I've Finally Had Enough

Chapter 15

"Davey, are you in here?" Jade asked, pushing back a curtain of ivy that had covered a doorway in the backyard. "Davey?"

"Jade? Is that you," a muffled voice called out nervously.

"Davey!" Jade cried out, stepping into the doorway and immediately tripping over a protruding root, landing on his stomach.

"Jade, you've got to get out of here! Now," Davey warned, his voice betraying the fact that he was in pain.

"No, Davey, I can't leave you in the hands of that lunatic," Jade replied, standing back up and pulling out a flashlight. He turned it on and moved the beam everywhere until it finally landed on a crumpled figure lying on the floor. "Davey, what did he do to you?" Jade asked himself, rushing to his side and quickly sitting him up straight.

"Jade?" Davey's voice was weak and he struggled to stay in the upright position that Jade had place him in. He slowly opened his eyes and Jade nearly cried when he saw how bloodshot they were. "I'm sorry, but you have to leave. Go, before he comes back."

"I can't leave you! And don't blame this on yourself. It's my fault that you got into this mess, not yours," Jade said, stifling a sob and wrapping his arms around Davey, whom he noticed was shivering.

"Aww…isn't that just sweet," he heard someone say from behind him.

Jade froze and slowly turned his head. "Why the hell would you do this to him," Jade snarled, reluctantly pulling away from Davey to stand up and face the man who had caused him so much pain and agony within the past few hours.

"Because, you care for him. Why else," Damian replied, taking a step forward into the small room.

"Of course I care for him! Why wouldn't I?" Jade asked, stepping in front of Davey to shield him from Damian. "He's like my best friend. Something that you were supposed to be but never were."

"Yeah, well, it doesn't really matter, does it?" Damian asked, pulling something out from behind him. "Like everyone has probably heard before, if I can't have you, then no one can. And in this case, if I can't have you, no one can and the other one who wants you, won't be able to have you."

Jade froze when he saw the gun glittering in the scarce sunlight. "Damian, don't do this," he said, starting to get nervous.

"Not so tough when you see something that is threatening, huh," Damian said, an evil smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Jade? Get out," Davey said again, finally talking.

"No, I won't leave you," Jade said stubbornly.

"It's either you or him who can leave alive," Damian said, examining the gun.

"How about both?"

"Nope, sorry, can't do that."

"You know, when I first met you, I thought you would be the one. I guess I was proven wrong, huh," Jade said, starting to toy with the emotions they once had.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying is, that when I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were perfect. That you wouldn't hurt me like my other partners had. I thought you would be the one whom I would spend the rest of my life with. I thought that you would be the one I would grow old with. But I was wrong. You know why? Because as soon as I let you in, as soon as I opened up to you, you abused my trust. You hurt me even more than the others, both physically and emotionally. I used to love you with all my heart. Hell, I probably still have feelings for you but those are disappearing fast with this little act that you're pulling," Jade said, taking a step towards him.

Damian raised the gun, indicating to Jade that he didn't want him to move. "Another step, and I'll shoot him right where he lays," he warned, shaking his head and grinning maliciously.

"You really don't want to do this," Jade said, starting to get nervous after that little speech of his.

"How sure of that are you?" Damian asked with a sneer.

To be honest with himself, Jade replied, "At this point, I'm sure you're capable of doing anything with that twisted little mind of yours."

"You know, I think you're right," Damian said, finally lowering the gun and taking a step towards Jade, who immediately became more alert. Jade turned his head when Damian leaned forward to where their noses nearly touched. "Now, Jade, love, it's time for you to choose. Me or him?"

"You know, even though I once cared for you, I'm gonna have to go with Davey," Jade said, holding his head up high.

"You know, that's the wrong answer," Damian replied, examining the gun in his hand.

"Oh, so this is turning into a threatening game now? Is that it? Well guess what? I can play games too," Jade snapped, finally starting to get angry.

"Really? How so?" Damian asked, looking up at him.

"Like this," Jade said before lifting his knee and hitting him where it counted.

"Son of a bitch!"

"I wouldn't be calling Jade's momma a bitch if I were you," Davey managed to choke out.

"Yeah, you made a mistake with that one, buddy," Jade agreed, raising his fist and hitting him square in the jaw.

"You forgot what I have in my hand," Damian snarled, raising the gun. Jade lunged at him and grabbed hold of the gun, trying to wrestle it away from him.

"Jade, are you fucking insane," Davey asked, trying to get up. He froze when he heard a two gunshots and a gasp coming from Jade. "Jade, tell me that wasn't you."