Status: One more chapter to go, but probably won't be up for a while.

I'm in Love With a Dead Guy, but I Brought Him Back to Life


I watched in amazement as the old man from the pensieve stepped out of a spot of light, and I felt Fred’s grip on me loosen.

"Dumbeldore?" he asked bewildered. "It can't be. You're dead!"

"If I may remember, you were once dead, too, Mr. Weasley," the old man, Dumbledore, pointed out, a bright cheerful smile displayed on his face. "Now, you asked a question. I have the answer. But first, do you have any lemon drops? I have an enormous fascination for them, and since I am currently alive for now, I have a chance to enjoy them."

"Wait, did you say since you are alive for now? It's not permanent?" Fred asked, taking a step towards him.

"Alas, I am only allowed here for a few moments, now get me that lemon drop," Dumbledore demanded politely.

"Shouldn't you tell us the answer first?"

"But of course," Dumbledore answered, holding his index finger up in the air. "Now, Zoe. You shouldn't be here at all. You should have no recognition of Mr. Weasley whatsoever. But naturally, you do. And the reason is: Love."

I gave him a weird look.

"Woah, you must be a senile mirage or something," I said waving my arms in front of my face. "How did love help me sort of remember something?"

The old man sighed and took a seat on the opposite bed, and Fred and I followed suit.

"Because Fred sacrificed his love for you to save you, it allowed you to retain a little bit of memory. Only enough to remember Fred," Dumbledore explained, gazing around the room, as if his mind was somewhere else.

"Will I ever remember everything that happened?" I asked hopefully.

The man smiled.

"Of course! Do you think I came here just to explain all of this to you?" he laughed. "Since you found a loop hole, I was granted permission to return your memories."

My heart skipped a beat, and I had to hold back the urge to jump up the air in happiness. Fred felt the same, except he didn’t hold back; instead, he jumped up and kissed me. It was a very nice kiss, and I enjoyed it immensely. My legs felt like jelly and I collapsed onto the floor. Fred laughed and helped me up. Dumbledore stood up from the bed.

"Zoe, are you ready?" he asked me graciously "Are you sure you would like to return to the wizarding world?"

"Of course I'm sure!" I exclaimed. "Who wouldn't be?"

I looked at Fred and he smiled at me. The look in his eyes were said, “She’s mine. She’s finally mine, and all mine.”

"Alright," Dumbledore began. "Now stand right about, here."

He grabbed my shoulders lightly and positioned me in front of him. He took a few steps back and raised his arms in front of him. He closed his eyes and began mumbling nonsense. I could feel the magic working around me. The air grew chilly, and I could sense the energy. Soon, a small light formed around my body.

Fred stood aside and watched anxiously, his face beaming. But before anything happened, the door burst open, and there stood a tall man with a pale complexion, and platinum blonde hair that was sleaked back. He had a large grin on his face.

"Welcome back, Zoe."

"Malfoy!" Fred snarled, stepping in front of me. By then the light around me was gone. I looked at the two of them uncertainly.

"Who is he?" I questioned. The new guy looked somewhat familiar.

"Draco Malfoy, at your service," Malfoy said taking a bow. "And I believe you belong to me."

"She doesn't belong to anybody," Fred said. He took my hand and began squeezing it. I noticed he was trembling. Not out of fear, but out of anger. This was no one to mess with. "You're the one who got us into this mess!"

"Oh contraire, Mr. Weasley," Draco said, holding up his finger. "You didn't have to make this lovely lady forget. You did that on your own." Fred turned and looked at me.

"Zoe, hold on to me, ok?" he whispered. I nodded my head. I trusted him.

"Ok. Here we go."

It was one of the weirdest sensations I have ever felt. It was like getting sucked into a giant tube. A very uncomfortable trip. When we landed, it was in this little town. It was surrounded by a forest. I looked up at Fred to ask him where we were, but I ended up looking into the eyes of that blond guy from before. He was smirking again. I gasped.
"What are you doing here? And where's Fred?" I demanded. I looked down and realized he was holding me. I pushed him away I looked at him sternly.

"You may not remember me, but you and I were in love. Well, before you lost your memory,” he explained.

"Wait, I thought I loved Fred?" I asked confused.

"They were just trying to trick you," he told me, starting to circle around me. "I love you very much, Zoe. I don't want to lose you again." He came up from behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"But, wasn't he trying to get my memory back?"

"No, he was trying to give you a fake memory," he said soothingly. His voice was so silky smooth, I couldn't resist. I felt like I was in a trance.

"Where are we?" I asked dazedly.

"We are at a little town outside of my old school. Hogsmead. I put a protective spell around us, so that Weasley won't be able to find us."

He slid his hands so that they were around my waist. He brought his face close to my neck. This didn't feel right. Fred kept flashing in my mind. Was Draco right? Did he really love me? I didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast. Fred. Draco. Fred. Draco. Who do I choose?

“Draco,” a rough voice from behind snarled. “It’s time to give her to me, now.”


"ARGH!" Fred shouted, pounding his fists onto the wall of the flat. "How did he do that? How did he switch places with me?"

"Even I am stumped," Dumbledore admitted.

"What are we going to do?" Fred asked worriedly.

"Save her. I know you have already done that plenty of times. If you do not get her here by midnight tonight, she will never retain her memory," Dumbledore added sadly.

Fred gulped and put his head in his hands.

"Ok, ok. Got to make a plan." Fred said and started pacing the flat.
"I suggest first recruiting some assistance and finding out where Mr. Malfoy escaped to." Dumbledore suggested.

"Who do you have in mind?" Fred asked.
"I think you should call, the Order of the Phoenix. I believe that they have a former Death Eater on their side.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my faithful, loving viewers who would never hate me even if I had the main character kidnapped for the umpteenth time! *Dodges tomato* Ok, Ok, I know I'm sorry! I know I told you that she would not be kidnapped again, but this will be different! Next chapter, Draco FINALLY realizes that Zoe's a muggle, and things get interesting.

Please don't hate me! The story is almost finished, only about four chapters left. So please make a comment. I want this story to get to ten stars! We're almost there!