Poisoned Apples and Poise


Spy Rule #8: If trapped by the opponent and held captive, after escaping your bounds, find the slightest form of light and burst open.

As soon as the lights go out, everyone starts to chaotically move around screaming, trying to look for a light switch.

But not Patty and I. We're specialized to do other things.

I sprint all the way do the door in the pitch-black room. Patty is trailing behind me, sprinting as well, and I give her a mental kudos for doing her job.

We burst the doors open and run outside, following Mary's screams. But apart from her cry of help, it seems like she's been shut up.

Suddenly, we both feel a cold gust of wind blow from beside us, and we see that one of those quick exits outside have been open, and the glass door is slowly closing. Suddenly, Mary seems to be running (more like limping) to the door. Both me and Patty run up to her and close the door shut, locking it.

"Oh my gosh, Mary, are you okay?!" Patty says.

"Yes, I'm fine. But whoever those freaks were definitely aren't." She smiles to herself and walks up to an elevator.

Me and Patty decided that it's for the best to go to the party and inform the group that Mary is okay. We walk inside and see that the lights are still out and people are still looking for a light switch.

"Ow, you stepped on me, you idiot!"
"Oh em gee, Lauren, I didn't know you had such a foul mouth!"
"What? Shut up!"
"Where's the light switch?!"
"Somebody please fricken' turn on the lights!"

But then we decided it's better to leave them there and let Mary tell them next morning.

We ride the elevator upstairs and walk into our room, where Mary is explaining everything that happened at the party to my mom.

"Yes, I was just laughing with some girls, and then I hear a click and the lights turn off. I turn around to see who's nearest to the entrance, but the doors were closed, so there was no source of light anywhere. Next, I feel a strong arm around me and they quickly pull me out of the room. It was weird though. I was like five meters away from the entrance, but when I realized that someone was kidnapping me, I was already being carried outside. Whoever it was, they were really fast."

"I see. And how did you escape?" My mom asks, taking a few notes.

"Well, my biggest role model is Sandra Bullock. And also, since I was entering a pageant, I had a Miss Congeniality movie marathon with my girls, and I just memorized the S.I.N.G. technique." She shrugs.

"But didn't you say you we're being carried out?" Patty asks, questioning Mary's theory.

"Yeah, I was, but I bit the guy/girl on the arm. They had muscular arms, but I have pointy teeth." She grinned. "Shee?" She said, still baring her teeth.

"Hmm. That's really really weird." I say, still trying to figure out what just happened. "Why would they try to do this on the first day?"

"I don't know. Mary, why don't you shower, and get some rest." My mom orders, closing her notepad.

"Sure," she says.

"Yeah, I'm tired, too." Patty says and starts walking away.

"Patty, actually, I need to talk to you and Camille." She sighs.

"What is it mom?" I say, and me and Patty pull up a chair in front of the couch in which she's sitting at.

"We've got visual on the people who snuck in tonight." She says, pointing to her computer screen, in which two dark figures, appearing to be women, are sneaking into the ball room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dear Readers:

Please excuse me if this story seems kind of violent,
I'm just really mad right now,
And my mood blends in into my writing.

Apart from all,
I think this soap opera is
Really getting somewhere!
