The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 4

“morning sleepy”
“Huh!? What?” I said rolling off my bed to the floor as Dougie burst into a fit of laughs.
“you slept in half an hour”
I looked at him as I confirmed his statement by glancing towards the clock.
“oh shit” I said jumping out and walking towards my wardrobe.
“I can’t be late we need to get our timetables”
“I can pick up yours if you want?” Dougie offered.
“no they wont give it to you, I’ve tried picking up Kiara’s before and it didn’t work”
I said as I picked out my uniform and looked out the window. It was cloudy and looked stormy. So I went for my jacket.
“im just gonna change okay?” I said as I shouted behind the door of the bathroom
“can you wait for me?!”
“sure” he said. And I heard a bang and the sound of a guitar?!
“Is that a guitar?!”
“why yes, how did you ever guess?” he said stroking it from what I heard.
“um, coz it sounds like one?” I said as I walked out and looked into the mirror to do my hair. Dougie looked on.
“you look nice” he said as he got up and walked to the door.
“thanks, hows your shirt?” I walked up to the door and we started walking through the corridor.
“he feels abit pink” he said fixing up his hat. Skater style.Hats weren’t allowed to be worn, so I figured he would take it off before his class.
“naww.” We walked to the receptionist and she handed us our timetables.
“ew I have science and math.” I said with a sigh.
“no way, me too.” He spoke.
“then art and English, and a study period.”
“me too…”
I grabbed his timetable. And studied it with curious eyes.
“we are in the same classes Doug.”
“dude! That’s good isn’t it!? i mean we can always help eachother and stuff.” He grinned.
“put it that way yes.” I said as we started walking to our first class. “I wonder who else is in our classes.”
“yeah same… you know what?” he asked looking at me.
“we don’t barely know anything bout eachother.”
“yeah your right” I said, accompanied by a laugh.
“well…I have a younger brother and an older sister. I love my dad, and my mother died from cancer 4 years ago. What about you?”
my heart kinda jolted. “ your mums dead? Why didn’t you tell me I feel so bad!?”
“no its okay. I don’t tell many people, so you are blessed kind of.. that you know.”
“oh.. are you alright about it?”
“I am now, it hurts sometimes. But that’s why I decided to go to boarding school so It doesn’t feel as bad. So, yourself?” he asked again, clearly trying to change the subject.
“um, twin brother, Nick. He’s at the school too. My mum is a building designer. Architect or whatever. My dad is a lawyer… and, yeah.”
“woah awesome! Sounds like your life is alright?”
“well.. I hated it abit, that’s why I came here. Nick followed, coz he didn’t wanna be by himself. And I guess its turned out alright now. At least I cant fight with my parents so our relationships are quite good.”
“that’s nice.”
“what’s your brother & sisters name?”
“Sam & Jazzy”
“ I love the name Sam. How old are they?”
“Sam’s 9. Jazzy is 17.i think. I don’t know”
“And they don’t go here?”
“Nup… Jazzy kind of, ran away from home. She misses mum and she had this fight with dad like, last year. And I haven’t seen her since.”
“oh my god Dougie, that’s sad.”
“yeah, Sam was so confused. I felt bad leaving him but he insisted I came here”
“he sounds like a sweet kid”
“yeah. Love that boy.”
We got to our class. And I had to admit, my class was freakin rad!
I’ll try go through the people.
Danny Jones, the principals son, he was quite a trouble maker but got away with it. He is so funny and your day would be brightened if you heard him speak.
Joe Jonas. Joe is Danny’s best friend, he was also quite humorous and he had a wild side. I dated him like last year, we loved eachother but I needed a break. But we are still heaps tight.
Umm who else.
Oh! Emma! Emma is Kiara’s roommate. She is the most amazing artist I have seen. She had brown soft hair, and sparkling brown eyes. I could tell her & my mum would get along.
No. ohhhh no, no no no. Kara. Kara Delaney. Just what I needed.
And Laura. Her best friend. Well, on and off best friend. When they weren’t fighting over eachothers boy friend, or whos eye liner is whos.
I instantly knew Kara & Laura would be constantly all over Dougie. So I was prepared. But I hope we wouldn’t slip away?
HAH! Impossible. We were sharing rooms. We CAN’T slip away.
Oh. Gah, Nick walked up with Harry.
Nick was my brother, as you should know. I’m in my brothers classes?
& Harry, dear Mr Judd. Harry was my brother’s best friend, he had crushed on me for a few years when we were younger, I crushed on him too. Right up until I dated Joe, and he was devastated. I actually loved him but never told him and nick told me he loved me too. Harry is such a sweetheart; we are good friends and I’m happy we are that status.
“Elle!” Harry said walking up to me with nick trailing behind. Dougie turned to look.
“Hey Harry, Nick.”I said turning to Nick. “Boys this is my friend and roommate, Dougie” I said introducing them, Dougie seemed enlightened.
“Hey Harry, cool hair” he said admiring his hair. Harry did have nice hair.
“Ha thanks...Nice hat” Harry replied looking towards the top of his head.
Dougie turned to Nick.
“You must be Elle’s twin!” Dougie said to Nick smiling.
“And you must be stupid to be seen with her!”
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