The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 6

As I realized I was up in the air flying through the corridor, I noticed it wasn’t supernatural powers I had come upon, but Dougie.
Yes I was sitting on Dougie’s shoulders as he ran through the corridor not letting go of me.
“Dougie what are you doing!” I said letting out a laugh.
“Making you fly!” he responded with a slight laugh.
“Why are you making me fly? Someone will see us and be like ‘what the hell!?” I said getting kinda nervous. I made my grip with him tighter.
“Mmmeeeeeeeeooooooowwww” he said making airplane noises as he made sudden turns which made my stomach flutter.
But that’s something I wasn’t sure of anymore. Was the speed making my stomach flutter? Was the height? Or was it Dougie?
This guy who I met about a day ago, and yet feel so comfortable with.
I heard footsteps as he was running and we were laughing.
“hey! Get around this corner now!” I could tell, that was Mr Jones voice.
“oh shit!” Dougie said as he looked around to make an exit.
If we got busted we’d be screwed. Mr Jones was around the corner, I could tell by how close the noise of his steps came to my ears.
Dougie dropped me silently and grabbed my hand and started to run making
As little noise as he could, I was wondering where he was going.
To the bathroom.
The males, to his comfort.
“im not going In there Dougie!” I said pointing to the sign.
“come on just go in!”
“fine, we’ll go into the ladies coz I’ve seen everything in there” he said angry about his defeat, clearly.
We walked in, firstly looking if there was anyone in there.
“Ella! Dougie? What the fuck” Kiara said as she turned away from the mirror.
“Kiara!” I hugged her. Dougie was looking out the small window in the door that could see out to the hallway. Mr Jones was making his way to the bathroom.
“shit he’s coming Ella!” Dougie said walking anxiously away and looking for a place to hide.
“Dougie get in the toilet!” Kiara said trying to get her diary. If you left the classroom you had to have this special diary log thing filled out. Since she had one and we didn’t. she would be safe. Id be screwed. Dougie would be even more screwed.
I rushed into the toilet cube and Dougie went to hide behind the shower cube.
I heard the door open.
“uh, hi Mr Jones.” Kiara said, she was such a good actor she could totally pull it off.
“why are you In here Kiara?” he asked.
“oh someone spilt their water bottle on me so I came in here to dry off.” She lied.
“is your diary filled out?”
“sure thing! You wanna see?”
“no it’s alright… listen have you heard or seen anyone being abit loud and running through the corridor?"
“oh yes! I saw these two guys running and yelling, I heard one say, lets head back to the room. So I guess they were going to their rooms.”
Woah, I gave her credit. Shes so good.
“oh okay! Thanks Kiara.” He said as I heard the door shut.
About 5 seconds later Kiara announced we could come free.
“Kiara you should so become an actress.” I said as I leaned against the wall and watched as Dougie sneaked free.
“yea that was awesome!” he agreed.
“yes well, my awesomeness won’t be so awesome if you don’t get to class. Do you have late logs?” Kiara asked.
“I do… Dougie doesn’t.” I looked at Dougie.
“gimmie your diary so I can look at the signature.” Dougie grabbed my diary, and filled in his log as Miss Perry.
“there.” He said triumphantly giving me my diary back.
I said bye to Kiara, and me & Doug went off to class. Merely surviving being so late.
At the end of the day, Kiara and I had a class together, Food Technology.
As we also studied each other’s timetables, we had our sport, and pdh together too.
Dougie and I weren’t in the same Music class. But we could walk together as we had them at the same time in the music block.
At night, I went to the shower block and once again found Dougie’s hat on the floor in the hallway. I went to pick it up, but looked around to see if he was anywhere.
He wasn’t. So I picked it up, and a note fell out.
Hurry up and get ready, I’m lonely in my room : (
Don’t leave Doug lonely!
I also need help with something.
Dougie xxx

“Aww” I said to myself. Then I put the hat and the note In the dressing room as I got dressed. It’s so annoying having to get dressed in the PE shower rooms. Me and Dougie’s room, and about 3 others need a plumber out coz our showers aren’t working. That will be done over the weekend. And today is Thursday,
So few more days, and then I’ll be showering with a guy in the other room!
Woo hoo! :\
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hoping that u will love this one as much as the other ones!!