The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 2

“Wow, wow, wow, wow” Kiara stared blankly into the distance as we walked to the hall to find out our roommates.
“Kiara chill! He’s hot, I know.” I replied full of thought. And accompanied by a sigh.
He wasn’t just hot, he was amazing, an angel. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one.
“Hot? Just hot! No, his voice is even admiring!” she rambled on.
I tried to push her voice out of my head; Dougie was probably just a player.
Even though he seems extraordinarily nice. But that’s what they do?
Don’t they? Isn’t that what players did?
When we got to the hall, there weren’t many people waiting to find out about their rooms. I guess me & Dougie spoke a bit while people were leaving. And Kiara was in awe, of course.
We walked up to one of the secretaries, Kiara spoke her name.
“Yes, you are in room 34.” She said as she gave Kiara a slip full of conduct rules and such, but we knew them all off by heart.
“Elle Mora, miss” I said looking at Miss Leers. She was pretty & young. She was nice to. She was one of the ladies who looked after the girl’s pastoral business.
“Room 49 Elle.”
“Room 49? Isn’t that in the boy’s corridor?” I replied with suspicion.
“Well it was, but since we have a bunch of new students we have extended the girls rooms and now 45- 53 are mixed bunches.” She replied with a soft smile.
“Oh okay miss, thank you” I replied and walked off with Kiara.
“Hmm, boys corridor. Whoa man you lucky bitch!” Kiara said, it didn’t surprise me she’d bring it up though.
“Yes, god help me if it’s like those really weird ones, that have a problem.” It wasn’t hard to find them round here. There was like a group of them.
“What if it’s Dougie?” Kiara replied full of glory, as if she knew what was going to happen.
“It won’t be. Well, there’s too many other boys for them to pick Dougie” i said.
“And it could still be a girl you know” Kiara scoffed at my suggestion.
What if she were right? What if Dougie was my roommate for the next year?
Yeah, right.
Me & Kiara walked through the corridor, we hugged as she walked into her room to wait for her roommate and unpack. I kept walking into the next block as I got to 49.
It was locked. So nobody was there yet.
Good, I can have time to unpack and adjust.
I walked in and admired the nice smell of clean sheets, wiped windows, and fresh carpet. Also, the air fresheners on the wall shelves. There was 3, I counted up.
I sat on the bed, which I decided I would own. I don’t care if my roomie didn’t want the other one. I love this side. And I was here first, more reason for me to have my way.
I started to unpack my stuff and organize some things, until I head a few quiet steps up the hallway, and the lock shifting and changing.
Dougie? Dougie?
“DOUGIE. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD” Kiara basically told the whole of the cafeteria.
“Kiara. Shut up.” I said through clenched teeth.
“I was right! I was right, right, RIGHT!” she boasted clearly admiring the defeat she had over me.
“Okay Kiara you were right, but he is nice, and at least we knew each other a bit more than I would have.”
Yes, we did which was a good thing. Then the “Dougie” thoughts were rushing through my mind.
I turned around to see a Pink Hurley shirt, the black pants that were too far down from his waist, and black sunnies on his head that pushed his hair back, bringing out those eyes & the blonde hair which seemed exceedingly longer.
“Elle, we meet again” he said, sitting on his bed. “I guess this is my one”
“Yea, is that alright?” I said standing up suddenly feeling uneasy, I was sharing my room with an angel of a guy. So do you blame me?
“It’s fine with me. As long as I can sleep.” He grinned, once again revealing his perfect teeth.
“Okay cool.” I said, sitting and sorting out my things, trying to avoid eye contact with those blue eyes.
“Haha well this is weird aye, I mean pairing a chick & a guy together for a year in the same bedroom.” He laughed at his statement. “It’s such a smart thing to do for high school teenaged kids who all crave one thing.”
“What one thing?”
“`Sexual pleasure”
“And what are you saying? We are going to have that?”
Oh my god. What am I doing?
“Uhh,” he hesitated. “I don’t know? I mean if you want…one day” he trailed off.
Shit. My time to bail.
“Well I’m going to go and meet some friends, what about you?”
“I’ll do some more unpacking”
“Okay, bye” I ran out of the room as quick as I could.
Well, that didn’t go so well did it?
Back to reality now. The present. The 21st century.
“Eh I suppose.” She said biting her pizza.
“So who’s your roommate?” I asked, changing subject. Well half of it.
“Emma! She’s so cool. She’s a good drawer, some of the drawings she’s done are A-MA-ZING!” she said, adding that zing which sounded so cool. In particular Kiara fashion.
“Really? I heard she was a good drawer?”
“Yea she is, well shoot I got to run. I need to apply a face mask” she said getting up.
“Do we get out timetables tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yep, see ya babe” she said as I got up and we hugged.
She left. And I sat.
Face masks? I can’t even do that without being embarrassed in my room anymore.
Argh and what if I have period pain or something? Or i stain something?
Shit this is harder than I thought.
Much harder.
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hope u like this chapter! i've had god feedback from chapter 1 so...