‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


Hunched over, I continued out to the bus bays, kicking at the lifeless rubbish in the ground. I flinched at the mention of his name, a few girls jogging past me to meet his as he turned the corner, his eyes locking with mine. Quickly, he averted them, rubbing in the fact that the girls wanted to be with him. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, my shoe-clad feet kicking away at the rubbish, which eventually rolled away out of my reach. I sighed and continued out, pushing all my weight against the double doors. The cool wind nipped at my exposed neck, sweeping my hair behind me. I slipped my eyes close, letting the air wisp around my face before dying away.
“Oh, thats great Tom.”
My ears popped, her small, whining voice rupturing the blood vessels in my head. Wincing, I leant back against the bent fence, crossing my feet in front of me. My eyes scanned the bays, my bus still miles away. I huffed and buried my hands into my bag, retrieving my music player, plugging its small white ear-phones into my ears, pumping the music as loud as it would go. Obtaining looks from other students as they walked past, able to hear the bass in my music.
But hey, it blocked out her annoying voice. I couldn't see how her voice didn't annoy Tom.
With my eyes down towards the ground, I wasn't paying much attention to the world moving around me, for all I cared about, it could have stopped spinning, a giant dinosaur could have been reborn, and I still wouldn't care.
...Okay, a little too far. I admit.
The sudden sharp shove of my shoulder was enough to whip me back into reality. I staggered, stopping my body hurling towards the ground. I straightened, my eyes shooting to the figure moving away from me.
“Hey!” I yelled, unplugging my ear-phones, swinging them over my shoulder. “Hey!”
The stopped, spinning around in the dirt, their heels kicking up some dust. I couldn't forget a face like hers, I mean, who would?. She snarled, her piercings moving with her lips, her dark eye make up making it seem as though he hadn't had sleep in days. Going for an Oliver Sykes look. I dusted down my pants, slanting my bag to the other shoulder, slowly approaching her slender body. Her grey singlet laying just above the bra, exposing her rather large cleavage, leaving nothing to the imagination. If she was to run, her breasts would knock her out, or if she was to bend over, they’d bounce out. Of course, like her Ex-boyfriend, she wore the Skinny leg Jeans. Not to be bitchy, but she doesn't look real good in them, but, I suppose my opinion didn't matter to her.
“Wha?” she spat, her eyes moving over my body, sizing me up.
“You aren't going to apologise?” I asked, my hands stuck out at my sides.
“Wha’ fer? Touching trash?” Her friends cackled over her shoulder, grossly manicured nails fluttering over mouth, wide, ruby red mouths. I slanted my mouth down, pondering.
“Touching trash? What sort of a comeback is that? Oh wait....” I faked a shocked expression. “Your blonde, I should have expected something stupid.”
She clenched her fists, angered by my attempt at a stab. She took the bait, inching closer, her teeth grinding together. Her friends silenced themselves, bickering between one another, laying abuse on my choice of clothes, or the way my make up lined my green eyes. I leant back, crossing my arms across my chest, tapping my foot. SJ settled down, calming herself with a breeze over of her fingernails, taking a quick glance over her shoulder to visualise an approaching Oliver. I rolled my eyes. New he couldn't be too far away.
Not only was this boy completely stupid, but he was insane. Getting back with SJ? I mean, come on. I'm not even THAT stupid.
SJ directed her attention back to me, devilishly curling her lips into a smirk. “I ‘ear yeh slept with Olleh, Tom not good enough fer yeh?”
My hands fell by my sides, limp. My lips slacked, quivering. I needed to control my emotions a lot better than this. At any mention of his name, I turned into a crying mess. She sensed the crumbling of my defences, making the quick move to take another stab.
“I thoug’t yeh were betteh than tha’, I wonder, Is Olleh better?”
I stumbled back, getting ready to turn and take off, run like an embarrassed teenager. Who am I kidding, should have known SJ would use Oliver as an attack. Oliver stood back, sort of smirking, but wanting to stop the fight. SJ cleared her throat. Nicely, I gave her my full attention, Big Mistake. With one heeled foot, she kicked up a burst of dust, flicking it into my face. Specks of rocks and dirt fluttering into my face, forcing my eyes close, tears trying to remove the rocks. I cried out, my hands flying up to my face. My knees buckled out from underneath me, but I never touched ground. I dangled over the ground, a set of arms wrapping around my waist, hushing sweet words into my ear.
“Shut tha feck up, SJ.” he snarled, limping my body to his side, dipping his head down to gaze at my covered face, trying to pry away my hands. I started to sob, the prickly feeling stinging the back of my eyes. I heard the shuffle of feet, the laugh of girls, and the flirty words exchanged between Oliver and SJ.
For fuck sake, did that boy care about anyone?
One of Tom’s hands slipped under mine, delicately brushing away the dirt, trying not to poke me in the eyes. With one hand around my waist, he tipped me back, my face directed to the roof of the building, its shadow casting over us. Tom hushed a few more words, the faint sound of approaching feet getting louder.
“Tom, we gotta...”
Tom stiffened. Blinded by dirt, I gripped onto his arm, sensing an array of words to be thrown at the new-comer. Something told me, they weren't going to be nice words. Before I could familiarise with the deep accent, Tom shot back.
“Feck off, Olleh.”
I tensed, Tom’s hands tightening around my waist, bringing me closer into his embrace, his breath crawling along the area of my love-bites, their night of conception replaying in my mind. I sucked in a breath, picturing Tom’s bright face from behind my eyelids.
“Tom?” Oliver choked, staggering back, offended. “Yeh al’ight?”
“Nah, I'm not. Yeh need ta leave us alone.”
I shivered in Tom’s touch, his fingers gliding under my shirt, brushing just above my pants. His fingers splayed out on my lower back.
“Feck off Oliver, yeh caused all this!?”
Oliver’s voice grew louder, tension being thrown out between the two boys. SJ was somewhere in the distance, her friends had left, but she hadn't. She must have been leaning over Oliver. But with dirt in your eyes, and the painful urge to keep them shut, made it hard to see anything.
“ ‘Ow did I? ‘s not meh fault tha’ yeh bitch ‘s so bitcheh.”
Real good Oliver, now you sound like a fucking retard, couldn't think of anything better, eh?
“My bitch? Wha’ the feck, Olleh?”
“Tom, she’s not worth it.”
“Feck yeh, Olleh. Wha’ would yeh know?”
Oliver quickly shut his mouth, realising that his younger brother was right, for the first time. And Oliver knew this, but wasn't about to let me get between them. After all, I was just a bitch. Tom’s embrace got warmer, his heart beating wildly against mine, beat for beat, blood rush for blood rush. I swooned, my mouth growing slack, just the thought of Tom standing up for me made me want to faint. With my heels dug in the dirt, my weight all upon Tom’s arms that was wrapped around my back, his fingers playing with the hem of my pants.
“Tom, Com’ on.”
“No, Olleh, Get fecked.”
Oliver stopped moving, tensing on the spot. SJ murmured something like ‘lets go’. But Oliver’s booming voice continued to fight against Tom, trying to prove a point.
“No, yeh fecked everythin’ I ever wanted! And I aint gonna let yeh feck this over. I Love her, Olleh. But yeh wouldn't kno’ ‘bout Love, wouldya?”
My heart soared, a smile appearing on my lips. My pressed one hand against his chest, his heart beating under my palm.
He meant every word.
“Excuse meh?”
Tom’s hands moved under my weight. One arm appeared under my dead legs, lifting me into his embrace. I buried my face into his shoulder, wiping away the dust. I peeked one eye open, the dust scratching at the sensitive parts of my eyes, forcing them shut again, awful prickly sensations shooting around my eyes, tears forming in the ducts. I felt like a baby. I placed one hand on Tom’s back, and the other against his chest, over his heart. I didn't want to go anywhere.
He was my hero, my knight in shining armour.
Corny, I know. But that love folks, corny as hell.
“Go feck one of yeh fuck-buddies...” Tom’s head moved, straining his neck. “ ‘Coz tha’s all yeh ‘re, SJ! Jus someone ‘e can stick ‘is dick in!
Yes, I was shocked as well. My heart raced faster, beating rapidly against my ribcage. Each breath was painful, but I found it better than the pain shooting around my face, making it hard to see.
“ ‘Ow dare yeh!?” Oliver growled, getting closer. My fingers gripped Tom’s shirt. I leant in, mashing my lips to Tom’s neck, unable to find where his ear was.
“Lets go, please?”
“Feck yeh, Olleh. I'm over this.” he mumbled, turning away. I felt wonderful, being in Tom’s arms, feeling his heart beat against my palm, asking to be set free. His arms fit perfectly around me, like a puzzle. But it was quickly torn away, and replaced with the hard, cold dirt of the earth. I splattered out a cough, choking on dirt.
This just wasn't my day.
I felt the ground move around me, more dust flying around my face, forcing me into a fit of sneezes. The loud pound of flesh on flesh could be heard, and the constant grunts of fighting men. SJ screeched, her nails scratching along someone’s arms, forcing the boys apart. Oliver groaned, being slapped against the ground, his head colliding with my leg, a faint yelp escaping his lips. I winced back, reaching out, my hands weaving into Oliver’s hair.
“Dont touch meh!” he snarled, his fist colliding with my upper leg, earning a loud scream from my lips, my hands covering my thigh, tears flowing freely from my eyes. Pain shot through my veins. I had no idea why Oliver would do that, but he did. He fucking hit me!
“Dont touch ‘er!”
Another whack of flesh, Oliver fell quiet, his heavy breathing brushing over my pants. I forced my leg forward, landing a blow against his face, crushing his nose into his face. He cried out. Satisfied with my kick, I went to lay back, wiping away dirt from my face. My head never made contact with the dirt, instead, I was back in that embrace that I loved. That I would love to live in, never leave this embrace.
“Yeh fecking wastin’ yeh time, Tom!” Oliver called out, SJ’s small whimpers sounding out as she tendered to his side, as Tom had to mine.
“Im so sorry, Tom.” I muttered into his neck, my fingers gripping his shirt, afraid for when he was going to let go. Would he continue to hold me, plaster a smile on my face? Or was he still bitter.
“Shhh” he kissed the top of my head, cradling me in his arms. I felt the urge to fall asleep, the beat of his heart ringing in my ears, the rise and fall of his chest rocking me to sleep. I sighed, pressing my ear against his chest, giggling at his heart.
“Yeh make meh heart race.” he whispered, so low it was barely audible. His voice was laced with kindness, love. I melted on the spot, the butterflies fluttering away, tickling at my insides.
I smiled, preparing myself for the waterworks. “I love yeh, Rory. Don't yeh eva ferget tha’.” he cooed, kissing the top of my head again, rocking me in his arms.
He carefully pressed me into the passenger seat, staring me in the eyes, searching my face for expression. I blushed, tilting my head away.
“Dont...” he chuckled, wiping dirt away from around my eyes. “She’s a bitch.” he shook his head, slipping his hand into mine, fitting perfectly. I glanced down at it, my heart soaring. A smile tugged at my lips, my thumb massaging the top of his hand, drawing little patterns. He giggled, kissing my temple.
“Do yeh want ta tell meh wha’ went down, with yeh and Olleh?”
I turned away, ashamed. “It killed me every day, Tom. To think that I hurt you that much..” I took a deep breath, my throat expanding as tears threatened to stream down my face. Tom caught my upset expression, instantly bringing me into his chest, where I let the tears flow. “I... I never meant to hurt...... y-you Tom. I'm s-so Sorry. I love you.” I whimpered, rubbing the top of my thigh, pretty sure a bruise was there. Tom laced his fingers within mine, giving me one last kiss.
“Wanna go ‘ome?”
I smiled, keeping his hand within mine, forcing him to stay by my side. If there was anything I couldn't stand to think of, was the thought of Tom leaving my side, and never returning, never being by my side.
“I want to go home with you, please?”
Tom nodded, slipping our of of my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Time to lay some rules.
2. i deserve Tom teddies, and if i dont get them VERY SOON i am going to throw a tantru,
3. Keep the lovely comments coming =D
4. uh...... no stealing Tom! im writing this story for him, and its considered kidnapping, and its ILLEGAL!

Okay, so..... are we all fond of the rules?
Now, Give me back Thomas Sykes, and the Tom teddies. I know where you two live! i will stalk you BOTH!