Otome Aidoru


“Why do we have to meet?” Sho muttered, looking around the filling room.

“Maybe they are going to give us something, some award of some sort.” Jun said smiling.

“Shut up, you wouldn’t win one anyway.” Aiba said laughing, and received a glare from Jun, he moved closer to Kazunari, who laughed and pushed him away.

“I wonder what my mom is making for dinner tonight….” Satoshi mussed quietly going off in his own planet, the rest of the Arashi boys laughed, and Kazunari messed with his hair, Satoshi simply smiled and an innocent confused look on his face.

“Ahem.” Johnny stood at the mic, and the males cheered, “Now, we brought you here, because we have a new member in our agency, but I’m not the person to speak about said person, so Kyle-sama, who has the honor being….” He paused, a small smile on his lips, “said person’s agent…”

“Said person?” Sho wondered out loud, “why isn’t he saying “he”?”

“Maybe it’s not a he?” Jun added.

“It has to be a he; I mean Johnny’s is an all male agency right?” Kazunari said, Satoshi nodded, and looked at the stage with a blank expression. I want….Okonomiyaki….he thought a lazy smile made its way to his face. They all zoned back to the stage where Kyle-Sama was talking.

“…He has a glorious talent, according to my assistant, he is an elite like some of you here…” his swooped through the males landing briefly on Jun, he winked a bit and Jun’s face contorted to one of confusion. His band mates laughed quietly, he glared at all of them but broke into a smile, “he is American, and has no Japanese blood in him, but it has not stopped from learning Japanese very quickly, he has quickly finished his high school career and has requested that he is sent to an university so, our Keio boy will have a new school mate,” his eyes landed on Sho, who blinked, wondering what type of person this new idol was, “without further ado, Jesse Cha-“ a pretty looking girl ran on stage.

“There’s a mistake…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I was asked not too…but uh, he’s a-“

“Excuse me, but, uh, you misspelled my name, it’s J-e-s-s-i-e, and I’m not a boy, I’m a girl…so technically its “she”, pleasure to meet you, “ she bowed, this was a different girl, she was pretty too, she was wearing a plaid shirt, that had a hood on it, underneath she was wearing a beige tank top, tight-ish pants and black converse, her hair made it slightly to her shoulders. She had a nice petite body, but that’s not what the boys were staring at,the boys were staring at the area below her neck but above her stomach.

“They have to be fake…those can’t be real” Sho said, a smile landing on his face.

Jun blinked at her, something in his memory tugged at him, he had met he before he just couldn't remember where.

"What if they're real?" he squealed, his smile proving itself contagious.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t be in this agency.” Kyle said looking at her body just as all the other males were. She stared at him, sighed, and shook her head.

“Look, uh…Sensei, you already brought me all the way to Japan, I already got emancipated from my parents, I already finished school, and received my acceptance letter to Keio…” Her Japanese sounded a bit affected, but not so much that it was impossible to understand.

“Maybe, we can make you an assistant or train you to be an agent, or if you want we’ll pay for your education at Keio, and help you get a place for you, we’ll give you a job here in the-“

No,” she scowled at him, then proceeded to say the next in Japanese, “I didn’t come all the way over here, leaving everything that is important to me, to work a nine to five job, I came here to give my talent, if I wanted what you are willing to give me, I would have stayed in my house, and finished high school with my friends.” She glared at him.

"Well then, you should have thought about that before you joined an all male agency!" Kyle argued stepping closer.

"Your all male agency sent me the papers!" she took a step closer to him. Johnny stood and walked over to them slowly, a smile on his face.

"She's a fiery one isn't she." Kazunari said, the rest of Arashi nodded.

"Hm, Johnny is planing something." Satoshi said, his friends looked at him, and then looked at Johnny's expression.

"Now both of you, calm down." Johnny said calmly.

"Johnny!" Jessie said, before she bowed.

"Johnny?" Kyle began.

"I sent her the papers, she is quite a catch, please, I specifically picked you for this job, Kyle." Kyle opened his mouth but closed it just as quickly. "Now dear introduce yourself." she grinned and turned to us.

"I'm Jessie Chaos, please take care of me!" she bowed, when she lifted her face again, she had a bright smile.

That smile made Satoshi's eyes widen, and his heart speed up, he swallowed hard. He blinked a couple of times, but found his mind was blank, all he could see was her, she seemed to radiate. He averted his vision, Kazunari looked at him.

"Riida?" He questioned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." he said quietly, he smiled a bit, but it somehow felt awkward, "I'm hungry..." he looked at Kazunari. Who's expression told him that he didn't believe him, but he was going to drop the subject, he would probe later. This was one of the reasons that Kazunari Ninomiya was his best friend.

"Oh and boys." Johnny said into the mic, he had his hand on Jessie's shoulder, and Kyle stood a bit behind him, "Please keep Jessie-chan a secret." he winked, and then walked away.

Arashi shared confused looks and simply shrugged.

"I wonder if she's going to debut with a band or something." Sho asked as they made their way back to their rehearsal room.

"I think it would be better to put her with an established group, you know to make it easier on her." Nino said with a slight shrug.
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