Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



I can't believe him. How could Averi be such a twit? I know Taye and I are close, but I would never do anything like that with him. I really like Averi, but if he isn't going to like my best friend, my brother, then it's going to be over. Whether he likes it or not, Tayden is here. I want to spend as much time as I can with him: After all, I'm not sure how long he'll be staying.

"How are you feeling?" Taye asked; It was more of a humming noise rather than a murmur.

I sighed, trying not to breath in too deep: It hurt a lot. I bit my lip, "I don't feel very good..."

"Don't go to school tomorrow. You have the OK from the doctors. You just got out of the hospital. I'm pretty sure that one extra day at home won't kill you." Taye was right. "And besides, I can tell that lover of yours doesn't like me very much. I don't even know what I did."

"He doesn't like a lot of people that I'm close to."

Taye laughed, "Jealous boyfriend: Watch out."

"It's starting to annoy me. It's like he doesn't even trust me."
He needs to work on that.

"That's no good." Taye sat down next to me. He yawned, "I'm tired."

I groaned, "I want pain killers."

"I would gladly find you some, but I'm too tired to move." Taye laughed, laying his head in my lap.

I didn't mind. It's not incest: We're just best friends. I was getting tired, but my whole body ached. How I was going to sleep tonight, only God knows. I slowly ran my hands through Taye's hair.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Taye asked, looking up at me. "You're thinking way too much about something."

He's probably right. I always over-think about everything.

"I'm fine. I'm just in a lot of pain. My whole body aches: Especially my head."

Tayden sat up, "Am I hurting you? I'm not really too tired to get you pain killers, I can. I mean, if you want. I don't want you to be hurting."

"Ask my mom for me?"

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted him to ask for: Most likely the pain killers. But I realized that telling him to talk to my mother made it seem like I was in dire need for him to go away and get some pain killers for all the pain I'm in. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle alone, but it bothered me a lot.

"Of course."

I watched him leave, and I slowly found the energy to curl up into a ball on the couch. I rested my head on the arm, and I stared at the television. It was off, so I was mostly just staring at the reflection of the room in the TV.

I could feel my temperature rising. I wasn't sure if I had a fever, or if the room was just getting warmer. Either way, it was making me uncomfortable.

"Sky, your mom says you can't have any until the morning. It's too late, anyhow." Taye yawned again. "It's almost eleven thirty."

He curled up next to me, "I really missed you, Sky. Five years is definitely too long. And I hate how dad wouldn't let me come, until I told him you were in a car accident. It's like he doesn't trust your mom, or something."

"He probably doesn't. She cheated on him."

Taye laughed, "Our family is screwed. Dad cheated on both our moms, and your mom cheated on dad. What's next?"

"Averi thinks we're incest, Taye." I sighed, "He thinks we're madly in love: You and me."

Tayden laughed, "If your mom makes you go to school tomorrow, I want to go with you."

"You're not allowed. You aren't registered."

"They don't know that." Taye shushed me, "Besides, if Averi wants incest. We can give him incest. I just don't want to do anything weird: Like kissing you. We can hold hands, and I could touch your thigh or something. But I'm not kissing you."

"I don't want to prove him on his theory. Can we just try to make our family as ordinary as possible?"

Tayden sighed, "Fine, but only because I love you."

"I love you, too. You're my best friend, Taye."

"Mine, too." He laid his head down on my shoulder, and I closed my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I'm going to try to keep up with the updates, but I need you to hear the horrible truth: My computer is broken.
It needs a video card. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, especially to Twoony.
I really wish this didn't happen, but it did.
I guess it's my own way of finding out that I have to grow up and think more about colleges.
I'm sorry, so sorry, and I really hope I can find time to sneak back onto this laptop again later to write my part of this story to replace this useless notice.

I love you guys.
Thanks for the comments.