‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


So, here I am again. Sitting all by myself, strumming my fingers against the table, gazing across the cafeteria at my Ex-boyfriends table, one hand pressed under my chin. I sighed, lolling my eyes across the room, interested in what everyone else was doing. But it was obvious, they much preferred to stare at me, than to talk about their nights, or their weekends.
Wow, didn't know I was this popular. Which begs the question, why am I so lonely?
My finger tips danced along the top of the table, finding a beat. My light green eyes flickered over to the table, all boys hunched over, talking within themselves. No girls, no wolf whistles. Its amazing what happens after a few months. No girls hanging from Oliver or Nicholls, barely any stares. I hummed, not use to the lack of snarls.
Why wouldn't we just start over? Jump into a time machine and go back.
My knees were crossed, one foot lifted from the ground, flicking around to the beat of my fingertips on the table. I moved the hand out from under my chin, rummaging through my bag for my lunch. The small remnants of a cookie rolling around in my lunch box. I clicked it open, my fingers prying out the cookie, stuffing it into my mouth as I flipped the lid to my bag over. I bit down, the crumbs falling onto my shirt. I glanced down, counting the crumbs.
Sixteen to be exact. Oh wait, seventeen, if you include the one that just fell.
I brushed them off, chewing down on the biscuit. Changing legs, crossing the other over the top, I regained my posture, sure to repel any attention. An idea hit me like a wave. Why sit around here looking like a fucking PMSing girl, when I could have my head down, drawing. Make Tom think I wasn't interested in him.
My eyes slanted across the room, nodding to myself. Tom’s blue eyes darting away from my glance. Tom was getting a kick out of knowing that I was looking at him, his smug expression, his smirks, his fucking ridiculous laugh.
Since when did I hate him?
I re-opened my bag, whipping out my pencil and ripping a page from my English book, finding that book to be the lesser one used. I splayed my fingers out over the page, keeping it down on the table, the wind unable to brush it off the table. Placing my cookie on the table next to it, I shoved the pencil between my teeth, with my free hand, shutting my bag and letting it slump to the ground, where I kicked it under the table.
My last stare at Tom was a scornful one. His eyes grew darker, knowing I was fighting back. He snarled, whipping his head in Lee’s direction, making it obvious that he was talking about me. Both their stares facing me. I gave a small smile to Lee, who was too afraid to return in when Oliver turned to look at me, following Tom’s gaze. And fancy that, the only one who didn't snarl, was Nicholls. Even he was taken aback by the groups reaction, so much that he forgot to snarl. I chuckled to myself, averting my eyes to the blank page.
And that’s where they stayed.

A face grew into a body, which with the addition of legs and arms, reflected the figure of a boy. A plump faced boy, with cerulean blue eyes, and skinny legs. With the addition of a mop of hair, he resembled the boy I had fancied... once.
The bell sounded, the end of Lunch.
I moved my hand away, admiring my work. But admiration was the last thing I felt for the picture. I grew angry, unable to get his face, his features, his smile out of my mind. I threw my pencil into my bag, picking up the last section of my cookie as I raced off to class, the page scrunched between my fingers. It will be thrown into the nearest bin, or the next bin I come across.
Tom never turned up, and I told Lee to stay away from me. So it was only natural that Curtis was the next in line, next to cop my force. I rolled my eyes, unable to get away from Tom’s friends. I remember a time when I couldn't remember their names, and when Tom would mention them, id look like a flipping idiot with my head tilted to one side and a slant tugging at my lips. Now, I cant seem to shake them, they followed me, patted seats for me to sit in, wanted in my life, to tell me what to do. I hesitantly took the seat next to Curtis, his hair sweeping past my ear as he turned to gaze at the side of my face, of course, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of looking me in the eyes. I stiffened, unsure if I had made the right choice, my fingers splayed out on the desk, my bag still hanging over my shoulder, grazing across the ground. Curtis chuckled, amused by my hostility, he patted my shoulder.
“I aint gonna bite.”
I weakly smiled, relaxing my shoulder, the bag falling to the ground. I kicked it under the table, my scrunched up piece of paper still under my palm. I cursed to myself.
why hadn’t I found a bin?
My eyes darted to the front of the room, the obvious place for a bin. And I sighed at my stupidity, wanting so badly to slap myself.
“ ‘Re yeh gonna say ‘ello?”
I slumped back into the seat, glancing sideways at Curtis’ skinny frame. Maybe if things were different, and if I hadn't had feelings for Tom, I could fall for this boy. His smile was just as heart warming as Tom’s, he just didn't have the pudgy-Sykes face, and his eyes weren't oceanic blue. But he was attractive, but not as stable as I wished he would be. Things would have been different, if I hadn't caught him with Denise, if I hadn't followed him, I could easily forget about all that. But the feelings for Tom overruled any other feeling.
“Hello...” I grumbled. Curtis chuckled, amused. I rolled my eyes, knowing, in the small compartments of my brain, that Curtis would find anything I say funny. He was just that type of guy. You could swear at him, and he’d laugh. Unless you were Lee, thats a totally different story. As you all know.
“Not gonna ask meh ‘ow I am?”
my blood started to boil, bubbling in my veins. “Why must you be like this?”
Curtis fell silent. “Like wha’?”
“Like this, cant I just sit here in silence, and not say anything to you, or you say anything to me!? Please?”
Curtis slouched back, his eyes wide. “Sur’, be meh fecking guest.” he mumbled, shuffling away from me, rudely. I got the hint, he didn't need to move. I brushed off his comment, my books appearing onto my table in a matter of minutes, opened to the nearest empty pages. The teacher carried on, pacing around the room as he attempted to show the students the art of The Earth. I wrote down small notes, Curtis being quiet for the first time in his life. But something small was niggling at me, telling me that it wouldn't last long.
“So, yeh attack Lee, and now meh?”
That little niggling feeling was right.
“Im not attacking you, and I definitely didn't attack Lee.”
Curtis scoffed, whipping to my side. “ ‘Re yeh kidding meh? Yeh fucking ‘urt Lee’s feelin’s..”
I sighed. “Take a number and jump in line, Curtis. Your not the first to tell me that i’ve hurt someone.”
Curtis didn't take my sarcasm to nicely, if anything, it fueled his anger.
“Rory, yeh need to wake up...”
My blood bubbled over. “Curtis, for fuck sake, you Don't need to tell me how to live. All I did was tell Lee to leave me alone, and I was hoping you would do the same.” I huffed, running my hands through my hair, wispy ends poking out around my face.
“So yeh gonna push everyone ‘way?”
I slipped my eyes closed, calming myself down. “I did survive the past few years without you guys... I can survive a few more.”
Curtis scoffed again. “And Tom, can yeh last these years without a friend?”
I slacked, growing limp in my seat.
“I fucked up Curtis, and I know that. But no one is giving me the chance to apologise, or make it better, they are all telling me how bad I know.... And I already know!” I practically screamed, getting to the stage of ripping my hair out. “Dont you think that its killing me? The thought of seeing Tom like this makes my heart break, I feel sick about it Curtis, and no one will let me fix this.”
Curtis wrapped an arm around me, pressing a kiss just above my ear. “Maybeh yeh cant fix this?”
I buried my head into his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his skinny waist, my fingers splayed out on his bare hip, his belt digging into the flesh of my palm.
“Then what am I supposed to do?”
“Stop pushing us away, we can ‘elp.”
I snorted, laughing at his comment. “You’s are Toms friends... and I'm trying to fix things, and this isn't making it any better.”
“ ‘Ow ‘re yeh trying ta fix things?”
I paused. Good question. But Curtis already knew that question, we had both been here before. But we had patched things up. Unfortunately, Tom wasn't the same sort of person, so I needed to try harder.
“Yeh just tryin’ ta ferget things, aren't yeh?”
I nodded. He had hit the nail on the head. “Well Don't, ‘s not working.”
“I realised, purely because your still talking to me.”
“Love, Id talk ta yeh if yeh were a sex-addict.”
I cringed, awkwardly pulling away to stare at his face. He frowned, catching me off guard.
“Sex addict?”
“Yah!, yeh kno’ ‘ow people ‘re.” Curtis waved one hand in the air, pushing away the empty space. I shook my head, straightening out in my seat.
“I am no Sex addict.”
“Yeh neck tells a different storeh.” Curtis prodded a finger towards my neck. Immediately my left hand flew up to the side of my neck closer to Curtis, covering the love-bites there. He laughed, removing his finger. I shrunk away, looking at Curtis, innocently.
“I can explain...”
“Im sur’ yeh can, start with ‘ow good ‘s ‘e in bed.”
I winced, awkwardly moving further away. “Curtis, please.” I pleaded, facing the front of the room, trying to avoid Curtis’ odd question. I swear this boy had a sexual problem, or will in the near future. He flirts with Lee, uncontrollably, not that he wants in his pants or anything, its just funny to listen to, and to watch. He gets Lee so worked up, and vice versa.. He wants in on everyone’s sex lives. Nothing is sacred with this boy. Of course, he wont brag, but he’s defiantly nosey.
“Com’ on, yeh gotta give meh somethin’...”
I crinkled up my face, furrowing my brow. “Curtis, Stop, I'm not going to talk about it.”
“ ‘Ow big is ‘e?”
I gasped, looking at Curtis oddly. “You are fucking dirty, just stop, Curtis!” I giggled, pushing against his cheek, trying to make his face the other direction. He pushed against my hand, keeping his eyes on me.
“Does ‘e like it fast, or slow?”
“Curtis, seriously... I will slap you.”
“Yeh mean...” Curtis leant in, whispering into my ear. “...spank.”
I pressed one hand against his chest, pushing him back into his seat. He leant back, a satisfying laugh erupting from his lips. He was loving this, loving the fact that he was making my skin crawl. I shook my head, eliminating the images. Not that I wanted them to go, but I didn't need them right now. They affected my train of thought.
“Did ‘e have yeh screamin’?”
I purposely moved away, scooping my books along the table, the space between us now larger. I kept my attention towards the front, making it look like I was ignoring him. But every comment he made, made me smile, a dead give away. It just fuelled his flirtatious actions.
“Mind if I try ‘im?”
I rolled my head back, laughing. Curtis hummed out a laugh, watching me squirm in my seat. My hair hung behind my back, cascading over the back of the seat.
“Im sorry Curtis, but he’s into girls.”
“I can get a sex-change!” Curtis chirped, acting as if I light bulb had been turned on in his mind. Like he had some great idea. I sighed, turning away.
“I’d prefer it if you stayed a boy.”
“Ill tell yeh what...” Curtis closed the space, moving up next to me. His arm hairs mixing with mine, tickling the skin on my arms. “I’ll stay a boy, if yeh talk ta ‘im.”
“That was your intention the whole time, wasn't it?”
Curtis grinned like a guilt toddler. It would have been a lot more cuter if he had a ring of chocolate around his lips, like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
I nodded. “Okay, as long as there are now more sex questions.”
He grinned. “Yeh got it.”
For lack of reply, I turned back to the front, peering our of my peripherals, looking at Curtis from the corner of my eye. He was still grinning, thinking up some evil plan. I pretended to write, tricking Curtis. But he must have realised as his grin died away. He focused on the front.
Who had who tricked?
My interest died away as I realised that he wasn't grinning. So I turned my attention back to the front. Our conversation lost in the past.
Curtis cleared his throat, placing his pen down delicately.
And I finally realised why he was grinning. But it was too late. His plan was already in play. His words were only just leaving his mouth, my eyes clamming shut, waiting for the horrible question.
“So, is ‘e a moaner, or a screamer?”

I knew he couldn't help himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm, i think i am going to stop posting awkward pictures of Oliver, it isnt any good. and its making us all uncomfortable. >.<

Thank you for everyone who is commenting, i love you all!

Oh! and i DESERVE that Thomas Teddy, you cant keep my from it!
...you can keep the spoon, i got a ladle =D