Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



See, this is where I get confused. He says he hates me, he tries to push me away, he complains about it, but then he allows me to do this. He lets me kiss him the way I want to. He kisses back.

This is no time for thinking though. If Sky was going to let me kiss him then I’m going to let myself drown in the bliss.

As usual I won the battle for dominance. Skyler let my tongue trace over his mouth that I have come to know quit well. Hey, this wasn’t the first time we made out! And hopefully it won’t be the last.

When I pulled away Skyler looked confused. I knew I was. So instead of staying here and allowing the silence to slowly kill us both I grabbed my things. Skyler was still standing in the same spot, his hands lying against his sides.

I sigh before saying; “I’ll talk to you later.”

Skyler didn’t say anything as I turned and walked out the door.

The thoughts in my head were moving like a train on speed. Nothing made sense. I couldn’t get any answers to any of the questions. So did Skyler really hate me? If he did then he would of screamed rape or something back there right?

I growled in annoyance, this was really pissing me off. Why did Skyler have to be such a bitch? What the hell is his problem anyways…oh wait a second his phobia. Well screw that! There are germs everywhere, even on him so he should get over it.

Yeah, thinking that will help a lot Averi. Mhm.

When I got home I ignored my mother. She was talking to me about something, but to be honest I didn’t care. All I wanted was to take a steaming hot shower and then go to sleep. Sleep is the only time where I’m not thinking about Skyler…

I got two hours of sleep…and when I woke up I nearly killed someone. I went to sleep so I wouldn’t think about Skyler, but during those two hours guess what happened?

I glare down at my wet boxers. Stupid…stupid…stupid…bitch!

I stomped into the bathroom and took a shower. I ate my breakfast and my family avoided me. A very dark menacing aura was around me and I had to admit, with my milk mustache, bed head, and aura I looked slightly insane.

“Um…A-Averi,” my sister stutters. “Are you all right?”

“Fine, dandy, peachy!”

At school everyone avoided me, except Cancer. He walked up to me and asked, “What crawled up your ass and died?”

I twitched and thought of Skyler but there were two problems. He wasn’t up my ass and he wasn’t dead. He was standing right down the hall with Julian. Both of them were staring at me wide-eyed.

I shot them a glare and I think they both pissed themselves before running off to class. Cancer laughed, “That wasn’t very nice.”

“Not…in…the mood,” I growl, because I really wasn’t. Skyler was driving me insane. One moment he’s yelling at me the other he’s letting me make out with him against a goddamn wall.

Somebody shoot me I think I lost the last amount of sanity I have left!

I decided the best way to take my anger out was by beating some people up. So I found some nerds and shoved them in their lockers. I found some more nerds in gym class and made sure to kick the kick ball at them right where it hurts.

I think I caused have of them to bust a nut.

My day was horrible. I was tired, confused, and pissed off at myself. Right now I was crabbier then a girl on her period and that’s pretty bad.

Lunch came around and I was still pissed. Cancer decided to take pity on me and went to get my lunch for me while I sat at our table. No I wasn’t pouting or sulking! I was simply…sitting there with a very puppy dog looking face.

I pulled my hood up to cover my face as I laid my head on the terrible. There weren’t many people in the cafeteria, but the two I noticed were whispering in the corner. I watched as Skyler whispered something to Julian.

Julian raised an eyebrow and whispered something back. They were too far away for me to hear, but I did hear what Julian had to say after Skyler answered whatever Julian asked.

“What?” Julian shrieked. “You can’t like Averi!”

Skyler’s eyes got wide as he slapped his hand over Julian’s mouth. It was too late though…I had already heard.

Skyler…liked me?

Suddenly, my day wasn’t all that bad.
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Hehe...grouchy Averi. =D