Behind the Scars


Two days had passed since Allie last left her house. She had been cooped up in her home, with the windows and doors locked, reading books to pass the time. She had finished nearly all of the twilight books. She was now preparing dinner for herself. She was going to be fixing spaghetti. Looking into her freezer she noticed she was out of garlic bread. With a low groan, she debated on just fixing something else. Sighing, she picked up a twenty dollar bill from her counter, and her car keys. She didn't need anything else, a small grocery store was just ten minutes from her house.

She locked her front door and then stepped off the porch and headed towards her car. Before she even had a chance to make it off the third step, a hand was placed over her mouth. She tried to scream out, but a cloth was placed under her nose, causing her vision to go hazy and then eventually fade away.

The two men loaded Allie into the back of their car and then drove away. Luckily no one saw them, and if they did-- they could care less. They was heading back to Gotham to drop her off to Maroni. Apparently he had some unfinished business with her.

"So, what's Maroni want with the girl?" The one in the passenger seat ask, his Irish accent was thick.
"Apparently he's got some business with her. It took us two days to track her down."
"How did you guys find her?"
"Internet searches, we managed to get the town-- and then we eventually found the home."

The Joker walked down the old stairs and gazed into the living room where his men were all preparing for tonight. Tonight was the night they would be attacking Maroni's family. King looked up at the Joker and grinned-- he was always excited to get blood on his hands.

"We'll leave at midnight." The Joker announced.

Allie's head was pounding, when she opened her eyes. She glanced around and noticed she was locked in a room. She was laying on a very large bed. There was no windows in the room, and the door was shut; and more than likely locked. She got off the bed and raised her hands up to her head and massaged, hoping to take the headache away. Her facial expression changed when reality hit her.

She had been kidnapped, and brought back to Gotham.

Frantically, she began looking around the room for anything she could find as a weapon. Sadly, there was nothing. The only thing inside the room was a bed, and a dresser. She opened each dresser drawer looking for anything that she could use. The only thing inside them was curtains and sheets. She debated on just knotting together the sheets and hanging herself, not giving her father the pleasure of having his blood on her hands. But, she could never disappoint her mother like that; suicide was not the way to deal with this.

She knew that sooner or later, that door knob would jingle, and eventually someone would walk in. She decided that until she could come up with a plan, the best method of survival for her would be to block the door way. She looked around the room once again, and knew that the only thing big enough to do that was the dresser. She walked over to it, and began to push it across the hard wood floor. Cursing lowly at herself for not having much strength. She was never the 'strong' girl. She wasn't athletic, and she could barely walk around without tripping. Her mother had always said she was one of the clumsiest women in the world.

After what seemed like forever, Allie succeeded in putting the dresser in front of the door. She sighed, and ran her hand over her forehead; getting rid of some of the sweat that she had from the heavy pushing. She bit down on her bottom lip as she walked over to the bed and took a seat. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and slowly began to sob. She was weak, and she knew it.

Maroni kissed his wife goodbye before she got inside her expensive sports car and headed off to her mother's for the weekend. He didn't want her to witness any of things that went on inside their home. He smiled over at his young teenage son, who would one day take his position in the mob. He waved goodbye as they drove out of the drive way. Zackary was the only kid he had ever claimed; even though he had probably helped in making well over twenty or so. Six of his children had been murdered in attempts of getting close to him. He turned towards the mansion and walked inside.

Soon it would be seven, if he had anything to do with it.

He smiled as his men met him in the living area of the home. Each of them had guns in their hands.

"I don't think we'll need any guns-- she doesn't deserve a quick death." Maroni answered.

He walked over to his desk in the corner and opened up a secret compartment that not even his wife or son knew about. He smiled as he reached down into the drawer and pulled out a knife, it had a black handle, and in silver letters going down the side was his last name. Allie was about to join six of her half siblings.

Maroni made his men put away the guns; and told them if she ran, then their orders were to beat her. He wanted her to suffer; and die slowly in front of him. He jingled a set of keys in his hand as he made the way down the hallway. He stood in front of the door, placing the key into the hole. He turned the knob, and tried to push the door open. It wouldn't budge-- he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Allie listened as someone tried to open the door. The dresser was shaking, as she bit down on her bottom lip. She closed her eyes, as she prayed for help.

'Dear God, someone please help me.' She whispered.

Maroni had one of his largest men push on the door.

"Somethings blocking it." He announced.
"That fucking bitch-- Open it." Maroni said, pointing to his other men.

Several men started pushing on the door.

Allie watched as the dresser moved more and more inches forward. She knew going over there and pushing backwards on it would do no good-- they were much more stronger than her. She closed her eyes, and tried to welcome the idea of death. Her eyes was closed when she heard the dresser tip over with a loud boom to the ground. She then heard voices, and foot steps. She was still concentrating on death-- wishing it would come fast and easy.

"You stupid bitch!" Maroni yelled, yanking her by her dark chocolate hair.

He tossed her into the corner, and heard a whimper come from her. It disgusted him how weak she was.

He hovered over her, and demanded her to open her eyes, "OPEN THEM."

Allie opened her eyes and allowed them to burn into his. She saw the devil starring back at her, and then felt a sharp pain shoot through her stomach.

He proceeded to kick her in the abdominal as he yelled profanities. His men stood in a line behind him, watching with their arms crossed.

"You fucking think you can come here!" He said, kicking
"In my home and call me names," He continued, and then reached down and grabbed her by the hair of the head and shoved her into the wall.
"You're fucking dead wrong." He continued, smacking her across the face hard.

The Joker entered the back of the mansion once again. The back door was opened. He rolled his eyes, Maroni was stupid for not having a better security system.

Maroni looked up when he heard the back door shut. He cursed silently, realizing that Zach or his wife, Esme must be home. 'What could they have forgotten?' he wondered.

"Go see what they forgot." Maroni said to Joe, his youngest man.

Maroni was going to be in for a real surprise when he realized it wasn't his wife or son entering the mansion; but instead, it was the clown who had ruined his plans of murdering Allie three days ago.
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