Poisoned Apples and Poise


Spy Rule #3: Take on all danger. Your handler is always right.

As I step into the Hilton Hotel lobby, I feel overwhelmed. There are thousands of girls in the lobby, some screaming at their mothers, some practicing the traditional "screw-in-the-lightbulb" wave, some practicing the runway catwalk, and others just nervously looking around. I'd never seen this much girl since First Day of School at Victorian.

"Whoa." Patty and I say in unison.

"Girls, get settled into the lobby. I'm going to go get our room numbers." My mother says, as she walks to the, for the first time, empty front desk.

A few moments later, she returns, and she hands me my room key-- an actual key. I glance at Mary's... Oh no.

It's identical to mine.

"Mom..." I stutter. "Who am I rooming with?"

My mother smiles. I want to wipe it off with my famous roundhouse-kicks. "With our lovely Mary, here."

Mary grins. As soon as my mother turns away, she rolls her eyes. My mom hadn't been there yesterday when Mary expolded, so I wasn't surprised she still thought Mary Walk-DEMON was still an angel.

"Patty, you're rooming with them as well." My mom returns to us, again. "Apparently, that's the only way you can stay in here."

Patty widens her eyes, and I have to bite my tounge to keep from laughing.

"Unles of course you want to room with me." My mom points out, smiling.

"Room of three, okay, let's go!" She says, running towards the elevator.


I never thought that Mary could get more obnoxious. But here she is, placing tape across the room to mark "HER SPACE".

"Mary, this is stupid."

"You're stupid." She says, ripping out her final piece of tape.

"Mary, you've gotta stop. This is ridiculous." I say, opening the door to the room to go downstairs and have a Shirley Temple.

"No!" She screams, throwing her makeup case to the ground. She starts to tear the room apart, and now she's sobbing. "What's ridiculous is that I can't have a social life without my dad's freaking bodyguards getting involved! I can't go anywhere without fearing on being kidnapped and being held hostage! I live in a bubble!"

At this point I'm trying to calm her down by pushing down on her shoulders.

"Calm down, Mary!" I yell.

"NO!" She says, pushing me off. A gasp escapes my throat as I fly out the door and into the hallway-- that's how hard she pushed me.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She says, pushing me on the rail facing the bottom of the hotel.

I instantly feel a yell whimper its way out of my mouth. She's now pushing me way too far-- I'm about to fall off the railing and downt to the lobby, seven floors under.

And that's when I realize-- Mary just wants freedom.

And I'm rooming with the beast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, Mary's a freak... more later.