Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



I blinked a few times to make sure this wasn’t a dream. I pinched my arm about three times to make sure that I hadn’t died and went to heaven.

Did Skyler just…did he just allow tongue-to-tongue contact? Why yes, yes he did. He didn’t even jump up to run to the bathroom. I could tell that he wanted to though. The way he was looking around the room nervously and chewing on his bottom lip.

“Stop freaking out so much,” I snap causing Skyler to look at me again. “It’s not like I go lick some whores pussy.”

Skyler actually laughed. I forced back the smile I was dieing to show. Skyler shook his head before telling me that we should get back to work. As he sat on the couch and read the rest of the text I sat on the floor and tried to concentrate on the words coming out of his mouth instead of his lips.

It was more challenging then I thought. I actually had to slap myself a few times to keep the dirty images from my head. Skyler seemed to find it amusing and slightly freaky that I was harming myself.

At the end of the night I left to go home. I was a bit confused about…Skyler really. The kid really messed around with my head. I mean every time I kissed him he’d kiss back. It seemed like he was enjoying the kisses as much as I did, but as soon as we pulled away he’d run off to the bathroom to clean up. So…did he enjoy me kissing him or not?

I pouted. I didn’t like now knowing the answer. I wanted to know if Skyler was comfortable with it. Well of course he isn’t! The kid is freaked out about germs but…seriously germs are everywhere it’s impossible to avoid them.

Not only that but why did I want more? I mean it was just Skyler. Why did he make me work up so much? A guy shouldn’t turn me on. They just shouldn’t…

I let out a long sigh as I storm to my room. My sister yelled at me for being so noisy. I threw a picture at her to make the girl shut up. She squealed before continuing her conversation on the phone.

“Stupid Sky,” I growl with my head buried in a pillow.

My pencil shook between my fingers as I stared down at the paper. It was Monday of the next week. I hated Monday’s because my brain never worked properly. So Miss. Messer just had to give us a five question pop quiz.

I read the first question and no answer came to mind. I read the second, again I got nothing and it went on all the way to the fifth answer. The world stopped spinning and all the light disappeared.

My eyes darted around the room in hopes that I’d magically gain super vision and be able to read the answers, but sadly that didn’t happen either.

I tapped my pencil on the desk. Just think…if I get all these right Skyler will give me five kisses! Five…five of them…maybe even more because well he gave me an extra special one last week! So maybe he would this time too?

Suddenly the world began to spin again. The world was brighter then ever and my smile was so large I thought my face would break. So grinning like a maniac I read over the answers and tried to remember…I just thought of Skyler and not even two seconds later I was writing down the answers.

Whoa, when did I get so smart?

“Good job Averi.”

“Wicked!” I shout as Miss. Messer hands me the paper. At the top was +5…I jumped from my seat and danced around the room. “Five!”

Everyone thought I was celebrating because I got five right on the test. No I was celebrating because I was going to get five kisses tonight. Of course no one had to know about my obsession over Skyler’s kisses because…if they did I’d be thrown off the basketball and football team.

“What are you so excited about?” Skyler asks as I catch up to him. I wasn’t going to tell him about the test until we got to his house so I simply shrugged.

Skyler and I reached his house. When I entered I said hello to his mother and went straight to the living room. There, Skyler sat down just like he normally did and I took a seat next to him as I dug around in my backpack. Skyler raised an eyebrow as I pulled out my quiz and placed it in his lap.

“O-Oh, g-good job,” Skyler stutters as he stares down at the quiz.

“You know what that means,” I say happily.

Skyler looked nervous but nodded. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. There it was again, that strange spark in my stomach that I never understood. This is where I got confused. Skyler would always kiss back and he allowed me to trace over his bottom lip.

The boy shivered before parting his lips. I melted into the kiss, I traced over the sides of his cheeks, the roof of his mouth, the tip of his tongue. I didn’t want to pull away but humans were built to breathe oxygen and they can’t breathe when sucking face.

So I pulled away for air. Skyler was blushing and I leaned in to kiss him again but he shook his head.

“What the hell? I get four more.”

Skyler shakes his head no. “N-No that’s enough.”

“But we made the deal. I get one kiss for every correct question. Therefore I get four more.”

“No!” Skyler shouts and I leaned back to stare at him. Skyler shot me a glare. “Why the hell do you want to kiss me anyways? What am I some type of joke, a game maybe! After this year you’ll just go back to being a prick. You’ll just pick on Julian and I!”

“No I won’t!” I cut him off mid-sentence. “I like you Sky!”

“Yes you-…wait w-what?” Skyler was wide-eyed, so was I. Did I seriously just let that slip…oh shit.

“I m-mean like a friend! I li-l-like you like a friend…haha…not like that. I don’t actually like you…haha of course not, because I c-can’t and tha-t-that’d just be weird!” Stop stuttering Averi you aren’t even convincing yourself! “I um…well s-sorry to ge-g-get you all mad and stuff I’m just…going t-to go! Bye now!”

And I ran out the door as fast as my legs could take me. I couldn’t believe I actually let that slip…I’ve kept that secret hidden since middle school, ever since I first saw him. So why? Why did I have to let it slip now?
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...Twoony wants love....

Haha so how was it my friends?

I love you all for commenting hug yourselves and pretend its me doing it xD