What’s the point in science?” I ask cutting Skyler off mid-sentence.

“Didn’t you ask that before?”

“No really…when am I ever going to use this?”

Skyler shrugs before answering, “Maybe you’ll become a scientist.”

Not even two seconds later we as in, Skyler and I, burst out into hysterical laughter. Me, become a scientist? Yeah, that’s hilarious.

“Ok maybe not,” Skyler mumbles. “I don’t know.”

After that Skyler went back to tutoring. I decided I wanted to go back to his house. Why, because his mom makes some really good food and it’s amazing to see how clean his house is.

I tip toed into the living room afraid that my socks might some how leave a stain on the perfect carpet. Skyler stared at me like I was psychotic as I speak, “I feel out of place. Everything is so…clean.”

I grimaced at the last word. Clean is a cuss word to me. My room is definitely not clean, I can’t think of a time when it ever was. It’s just strange to me that Skyler can stand the…cleanness. I actually twitched when I realized there was no dust or a speck of dirt on the windows.

Skyler sat on his couch and I sprawled out on the floor. I took notes and listen as Skyler tried to teach me the best he could. I honestly don’t care about science. The only reason I’m trying this hard to learn it is so the tests I get I can pass resulting in more then one kiss from Skyler.

Don’t ask why it’s so important to me, because I honestly don’t know. Like I said earlier the kiss just causes a spark to go off in my stomach. Being the idiot that I am, I don’t understand what it is or why it’s there.

All I know is that I need Skyler because he supplies that feeling.
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Twoony thanks everyone for commenting. Now everyone needs to comment again and give opinions on the chapter please and thank you? :D