Sequel: The Harsh Truth
Status: complete.



I couldn’t stop laughing as I watched Skyler dance. The kid was acting as if the snowball was going to kill him. It was such a hilarious site, and most people agreed with me and laughed as well.

Skyler soon ran into the school like he was on fire. I shook my head at the kid. The boy was a freak! There was nothing normal about him. Honestly, how many kids do you know wash their hands every second of the day, wear layers upon layers of clothing, and are scared of little snow balls? What a pussy! The boy really does have problems.

I guess I couldn’t complain about them though. If he didn’t have the problems I’d have nothing to make fun of.

I chuckled as I too walked into the school. Everyone waved, said hi, and congratulated me on “getting that fairy,” or something along those lines. It’s not like I actually pay attention to the compliments.

I went to my locker first where I forced the thing open. I swear this thing was a demon. It’d never let me take the lock off or pull it open without a fight. It’s probably possessed; the vents are probably planning how they are going to eat me.

Yeah, that’s real logical Averi.

It was almost time for first so I quickly turned and began walking to class. Today I had football practice after school. That meant I’d have to see my dad who was the coach. Then I’d get in a fight with him, get angry, and take my problems out on Skyler the next day. Like always!

I decided to take my sudden anger towards my father out on Skyler.

“Do you think I’m through with you?”

Skyler shook his head while answering, “No.”

“Good because I don’t plan on leaving you alone,” I threat before entering the classroom. Lucky for me Skyler almost tripped on the way into the room causing me to laugh. It was hilarious to watch the kid be embarrassed for the second time today and for his cheeks to brighten in color.

I went to my seat next to Cancer. No, that’s not his real name we just call him that because he smokes a lot and we all have agreed that he was going to die one day because of it.

“Hey man,” Cancer says as I take my seat. “I see you are enjoying yourself.”

“Yep,” I answer with a grin as I look over at the now hyperventilating Skyler. “The kid is a freak and I just love teasing him about it.”

“We all see that,” Cancer chuckles. It wasn’t long for the class to end since all I did was talk to Cancer. There was no point in paying attention in this class because I was passing it fine.

My day was great at the beginning but began to get boring as it went on. I couldn’t think of anything to do to Skyler that I haven’t done before. I didn’t want to do anything too original so I ended up just picking on some other nerds in our school as I tried to think of a new torment for the germy.

It wasn’t until lunch that I got one brilliant idea. I smiled as I saw pretty boy be accompanied by his little friend Julian. Oh yeah…this was perfect.

Cancer noticed the mischievous glint in my eyes and asked what I had planned. I smiled and answered him, I informed everyone who wanted to help what I wanted to do and we all waited patiently for the bell to ring. When it finally did I stood to my feet and stalked over to my prey.

Skyler noticed me first. He was already panicking and I hadn’t done anything yet. Julian was glaring at me as I approached them.

“Hey pretty boy,” I say with a huge smile that resembled the Cheshire cat off Alice in Wonderland. “Did you fix your hair up for your little boyfriend?”

Julian growls at me before shouting, “Fuck off Averi!”

I shook my head before making that ‘tsk tsk’ noise. “Now Julian that’s not very nice.”

Julian opened his mouth to say something else but I already grabbed him and threw him back. Cancer easily held him back as I grabbed Skyler by the collar of his shirt. The boy’s eyes widened, I knew he was probably freaking out mentally about all the “germs” that were probably on me.

“Come on Skyler I want to play hide and go seek!” I yell like a little child who just got candy and easily dragged the boy out into the hall.

I ignored Skyler’s shouts to let him go as I dragged him down the hall, out the doors, and towards the trashcan. Smiling I open the dumpster. Skyler was now kicking and screaming as I easily lifted the kid up and threw him into the dumpster filled with rotting food.

Cancer then threw Julian in as well before my “gang” appeared behind us with the new trash from lunch. I laughed at them as the guys threw the new garbage into the bin. The cartons of milk spilling all over them, the chewed and spit out food, yogurt, anything you can think of was now all over them.

“Trash belongs in the trash,” I speak before slamming the dumpster lid shut and walking away.
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ChemicalTwoon is back!

I'm kinda sad everyone hates my character =[ Aw well! That means I'm playing the bad guy good right? Hehe, anyways thanks for commenting everyone. Hug yourself and pretend it's me doing it!

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