Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



I lay in my bed cuddled up under the covers as I thought about Skyler. He seemed so exhausted and sad when I went to see him. I was glad that I helped him fall asleep. I liked helping him out.

I’m glad that Tayden reassured me about the two of them. I guess he isn’t…that bad.

My eyes felt heavy but I just couldn’t go to sleep. Maybe it was paranoia…

To be honest I’m frightened that any minute now my father will come crashing into my room yelling at me for visiting Skyler. I don’t know why I’m thinking that, but I am. When Claire and I returned he didn’t seem suspicious at all. He didn’t ask any questions, but sometimes he plays dumb.

Taking in a deep breath I turn so I’m facing the door. I watch as the light leaks through the bottom of the door. Slowly but surely my eyes close and this routine went on for the following days until Thursday came along.

I groaned as I slammed my hand over the alarm clock. Finally the annoying beeping stopped and I smiled until my father screamed at me to get up. He’s definitely becoming more of an ass. I guess it’s because his son is now gay…I don’t see how that really changes anything but alright-e then!

School was complete hell, as usual. Cancer got into yet another fight with me. I now look like a Mac-truck hit me. Sighing I look into the mirror of the boys bathroom and stare at the new bruises I was sporting.

I’m actually starting to get used to being covered in these things. They’re starting to hurt less and less. Soon I’m going to be immune!

I chuckled at the thought.

“Ready to go?” Claire asks at the end of the day.

I nod before asking, “Mall excuse again?”

“Nah, I’m telling him that we’re heading to a party. Of course I’ll actually be at the mall and I’ll come get you whenever you call.”


“You look like-“

“I was run over by a Mac-truck yeah, yeah I know. Lets just…go ok?”

Claire nods before we both step into my car. She drove me to Skyler’s house where I hopped out of the car and ran up to the door. I would have knocked but Skyler swung the door open and I smiled at him.


Skyler looked at me shocked. He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn’t want him to ask what happened. He doesn’t need to worry about it so I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. Saying that it felt great would be an understatement. I think Skyler should put up a kissing booth…he’d make a lot of money, but then again I’d have to kill everyone who kissed him…hmm…

I pulled away before asking, “Can I come in or are you going to force me to stay outside?”

Skyler rolls his eyes before moving so I can walk in. I flinched when he asked, “What happened?”

“I got ran over by a Mac-truck,” I answer sarcastically before looking back at him. His brows were furrowed he was mad at me again, but a bitchy Skyler is an amazing Skyler.

At least I thought that I’d get a bitchy Skyler from being sarcastic with him, but I didn’t. Instead Skyler’s shoulders slumped and he let out a defeated sigh. I raised an eyebrow before walking over to him and placing my arms around his waist to pull him into my chest.

“Is something wrong?” I ask concerned.

Skyler was silent for a moment, actually a few moments, before answering, “I’m going to leave with Tayden tomorrow.”


“I’m going to go stay with my dad.”

“W-What? Why? For how long?” I didn’t mean to start shouting, but it just kind of slipped. I watched Skyler stare at the ground.

“A few weeks,” Skyler answers and he tries to pull away from me, but I wouldn’t let him. I tightened my hold around him and pulled him closer to me. “You can call, if you’re allowed.”

Sighing I allow Skyler to drag me into the living room. I take a seat on the couch before pulling him into my lap and grumbling into his shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I didn’t know how you’d react.”

“Well…I’m not happy about it, but I guess you need to get away for a little while.” I was trying not to scream my lungs out at him. He should have told me sooner. Not only that but he’d be with Tayden…I said he wasn’t that bad, but it doesn’t mean I like him.

Skyler sighs before shaking his head at me. Either he can read me pretty well or he was annoyed with the scowl on my face. It wasn’t a pout, I don’t pout it was a scowl.

“Stop pouting.”

“It’s a scowl!” I shout and the smirk on his face made me angrier. “I don’t pout.”

“Yes you do.”

“Nuh uh.”

Skyler rolls his eyes at me before saying, “You’re too childish for your own good.”

“Ah, you like it.”

That shut him up real fast. It was silent between us after that. I held onto him and breathed in his scent and he rested his head in my chest. I glanced at the clock to see that it was only four o’clock.

“Lets go on a date.”

“What?” Skyler asks a bit shocked, as he looks up at me wide-eyed.

“Well everyone knows about us now and you’ll be leaving…at least let me have one date before you leave me for a few weeks.”

Skyler looked like a fish out of water with his mouth opening and closing like that. I watched as his eyes glanced around the room as if he was looking for the answer. I smile before pinching his side. He hisses at me because of it.

“Come on please,” I beg and try giving him a shit-eating grin. “We can just walk if you want or hang out at the park, just one date.”

Skyler nibbled on his bottom lip for a moment. I watched as he contemplates on the idea before answering, “Fine, I guess we could go to the park or something…”


I let go of Skyler so he could go put on his clothes. When he came back down almost none of his skin was showing. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door after he shouted to Tayden and his mom that he and I were leaving for a little bit.

As we walked down the streets I noticed a few nerds that I wanted to push around, but sadly Skyler wouldn’t let me. I scowled, didn’t pout, scowled. We just talked, not about anything important really, we just talked about anything and everything.

When we got to the park I sat on a swing. Skyler wouldn’t because of the “germs”. I rolled my eyes at him and kicked my feet as I began to get air. Skyler panicked a little when I jumped off the swing and landed the wrong way. Of course after I laughed my ass off he realized I was just fine.

“You will be back in a few weeks right?”

Skyler looks over at me from his seat on the bench. I was currently lying on the ground. Some of the snow was melting, causing my clothes to get wet.

“Yeah, why?”

“Just making sure you aren’t leaving me for good,” I answer with a smile.

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Good, because if you did I’d be forced to track you down and beat the shit out of you.”

Skyler rolls his eyes at me, again. I lost count of how many times he did that to me today. I give him a goofy grin before getting up and taking a seat next to him on the bench. I noticed he was sporting a soft smile when I put my arm around his waist.

“When you get back we can go on a real date,” I say with grin. “Like to the movies or out to eat or something that isn’t just freezing our asses off in a park.”

Skyler nods before saying, “That’d be ok…I guess.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just thought it'd be nice to have them go on a little date
We gotta keep the love in there somehow right!