Death Eaters Fall in Love, Too!


The next fews day went by really hard for Draco. Abigail asked questions about the most sentimental things in their life, and although he answered the questions as if he did not care, he died a little inside each time.

One day they went to Diagon Alley. Even though she had lost her memory, Abigail still loved shopping.

Pansy, Draco, and Abigail were walking together. Pansy and her were talking while Draco was just looking at his feet. Then he heard "Draco?" It was Abigail, and he lifted his head to looked at her. She was standing in front of the coffee shop that they went to.

Draco prepared to die a little more, for her to ask if the coffee was good, of if they had been there at all.

She stared at the little shop. "We went here once," she said matter-of-factly, straining to remember the memory. Pansy's eyes widened and she looked at Draco to see if the recollection was true.

Draco smiled and said, "Yes, we did." He came closer to her, hoping that she would remember more.

She looked at him. "Right after we met." she said. Draco almost cried tear of joy with that statement.

"Yeah, Abigail." he said.

Pansy came up to them. "Can you remember more, Abby?"

Abigail looked away from Draco and looked into the crowded road, begging desperately for the memories to come back. When none did, her face fell and she shook her head. "I'm sorry." She was about to cry. It was so confusing not knowing the people closest to you.

Draco put an arm around. "It's ok. That little bit gives us all hope."
Draco was woken in the middle of the night by the sound of crying. He rose from his lying position and notice that the one crying was Abigail.

Abigail was still asleep, but she was talking and moving very violently. Draco started to try to wake her up. He shook her very gently, saying "Abigail," over and over loudly.

"No, no, don't hurt me." she said in her sleep. He continued to shake her, but roughly now.

After a few seconds, she woke up and look at Draco. She threw herself at him and started to cry. "They... my parents, they were..."

"Horrible?" she nodded and continued to cry. He stroked her back, not saying any more. Then he had an idea.

Draco let Abigail quit crying before he said, "Let's go on a walk. I know it will help you." He stood up and picked her up before she could do anything.

He walked downstairs and out the back to the garden. He went to the black rose bush, hoping with each step that he took, she would remember.

When he got to the roses bush, he put her down and she looked at the rose bush. He watched at she looked at the bush and back at him.

Slowly, Abigail's memories came back, and she told Draco as she remember them. "We met at this rose bush. You took me by surprised and... I cut my finger on a thorn." she looked at him to see if she was right. He nodded and she went on. "I was wearing a midnight blue dress and I had to sneak out, with Pansy's help of course." She could see the joy in his eyes. Abigail turned and started walking down the pathway. "We talked... until I ran off. I didn't want to to see the real Abby, who wore rags and cleaned for her parent while Pansy was being spoilt. I purposely dropped my wand so you wouldn't follow me, and you picked it up!" She turned and ran straight into his arms, and he was ready.

She kissed him passionately, then pulled apart saying, "I remember, Draco!"

Draco nodded. "I know."

She embrace him, so happy that everything had come back to her. "I love you, Draco."

Draco was silent. He hadn't heard those words in a week. They were so sweet he thought he might get high from them.

"Draco?" Abigail said. She started to worry after Draco hasn't spoken after that. She looked at him and saw Draco smiling.

"I love you, too, Abby." he said before kissing her once again. Then they returned to their room.