Poisoned Apples and Poise


Spy Rule #6: Be clever, nothing is a coincidence.

"Ladies, Ladies, welcome to Miss Teen Hotness, the number one pageant in America!" The old lady crows.

Everyone applauds. The old woman continues.

"I'm Amberly Williams, the founder of Miss Teen Hotness Pageant. And today we have our first celebrity competitor... Mary Walkerson!"

Another lame round of applause.

"I would just like to take a few moments of silence, for our own Farrah Fawcett has passed away this morning."

Aww, an original Charlie's Angel! Darn, I was hoping she would be better.

"Well, now that that's that, let's get the show on the road. Let's introduce ourselves, shall we?"

"Mary Walkerson!"

"Camille Long!"

"Patricia Williams!"

"Anita Guzman!"

After mentioning sixty-one other girls, we were all set. The meeting was over and we all walked up to our rooms, where we would get ready for the first party of the pageant, led by Amberly Williams. Thank God it would be a sober party, with no guys, but I didn't want to go. At all. Why get humiliated in front of 64 other girls? That was NOT going to happen to me.

"So, you're going to thee partee raight?" Anita said, and for the first time ever I noticed her thick Mexican accent.

"Hey, you've never spoken like that before!" I smile, kind of confused.

Regret flashed across her eyes. "Like what?" And her American accent returns.

"Wha-?" I try to choke out, but Anita is already gone.

"What's going on?" Patty reaches me.

"N- nothing, just something really weird." I say, and I walk the large crowd of girls to the elevators.

After fifty times the elevator goes down, I finally get my turn to go up.

"Do you notice something weird about Anita?" I ask finally, breaking the silence.

"Who?" Mary asks, clearly bored.

I sigh. "No one." And we ride the rest of the elevator in peace.
♠ ♠ ♠
The party is the next chapter, which I'm writing right now, so stick around! By the way, click on the links on the names of the characters so you can see what Camille, Mary, Anita & Patty look like!