Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



It was time now, where I absolutely couldn't wait for Averi to call. I loved how he said things just to see how I would react: Even if I over-reacted most of the time. As I lay on the couch, Tayden decided to take the phone and call Alex.

I groaned, knowing that they'll be on the phone for at least an hour.

"Haha, well, yeah," Taye laughed, "Seriously? She said no? HAHA!"

Tayden covered the phone, and he leaned to me, "Riley turned Alex down, when he asked her for sex."

"Bitch," I laughed, "Did you see them yesterday? It looked like she was going to rip off all his clothes."

Taye got back on the phone, "Sorry, I was telling Sky."

I sighed and turned the television on. I was soon intune with surfing the channels, that I didn't hear Tayden agreeing with Alex and handing me the phone. Taye had to tap my shoulder and shove the phone in my hands.


"Wow, you sound really sexy on the phone."

I glared, "I have a boyfriend. I told you before."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't say the truth." Alex purred.

I felt disgusted.

"And besides, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to a party. Tayden is going and so are a few of our friends that you have yet to meet."

"No," I spat before I could think, "I'm not a party person."

Alex laughed, "I'll make sure no one gives you any drugs or alcohol."

"I don't want to go."

"Oh, fine." Alex groaned, "If you change your mind, call me."

I hung up.

Tayden sighed, "I'll be gone tonight, then. I'm probably going to crash at Alex's house after the party."


"I'm leaving at eight, so if you change your mind, tell me. I'll help you get ready." Taye always tries to cheer me up by bringing clothes into the situation. It always worked, too.

I nodded, "Alright."

Still holding the phone, I walked to my room, and I quickly dialed Averi's cell number. He answered on the second ring, "Hey?"

"Averi," I smiled, "You sound cheerful."

He laughed, "Yeah. This guy named David moved here, and he kicked Lerry's ass today. You should have seen it. He just kicked him in the throat."

I could feel my smile turn down slightly. Averi's going to leave me...

I nervously laughed, "Sounds... awesome."

"It was, and you know what the best part is?" Ave asked, his voice getting more excited.

"What?" I asked, praying for better news.

Averi was happy, I could tell, but I wish he understood how the 'best part' really makes me feel.

"David's gay."

It was like karma. Maybe Taye shouldn't have come when he did: 'Cause now I know how Averi felt, and I can't do anything about it. I'm not there.


"Want to talk to him? He's really awesome." Averi asked, but didn't wait for my answer.

He was too happy, and he just handed the phone over to David.
"Hi, there."

"Hey," I said softly, through gritted teeth. I was trying to hold my anger back.

David laughed, "You're missing out. I'm pretty sure no one will want to mess around with me or Averi any more."

"Great." I grunted.

"Are you okay?"

I laughed, out of anger, "Peachy."

David handed the phone back to Averi.
"Sky, I really miss you."

"I miss you, too, Ave." I sighed.

He hung up without even saying goodbye.

"Fucking David." I groaned, throwing a pillow over my head. "Fucking prick."

I grunted. How I could be so angry over one single guy made me worried, and I couldn't control my feelings. I wanted to hurt him: Just beat some sense into him. But I couldn't, I was three-thousand miles away.

So what I decided to do, I was already regretting.

I peake out of my room, "Taye?"

"Yeah?" Tayden was in his room. He was probably changing for the party that he was going to in less than a half an hour.

I found my way to his room, and I knocked on his door before opening it.
"I want to go to the party with you."

"What?" Taye looked at me surprised.

I sighed, "Just pick out something to wear before I change my mind."

"I'm just shocked, that's all." Tayden laughed.


Alex was attacking some girl by sucking on her neck as she rubbed his boner through his jeans. She was a slut, a whore. He only wanted her for the sex, since he couldn't get any from Riley.

I walked around with Tayden, who was mingling with friends. We were by the refreshment table, and I grabbed a beer. I've never drank before in my life, but I really needed to take my mind off of whatever David and Averi might be doing.

"I thought you said--"

I interupted Taye, "Just shut up."

I'm a bitch. Get over it.
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