The Way You Make Me Feel

Chapter 7

“Dougie turn it down.” I sighed. “Now!”
I was sitting in my room trying to organise my books and such, and all I could hear was Dougie’s loud music from his CD Player.
“its so loud its distorted!” I complained.
“Blink 182 is never distorted!” he proclaimed jumping around.
I giggled. I couldn’t help it. I sat back on my chair as he danced around like
a rockstar. As “don’t tell me it’s over” ended he turned it down and laid flat on his bed.
“I’m bored, lets do something!” he said.
“Dougie you need to chill. It’s 9. And you are hypo! You should sleep”i said turning around on my chair.
“chill? Chill isn’t in my vocabulary unless its for an awesome word substitution!”
“Dougie don’t use big words on me.”
“just did” he said sticking out his tongue. “Remember that”
“don’t start me” I groaned.
He stood up on the bed and started jumping on it like a 5 year old.
“oh my god Dougie get off!”
“make me” he said sticking his tongue out once more.
“how can I make you?”
“use your imagination!”
I looked around and thought of something I could grab. I eyed his guitar.
I grabbed it. and started running around the room with it.
“let it go!”
“never!” I said, it was my turn to stick out my tongue.
I was running around with him following, I got so exhausted so I just dropped on my bed as I held the guitar to me. Dougie jumped on my bed and wrestled it. I felt bad and I thought I’d break it so I just gave in and gave it to him.
“thankyou thankyou thankyou!” he said holding it like it was his baby.
He looked at me, just staring for a bit and then of course he grabbed me and started tickling me. I couldn’t bare it and I was laughing so hard I didn’t realise the door had been opened.
“Guys! Get organised and quiet!” a young lady said. She had light brown hair and soft brown eyes. She looked only young, like 19 or something.
“sorry miss” I said pushing Dougie off me and walking to my desk.
I looked at Dougie to say his apology, but he just stood there looking at the girl as if he knew her. I turned to the girl. She looked like she was nervous.
“um, okay just settle guys” she said nervously and turned around, shut the door and walked away.
“that was odd.” I looked at Dougie, he had gone abit pale. “Doug are you alright?”
“yes I just feel abit sick from all the…” he said standing up, he looked abit faint. “…running around” he said as he went to his bed.
I tidied up my things, and went to turn off the light.
“sorry about before” Dougie said as I walked past his bed towards the light switch.
“it’s fine, mind if I turn the light off and we get some sleep?”
“yea I need some sleep” he said. I turned off the light and tried to guide myself to my bed in the dark. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I jumped.
“it’s just me, I was helping you get to your bed” Dougie said.
“thanks” I said, I found my bed and climbed in.
I fell asleep.
I woke up.
“Elle?” I heard a startled voice.
“Doug?” I replied sleepily.
“sorry for waking you, but is it me or is it very hot in here.”
I took some time to judge the temperature.
I was freezing.
“no its cold.” I replied.
“oh alright.” He sounded as if he had been crying.
I reached out for my lamp and turned it on. I squinted and looked at Dougie. He was all sweaty.
“Dougie are you okay?”
“yes I am fine. Go back to sleep”
“but you don’t look okay?”
“I am, it’s fine, don’t worry.”
In my confused manner, I turned off my lamp and tried to fall asleep.
“So, Dougie was sweating? Sounds sweet.”
“Kiara this isn’t meant to be funny. He seemed abit weird last night”
I was sitting on a nice grassy spot with Kiara at lunch informing her about Dougie’s weird behaviour from the previous night.
“sorry, but I try to make sad situations happy don’t i?”
“it’s not that sad, its just confusing”
“Sorry” she apologized
I picked at a flower, taking off its purple petals one by one.
“He loves me, he loves me not?” Kiara asked.
“Right, the bathroom situation was quite funny yesterday wasn’t it?” she said.
“Yea, if Mr. Jones caught Dougie I would’ve been in hysterics”
“I know right!” she said taking a bite out of her apple.
I spotted that girl from yesterday, she was walking near us. I had an urge to ask her name.
“Excuse me, miss!” I said calling out.
She turned to look at me.
“yes what’s the problem?” she said taking slight steps towards me.
“sorry about yesterday, may I ask what’s your name?”
“Miss Adams.” She said sticking out her name badge.
It read Rachel Adams.
“oh okay Miss Adams! Sorry again.”
“its fine, can I just ask something?”
“what was that boys name?”
“who? Dougie?”
“your roommate…” she sounded suspicious.
“yes, Dougie. Why?”
“just wondering, thought I knew him from somewhere. Turns out I don’t!” she said nervously again and walked away.
I turned to Kiara, and she now knew why I was confused.
“righteo then.” She said looking at her apple, then to me.
I knew something was up, and I promised myself I would find out.
I would, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you love it!!