Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



When I went to school there was no Skyler. That probably meant he didn’t feel well, which meant he didn’t need me around to annoy the hell out of him. As tempting as it is to go over and make his day miserable, because that’s what I’m good at, I decided not to bother.

Instead I agreed to go to a party tonight with Cancer. I haven’t gone out in a while, mainly because I just wanted to stay with Skyler. It’s weird how at first I didn’t want anything to do with him and now I just want to stay by his side.

It was the end of the day. I was sitting at home waiting for Cancer to come get me. I didn’t really try to get ready, because I didn’t want anyone to try and jump me. I was dating someone after all, although no one knows that.

Hmm…maybe I shouldn’t have put on cologne. I want to repel the girls…aw well too late now.

Just as I thought that my mother yelled up the steps telling me that Cancer had arrived. We were taking Claire with us because apparently the party she was talking about with dad before was this very one. Since I was going father decided to let her come along.

Claire and I jumped into Cancer’s car, which reeked of cigarettes. I smirked and took one of his before lighting it. Claire could be seen grimacing through the rear view mirror. She actually wasn’t the type of girl who liked smoking.Shocker.

It didn’t take us long to get there. It didn’t take long for the party to get out of control. Drunken teenagers stumbled around the house laughing. Girls went upstairs with their boyfriends to do something they’d probably regret later.

Kids got high and blasted the music too loud. Objects in the house were broken and thrown like a toy. Teens danced inappropriately on the dance floor with their friends, boy/girlfriends, etc.

I smiled and began to wonder how the hell I ever lasted so long without this. I loved the party, the beer, and the nightlife. It was always fun and crazy, which is what I like.

Everything was a blast. It was all fun and games. I was standing in a corner with Cancer and the guys when a random girl ran up to me. What she asked had me choking on air.

“Are you really dating Skyler?”

Everyone around me burst out laughing. Of course they would. None of them knew about Skyler and I. They all thought that it was impossible for me, the Averi Scott, to be gay.

Cancer was silent. He wasn’t laughing like the others, which worried me. Cancer is after all a close friend who reads to me to well. So for my own safety I looked away from the group to the brunette beside me.

“No and who the hell told you that?” I ask, although my voice was shaking a little.

Who else knew about Skyler and I and why would they tell?

“Julian has been telling everyone,” she answers. “And well it makes sense. He has been tutoring for a while now and you haven’t been mean to him at all. So I was curious, are you guys really?”

Julian…he knew?

Everyone seemed to be catching on too, because they all went silent. It was as if they were all waiting for a reaction from me. One that would prove that what the girl was saying was a lie.

What was I supposed to do though? Laugh it off and call her stupid, just admit to it since it is the truth…

“Julian’s a fucking idiot and d-doesn’t know shit. Why would y-you listen to him?” My voice was shaking. It was cracking up, I was stuttering. I was pretty much giving myself away…

It’s not like I meant to. I was nervous, frightened that the secret might get out. What if everyone believed what Julian said? Not only would I be in trouble, but Skyler would be too. I don’t care if I get the shit beat out of me but if someone hurts Skyler I’ll be pissed.

The guys’ eyes got wide. They all stared at me strangely. They believed her and what Julian was saying. That pretty much screamed, ‘I’m screwed!’

“It doesn’t sound like he’s an idiot to me,” the girl says before walking away probably to spread the word that I was dating Skyler.

I turned my head to watch everyone around me. I tried to force a smile and act casual. That’s what I’m supposed to do right? Try to act casual, try to keep it a secret. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Probably had too many beers.”

Cancer was glaring at me. I could feel it burning into my skin. I tried to avoid eye contact with him. He’d be able to read me easily.

“Are you really…gay?” Cancer spat the question out like dirt.

“No,” I answer but Cancer knew me too well. He knew when I was lying and when I was telling the truth. He could tell even before I answered that what the girl was saying was true.

And just like that I lost my best friend. Cancer was pissed, and I knew he was as soon as his fist made contact with my jaw. A few people around us had stopped to look and watch as I stumble backwards while clutching my soon to be bruised jaw.

“What the hell?” I shout before throwing my ‘former best friend’ a glare. “You’ll believe some piece of shit over me!”

Cancer didn’t answer as he shouted, “Get the fuck out faggot! Get out!”

I glared before turning around to see a very pleased Julian. He had a grin spread from ear to ear…I shook my head and ignored him, making a note to kill him later, before running out of the house.

We were screwed we were completely screwed. By tomorrow the entire school would know the truth. There’d be no way to prove them wrong because two words against the entire school. It’s impossible.

It was late I knew that. I knew he’d be pissed for coming to his house at midnight, but I had to. I sighed in relief when I saw the living room light on in Skyler’s home. Quickly I jogged up the steps and knocked on the door.

I could hear Tayden and Skyler talking before the door opened to show Tayden. I didn’t bother saying hey or asking to come in I just walked right in and got in front of Skyler. He opened my mouth, probably to yell at me for coming over so late, but what I had to say next shut him up.

“Your little friend Julian just told the entire fucking school we’re dating Sky.”

Yeah, he shut his mouth real fast. His eyes got wide as he asked, “You told them it was a lie right?”

“Of course I did! You honestly think I wouldn’t? It just so happens that everyone believes it. We’re screwed Sky…everybody knows.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Give us 10 more? o.o
I never had 100 before!


P.S. any loyal readers out there please help me!
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