Behind the Scars


Allie had fallen asleep early, but woke up during the night because of her bladder. She raised her arms up high and stretched as she looked around the room. The Joker, who was normally on the couch, was gone. She scrunched her eyebrows up, and then tossed the ratty covers off her legs as she looked around downstairs for him. He didn't seem to be in the lower level of the house. She made her ways upstairs and decided to use the rest room there, and then look for him after.

Once she finished her business, she continued looking around upstairs. She walked over to her bedroom window, and looked through one of the cracks that he didn't have covered. He had nails wooden planks over the window, so she couldn't even break it and escape. She looked out and saw rain drops falling from the sky. She sighed, as she turned around and walked back down the stairs. Just as she still off the last step, the front door opened up. She was startled at first, and then she realized who it was due to the long purple coat.

He looked up at her and froze. He wasn't expecting to see her up and walking around. He had left just two hours ago, and she was sleeping sound on the couch.

"Where did you go?" She questioned.
"Why does it matter?" He said coldly walking into the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes as she followed him.

"You actually left me alone." She stated.
"Not for long."
"Does that mean you trust me?" She ask.
"It just means I know you're too scared to run." He stated, shaking his head like a wet dog.

She crossed her arms and sighed. He looked at her unamused.

"What?" He questioned.
"I just wanna know where you went." She answered.
"If you must know-- I simply went out for a stroll." He said, following his sentence by a loud cackle.

She groaned loudly. Why did he insist upon playing mind games? She walked into the living room and sunk down in the recliner. He took a seat on the couch and pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket. He then began to flip through the cards quickly. She couldn't help but to stare at him.

"Wanna see a trick?" He ask.
"Aww. Come on doll face."

She rolled her eyes and focused on the television screen which was black yet again. He chuckled lightly and then continued to play with the cards. She slowly turned her attention back to his and watched as he played a card came of some sort by himself.

"Deal em." She said getting up from the recliner and taking a seat on the ground.
"Hmm?" He ask.
"Deal em-- It'll pass time." She suggested.

He placed a half smile upon his freshly painted red lips and then dealt the cards. Allie smiled when she looked at her hand. She had always been good at poker. Her older cousin Chris had taught her all the tricks of the trade before he moved to California. She grinned as she waited for him to make his move.

The Joker ran his tongue over the inside of his scars as he looked down at his hand. He had three kings. There was no way she was going to beat him.

"How about we make a little bet." He said.
"Okay." She said, keeping her poker face intact.
"If I win this hand then. . . hmm. You'll find out the location of your little ex boyfriend for me."
"And if I win?" She ask.
"What do you want?"
"I want freedom. I want the windows freed up and the doors unlocked.
"Then you'll be able to run."
"I thought you said I was too scared to run?" She ask.

He licked over his lips. What could it hurt to make that wager with her? It wasn't as if she was going to beat him-- she probably didn't even know the rules of the game. He smirked, "Deal."

"Promise?" She ask.
"I'm a man of my word." He said.

He then laid down his hand upon the table. She looked at the kings and sighed, "You're good at this game." She said.
"Of course. Now, how will we go about finding out his location."
"But you're not the best." She said, placing her cards down on the table.

He starred down at the three ace's and looked back up into her emerald green eyes. He couldn't believe she had just beat him.

"Guess we should be getting to work on the doors and windows, huh."
"You cheated." He accused.
"You dealt the cards! How did I cheat?" She questioned, laughing lightly.

He looked up at her and grinned. He couldn't help himself. Her laugh was contagious.

"You cheated." He said yet again.
"Whatever! I did not, and you know it. Now pay up!" She said.
"It's three in the morning." He said glancing at a clock.
"I'll pay up later." He said.
"No! You gotta pay up." She said.

The Joker sighed, "I promise-- I'll unlock them soon."
"You're a man of your word, right?"
"Okay then."

She returned to her sofa, and instead of focusing on the blank television she instead just looked at him, a smirk upon her lips the entire time.

"Best out of three?" He ask out of the blue.
"Nope! We'll play again sometime though-- a new wager."

He nodded his head, and groaned as he laid back into the couch. For some odd reason, he couldn't wait to challenge her again in Poker.
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