The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 3

“yes, it’s just, I never thought this would happen, you know?” I sorrowfully said over the phone to my big sister, Lila.
I loved her, I miss her. She was all I turned to.
She had black her, and lighter eyes then me.
She was beautiful. She still is. She has a boyfriend called Jake a habit to forget people’s birthdays, and then make a double surprise for being late.
It’s just the way she rolled.
“It sounds like yous get along. I know what you mean but girls and guys can have best friend relationships & tell each other everything.”
“Yea, I know.” I really thought about that. A lot of people are like that now I think about it. “You are totally right”
“Of course I am you idiot” she laughed on the other side of the line
“Well I need to get some sleep now. And I’m scared”
“Doggie isn’t an animal! I know his name resembles the likes of one but he won’t eat you.”
“It’s Dougie, Lila. Not Doggie.”
“Oh. Right,” she paused. “Still not an animal”
“Love you sis, tell Jake I said hey”
“Will do, love you too” we hung up.
And I walked down the hall and into my room.
With Dougie in a towel.
Around his waist.
“Oh! Gosh sorry” I start to walk out and forget what I did
“Nah it’s okay! I can’t make you leave; I was just getting my boxers.”
Oh Yay! That proves he is wearing boxers to bed & doesn’t sleep nude.
Well, I’m gonna get 3 hours of sleep tonight.
“Okay…” I said, sitting down on my bed. “So what did you get up to when I left?”
“Nothing, just. Unpacked a bit. Thought a bit”
“Thought about what?” I said pulling a nail polish filled with Strawberry pink out of my pocket.
“School. And You.” He said looking away.
Down to 1 hour of sleep.
“Me? What about me?” I said not realizing the nail polish had flew to the ground and spilt all over Dougie’s pink Hurley shirt. The one I fell in love with.
“Oh my god.”
“Oh” he said. Staring at his shirt.
“I am, so sorry” I said lifting up the shirt and going to the bathroom.
“It’s okay, leave it”
“No I’m so sorry! I’ll clean it!”
“Elle! It’s okay!” he said standing up to try and retrieve it to my arms.
“No, it’s a nice shirt and I’ll try leave it as unmarked as I can”
He grabbed it from me while it was still in my arms.
Which caused me to twist & fall.
On top of him.
So first.
We meet when he falls on me.
& second.
We fall on the floor when I fall on him.
“ha ha ha ha ha” he said giggling while I’m laying on top of him with the pink nail polish from the shirt rubbing off onto my white singlet.
“Ha ha ha, falling with us isn’t good ay?” I said sitting up, trying to break any tension we had.
But you know what? I couldn’t feel any. It was so fun being with him I just realized.
Maybe we were the best friend material thing Lila was talking about?
“Nah it’s not. But let’s agree mine was worse.” He said now also sitting up.
“No that’s crazy! I mean my legs getting twisted and falling on top of you! Definitely mine.” I defended my embarrassment with a statement in which I laughed at.
“Nuh-uh. No way, mine was worse.”
“Nope! Mine!”
“Actually” he said standing up and offering a hand to me. “My fall was good.” He said as I grabbed his hand and stood to my feet.
“Really? I told you so!” I said, sticking out my tongue.
“Not because of that, because I met you.” He said looking at me.
“Um, put it that way. Then it’s a good thing.” I said kind of confused in a good way to reply.
“Yes. Now who’s telling you so!” he said, sticking out his tongue in sweet, sweet revenge.
“You are” I said. Then feeling a tad uncomfortable in realizing two things.
We had still been holding hands;
Which was amusing.
& he was still in his towel;
Which was amazing.
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