Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



Everyone that saw the snowball hit the back of my head laughed, when they saw me dance around trying to get all the snow out of my hair. I ran to the closest bathroom and pressed my head under the sink. The water poured into my hair, and I ran my hand though it, making sure nothing was left. I pulled my head out of the awkward position, and I tried to dry it as best as I could: I used the hand-dryer.

If I said I was upset, I’d be lying. I was angry and embarrassed. I had danced around in front of the whole school and just washed my hair in a bathroom sink. No one even volunteered to help, they just laughed and watched. I probably wouldn’t have let anyone help, but it would have been nice to hear that someone cared.

I walked slowly to my next class, already getting stares and points. I heard the hushed murmurs that were being spread. ’See that kid? He thinks a little snow can hurt him,’ or ’He can’t stand germs. How can he even come to school?’

All of the conversations were against me.

“Do you think I’m through with you?” The voice was only recognized as Averi: The one person I truly dreaded to be around.

I shook my head, “No.”

“Good because I don’t plan on leaving you alone.” It wasn’t said. It sounded more like a growl, a threat.

Averi didn’t say any more, but instead he walked into the classroom. I slowly followed behind, my feet dragging against the floor. I almost tripped walking into the room: my shoe had caught on the small step, causing me to almost fall.

Averi was the first to laugh. The rest of the class joined in, making the blood rise in my cheeks. I dropped my head, and I rushed to my seat. My embarrassment had flooded the room, making everyone laugh.

I couldn’t help, but hyperventilate.

Lunch came slowly, and I was the last one out of the classroom. It wasn’t because I didn’t get up and head towards the door: it was because I didn’t want to be touched by anyone. The extra layer of clothing could easily reveal skin, if I wasn’t careful.

I made it to the lunchroom slowly. Julian had rushed over to me.
“Where’d you go this morning? I saw you run into the school.”

I sighed, “Averi threw a muddy snowball at me. I had to clean up a bit.”

Julian and I have been friends since eighth grade. He treats me like a brother, and I’m glad he doesn’t tease me like the others. He is really nice to me, even with my ‘condition.’

“What an ass. He needs to leave you alone.”

We walked together to an empty table, and we sat down next to each other. His leg softly brushed mine, causing me to move uncomfortably away from him. He apologized and opened his bag lunch.

“Want to share my sandwich?” He asked, grinning, “It’s ham and cheese.”

I couldn’t help but not smile when I’m around Julian. His grin is contagious.
“Thank you, but no thanks. I’m not really that hungry.”

If my mother knew that I haven’t eaten lunch in school since sixth grade, she’d ground me for life. I can’t just consume in a lunchroom that is filled with more germs than my great-uncle’s foot fungus.

“You should at least eat something. You’re really skinny.”

I pushed the bag lunch towards him, replying with another ‘No, thanks.’

“I’m not that skinny,” I added, “You’re skinnier than me.”

I didn’t think it was very funny, but it must have been. The water that Julian had been drinking, escaped through his nose as he choked with laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'd like to really thank those that commented:
randi084 --first comment
CLAP!CLAP! --her icon is amazing <3
Doll Face Disaster
Past Times

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