Poisoned Apples and Poise


Spy Rule #9: When in public places, never forget your cover and to maintain your cool.

Oh geez.

You know, I've never been much of a shopping kind of girl. Yet, I'm not a tomboy. I like wearing nice clothes, you know, I don't mind wearing skirts, heels flats, or jeans, hoodies and sneakers, but I just hate shopping. I detest it. It's boring, just looking around for clothes. And when you can't find something you like, you go to the next store. And then when the next store doesn't have something you like, you start to get desperate, so you go the next store. Oops, nothing's nice, so you start to get anxious. The next store is a cheap store with ugly patterns and cheap fabric, but since you're so desperate, you get the first thing that slightly catches your eye.

That's why I use catalogs.

"Ladies, today is shopping day." Amberly said in our second pageant meeting in the ball room, which had been transformed into a conference room since last night's party. "Now, our other female judge, May, is going to pass out a piece of paper with all of the certified pieces of clothing of the liking you might need for this pageant. Each of you will be getting $750 to spend today. Please do not just spend the money because you can, actually use it for this pageant. Make it of benefit."

May, the other female judge, stood up from the long conference table and started passing out a neon green piece of paper with, very professionally, listed all the clothing that would be required for each event.

"Thank you." I smiled when she handed one to me.

"You're welcome, sweet pea." She smiled and moved on to Mary, who was sitting to the left of me.

"She's nice." I whispered to Mary when May was out of earshot.

"Yeah. She's got a nice sense of fashion, as well." Mary smiled, letting her eyes follow May's outfit.

Since last night, me and Mary had gotten a bit closer. She wasn't so mean anymore, and she took her time to respond kindly. This morning at breakfast she even saved me a seat next to her and Patty. And-- get this-- she complimented my outfit.

"Green is a nice color on you, Camille." She stated and proceeded to eat her fruit salad.

"Thank you," I replied, with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"Well, girls," Amberly continued. "The limos are ready and parked outside. If you have everything you need, please proceed outside. All the limousines have a list of names taped on the window. If your name is on the list, please board that limousine. If you need something from your rooms, you have five minutes to rush upstairs and get whatever. Now girls..."

Everyone waited expectantly.

"... It's shopping time!" Amberly yelled, raising her arms in the air. She got more wootage and everyone filed out of the room, more orderly than I would have expected.

I walked outside, for I had my green bag already, which carried my wallet, my iPod, my Sidekick, my binocoulars, my walkie-talkie, Trident gum, mints, Altoids, my make-up bag and an extra pair of earrings.

In front of me were six stretch-limousines. I walked up to limousine one.

Lauren Amsterfield
Martha Apploy
Isabel Azcaturrieta
Zelda Chung
Macey Chung
Danielle Contreras
Geena Cunn
Alexis Darrtmo
Naomi Diaz
Karen Figueroa

Then I realized everyone was placed in alphabetical order.

But, I kept on checking through limos and limos and I couldn't find my name. In any of them.

"Sweetie," I heard my mom yell. I turned around and she was opening the door to the last limo. She was motioning me over. "You're riding in this one."

"Oh..." I mouth and strut over. Mary and Patty are already in, and Amberly and May are in there too.

"So, you girls are having fun?" Amberly smiles as she buckles her seat belt.

"Yeah, this is a dream come true, I've always wanted to attend a pageant!" I fake.

"That's nice." Amberly smiles, and she proceeds to tell May about some "cute la la la designer dress" she saw on this little-known boutique the other day in a shop in L.A., which was where we were shopping.

Suddenly, there was a loud, violent knock on the window. Before anyone could say "come in", Anita shoved open the door and piled inside.

"Sorry, nobody wants me in their limousine, so I thought, 'Hey, I should go over to my besties, they'll want me!'" She said, still struggling to get in. She finally did, but she lost balance and plopped on me. "Thanks for being there, girl!" She said and scoot off of me, and forced herself in the middle of me and Patty.

"Oooh, you have a nice dress on!" She told Patty, and she passed her hand over the dress, feeling the rhinsetones on it.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want her to be in this limo. At all.

"Oh, girls, we just got a messege from one of our drivers... apparently he's all better now, he's not sick anymore, so he can drive the extra limo. That way you can talk all you want about us!" She laughed loudly, and May joined her. "You can go ahead and tell some of the other girls that don't fit if they want to come over here. Ciao, girls." She said and in an instant she was gone.

We all waited in silence.

"You know, I'm going to go to their limo, too." My mom said, breaking the silence. "I have a feeling it will be more fun to be in a limo full of grown-ups." She smiles and exits.

"I'll go tell some other girls to join us!" Anita says, and she rushes out of the limo.

"START THE CAR! START THE CAR!!" Mary, Patty and I say in unison.

Our chauffer drives off quickly, probably startled, and we all burst out laughing.