‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


His hair swept just over his brows, stuck to one side of his face. His slightly flat nose wiggled as he attempted to scratch it without using his hands. His phone sang and danced on the table in front of him, his girlfriend-of-the-hour turning to look at him expectantly. He scooped it up, flipping it over in his hand.


He stood, pushing the seat out from underneath him as he answered the phone. “Aye, Tom!” he laughed, tapping the young girls back, pointing to the table once he had her attention. She snorted and approached the table, picking up his empty plate.
“Nah, I ‘avent seen Olleh.”
The girl passed the plate onto a waiter, giving them a silent nod. She returned her attention back to the boy, tugging rudely on his pants. He knocked away her hand, rubbing his hip with the other had.
“Sorreh Mate, talk ta yeh later.”
And with that, he hung up.
His girlfriend grunted, smiling up at him. “Who was it?”
He shook his head, sitting on the seat next to her, sliding a hand over her thigh, gripping the flesh underneath. She placed a kiss under his jaw, her warm lips lingering on his face. He turned away, staring down the street, watching the oddly coloured cars race past, and the passer-by’s who contently stared at his partner. Whether it was out of jealousy, or just because they were being affectionate in public, he didn't care.
“Just Tom, lookin’ for his brudda.” he muttered, taking the last mouthful of his ice coffee, banging the empty glass back down onto the table. The girl hummed, sliding a perfectly manicured hand up his arm, resting it on his shoulder as she snarled at a staring girl. He hushed her, placing a finger over her lips. “Dont scar’ the people.”
She laughed, sucking on his finger. He rolled his eyes back, turning the situation into something sexual. As he usually did. He popped the finger out of her mouth, wiping it on her shirt, cringing. She shrunk back, taking offence to his actions. He waved her off, turning back down the street, catching his own reflection in a car window. He licked the palm of one hand, brushing it through the top of his head, straightening it out. He heard his little pal exhale loudly, growing annoyed.
“Yeh can leave, yeh know?” he spoke, rudely. She snatched up her purse, her lovely fingers clashing with the glass of the table. She huffed, feeling slightly let down and used, she stormed off, leaving him in the middle of the street, in an outside cafe, to admire his h air in the reflection of a car window.
“Honeh!” he called out. Eagerly, she turned, thinking that he had changed his mind. He curled his lips up at her instant happy respone, before flicking a finger over her figure, gesturing her outfit.
“ ‘S terrible.”
He furrowed her brows, turning back on her heel and heavily walking off. No amount of words were going to affect this friend of Oliver Sykes. Like the majority of his mates, Oliver had grown on him, teaching him the ethics of picking up girls that only lasted a few hours, sometimes only minutes.
He smiled at himself, satisfied with the crushing job he’d done on that girl. If he was lucky, he’d never see her again.
His phone lit up again, vibrating and moving along the table top, screaming to be answered. He sighed, lazily grasping the phone, flicking it open.


He frowned, answering the phone hesitantly.
“Tom, yeh found him?”
He fell silent for a while, still glaring at his reflection in the window. He paused, catching the last of Tom’s sentence, his blood running cold.

“Fuck tha!” Curtis cried out, throwing the controller to the ground. It rolled onto its heavier side, slipping under the couch. Lee shook his head in shame, shuffling to get more comfortable on the couch.
“Toldya I’d beat yeh, yeh suck, Curtis.” Lee laughed.
Vegan’s muffled voice was faintly heard through the walls, his footsteps coming closer as Curtis and Lee continued to argue. As soon as they heard Vegan’s attempt to talk, they froze, looking at each other stupidly, turning to witness Vegan enter the room, their stupid expressions still on their faces.
“Wha’?” Matt asked, freezing on the spot, his eyes dodging between Lee, who was sitting on the couch, his face barely visible over the back of it, and Curtis, he girlishly had his hands on his hips.
“Matt, we Don't ‘ave great ‘earing, yeh cant talk thro’ walls.” Lee rolled his eyes, shrinking back into his seat. Curtis wiggled his hips a bit, bringing the attention back to him. Matt’s eyes widened when he realised Curtis’ plan on getting attention.
“Stop actin’ like a gurl...” Vegan mutteres, pushing past him, almost knocking him over. Curtis regained his composure, jumping onto the couch next to Lee. Lee grinned stupidly at Curtis, who in return curled a lip up, shaking his fist.
“ ‘Re yeh’s flurtin’?!” Matt clutched at his stomach, trying to stop himself from laughing.
Lee and Curtis pull as far away from each other as possible, both clinging to different ends of the couch.
“No...” they said in unison, vigorously shaking their heads.
“Back ta wha’ I was sayin’. Tom rang, ‘e cant find Olleh.”
Lee rolled his eyes. “Tha’s pathetic, ‘e cant find ‘is own brudda?”
Curtis nudged Lee, shutting him up instantly.
“No Lee, ‘e asked meh to ask yeh’s if yeh had seen Olleh.” Matt exchanged looks between Curtis and Lee, frowning at their sudden repel from each other. “Did I interrupt somethin’?”
Lee and Curtis’ eyes grew wide, sticking their tongues out in distaste. Curtis sunk away, dipping into the couch, his small frail body growing seemingly smaller. Lee smiled in triumph, his index finger poking straight at Curtis, a yelp escaping his lips.
Matt’s eyes grew wide, an awkward silence enveloping them all. Curtis cleared his throat, glancing at Matt oddly. His eyes pleading with Matt to not find a sexual connotation in that. Too late.
“Yeh ‘ad sex?”
Lee tensed, his face going pale. “Excuse me?”
“ ‘E ask’d if yeh ‘ad sex with meh.” Curtis sighed, slapping his forehead, stupidly.
Lee gazed over at Curtis, displeasure written all over his face. “I would’nt touch ‘im with a ten foot pol’!”
Curtis exhaled loudly, annoyed. He dragged his palms down his face. He shook his head, glancing over at something irrelevant on the floor, his eyes fixated on it.
Matt nodded, but not convinced. He moved in head in the view of the T.V, taking a momentary look at the screen, visualising a console game on pause. He snorted and straightened up, looking down at Lee.
“Who won?”
Lee smiled, happily and clapped his hands.
“Guess.” Curtis mumbled, angrily.
“Awww, Curtis is sad tha’ Little Lee kick’d ‘is arse!”
Lee laughed, kicking his feet out in front of them, resting them on the poof. He sunk back, his head hiding between his shoulders as he started a new game, all on his own. That way, he didn't flog anyone, and no one got upset about losing. Of course, unless Lee lost to the computer, he threw fits. Not the funny kind either. He looks like an angry care-bear when he’s angry, he pouts and his head shrinks into his shoulders, making his look even more elf-like.
“Oh!” Curtis jumped, feeling around his arse.
Matt and Lee exchanged awkward glances, Lee spinning his finger around his ear, silently telling Matt that Curtis was insane.
“Hey!” he yelled again, digging into his pockets. “Meh arse is moving!”
Lee shook his head. “Yeh phone, idiot!”
Matt sighed, slinking into a nearby chair, lazily.
“It says Tom.” Curtis spoke, stupidly, flashing the phone under Lee’s nose.
“Okay, Okay, Don’ get yeh panties in a ‘not.”
Matt sat back, amused by the two etching at each other. He crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Curtis to answer the phone.
“Aye Tom!”
Lee continued with his game, occasionally yelping obscenities at the screen, shaking the controller as he shot at the characters.
“Tom, Tom, slo’ down...”
Lee paused the game, his eyes shooting over to Matt. Matt shrugged, and they both glared at Curtis, a worried look plastered all over his face. He shook his hands, like a girl, annoyed.
“Tom, wha’s wron’, slo’ down.” he hurriedly blurted out, his words slurring into each other. Lee’s body became covered in goosebumps, sent by a cold shiver.
“Okay, Okay.... we’ll meet yeh therrrre.” Curtis flung the phone at Lee. “Shut it!” he yelped, running a hand through his hair, pacing around the room, muttering incoherent words to himself.
He muttered some more, his paces getting quicker.
“CURTIS!” Lee yelled, spit flying from his lips.
Still no answer.
Annoyed with the silence, Lee rose to his feet, marching over to Curtis. Like a bad slow-motion picture, Lee’s hand collided with Curtis’ face, his cheek flailing under Lee’s hand as the impact occurred. Matt jumped to his feet, on the precaution that Curtis would retaliate, and a cause a fight between the two smallest friends.
Curtis glared at Lee. “Yeh hit me!?”
Lee nodded. “And if yeh don’ tell us wha is wron’, I’m goin’ to bash yeh lights out!”
Curtis gulped, knitting his hands together.

“Somethin’s happened to Olleh.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The first, awaited chapter!

You's wanted the sequel, and i bless you with its contents!
I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed Thomas Sykes.
(Im still taking ideas!)