‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


I snuck glances at Tom, his face contorted into a look of concentration. I studied his face, his cerulean eyes pointed to the ground, his hair sweeping across his eyebrows, cascading over his left shoulder. My fingers urged themselves to pat his face, feel his tender skin under my rough fingers. I sighed, forcing my eyes away as Tom cleared his throat, his eyes flashing over my face.
“Yeh feelin’ betteh?”
I nodded, chewing on my bottom lip. Kneading my fingers in my lap, I hunced over, my hair hanging in my face.
“Yes, Thanks.”
Tom awkwardly smirked, turning away again. The tension was thick, hovering around us like fog. Not sure on what to say, we didn't say anything, and that made things more uncomfortable. It was obvious that Tom wanted to ask questions, but he stopped himself, covering with a smile before averting his eyes again. I fluttered my eyes close, leaning back against his lounge, my feet becoming numb, the pressure released out of my sitting position. The carpet shuffled underneath me, hands moving either side of my hips, a stern chest pinning me against he couch. I snapped my eyes open, Tom’s face beaming down at mine, a childish smile across his face.
Tom fingers caressed my cheeks, his eyes moving over my face. A slight blush appeared on my cheeks, my face burning under his touch, his eyes hypnotising. My body moulded against his, warm breath and cologne seeping into my pores, forcing the speed of my heart to race well into the million beats per milli-second.
“Yeh realleh pretteh, yeh kno’ tha?”
I blushed again, melting away.
“Pretty?” I scoffed, lightly hitting Tom’s right cheek, a smile brought under my touch.
“Wait...” he fluttered my eyes shut, his fingers prying around them, lightly sweeping away specks of dirt. “Yeh still ‘ave dert in yeh eyes.” he mashed his lips to mine, moving in sync. I revolved around him, my body moving into overdrive, the birds bursting into my chest, stopping my heart.
Tom pulled away, breathless.
“Will yeh tell meh wha’ happen’d?”
My eyes slanted downwards, my mouth following suit, not sure to talk about it, not sure how Tom would react.
“Why Tom? It would only hurt both of us, just the thought....” I shuddered, sealing my eyes closed, Oliver’s alcoholic breath filling my nostrils, suffocating me. I whimpered, shaking underneath Tom. He moved around me, his entire body enveloping mine, sandwiched to the couch. He breezed away hair, revealing my contorted face to his eyes, agony crossing his mind.
“I want ta kno’ why?” he muttered, against my lips, whimpering slightly himself. I relaxed, his voice shaking me from my nightmare, my worst moment.
“He isn't worth it, he disgusts me.”
Tom snorted, pressing his lips to my forehead, the warmth lingering there once his lips were removed. “I coulda told yeh tha’.” Tom chuckled, moving to sit next to me, his arm lazily laying across my stomach, pulling me to his side. He pressed kisses along my jaw line, muttering sweet nothings to me as he slipped his fingers between mine, the care radiating from his body, his language, his touches. I shivered under his touch, light gasps and moans escaping my lips, edging Tom further on.
“Im so-”
His lips were against mine again, dipping his head down. “I love yeh, yeh ‘ave ta ‘member tha’, Okay.” he whispered, his voice hinted with agony, sadness, pain. His voice brought tears to my eyes, made my heart feel guilt, ache harder. He pressed his last kiss to my forehead, jumping to his feet to attend to his aching stomach, his growing need for food.
I hummed, knowing Tom wouldn't hear my mutter, so I joined it with a node.
“Well yeh ‘ave ta get it yehself. I aint makin’ it fer yeh.” He huffed, with the addition of a small laugh afterwards. I slanted my mouth to one side, frowning.
“Are you being mean, Thomas Jordan Sykes?”
He chuckled. “Im neva mean.”
The carpet moved underneath me, indicating that Tom had moved next to me. The crackling of opening a packet of chips erupted into the room. When I glanced sideways at Tom, he grinned, his plump cheeks his eyes shut.
“Chips?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Yep, couldn't be bothered ta make somethin’.”
I sighed, shaking my head. “I figured.”
Tom flicked a chip in my direction. It flickered down onto my pants, leaving little flavour flakes on my pants. I picked it up, slipping it between my lips, a little edge sticking out. Tom gasped, nudging my side.
“Dont move.”
Tom wrapped his lips around the other end of the chip, chewing it way towards my lips. My eyes crossed across the bridge of my nose, watching Tom’s small face become larger as it grew closer. Before long, his lips were on mine, the chip tossed between our lips, rolling into the back of our throats. I swallowed it down, slipping my tongue around Tom’s, battling for dominance. I shuddered, rolling my head back, our lips still connected. He sighed against my lips, crossing one arm over my body, each hand on either side of my hips, mashing mine against his. He slacked, his tongue lazily searching the inside of my mouth, teeth clashing together.
I forced Tom away, our lips separating with a loud ‘pop’. Tom rocked back on his knees, his body moving from mine. I straightened out, flicking my legs out in front of me and rolling my head forward, craning my neck back.
Tom panted. “Sorreh, got carried ‘way.” he smiled, his index finger drawing patterns on my t-shirt, dipping his finger into my belly button.
“I Don't mind, we need to get carried away more often.”
Tom smirked, an evil idea popping into his head. “We should...” he pressed another kiss to my lips, and then pulling away to pop a chip into his mouth.
“Would have been better with chocolate.” I winked, hinting at my intentions. Tom shuffled closer, his face merely inches from mine, his musk cologne swooning around my face, suffocating my senses. I took a sniff, indulging in his scent.
“A lot of thin’s ‘re betteh with Chocolate.” Tom slapped my thigh, giving it a quick squeezing, pooping another large crinkled-cut chip into his mouth. He chomped down on it, the chip crackling in his mouth. I gripped his chin, my fingers digging into his cheeks, pursing his lips together. I whipped his face around to look at me, his mouth resembling that of a fishes.
“I love you.”
Tom raised an eyebrow, stopping mid chomp. “I wuv yeh twooo.” he muttered, specks of chip flying at my shirt. I cringed, brushing away the flecks, saliva making them stick to my hand.
“Yeh love it.” he roughly kissed my neck, reaching behind himself for the remote. “Olleh’s gonna be ‘ome soon.”
“Did you want to take me home when he gets home?”
Tom snorted, lacing one hand within mine, moulding perfectly. He brought our joined hands up to his lips, kissing each knuckle delicately, taking his time, his lips lingering.
“Yeh staying tha night.”
My eyes shot wide open. “I am?”
“Well....” Tom cooed, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb, his other hand dropping the chips automatically. His now empty hand snaked its way around my body, working into the back of my jeans. I gasped when his cold fingers grazed over the hem of my panties, hooking them with his fingers. “Yeh can a’ways give meh an encore of tha otheh night.”
I smirked, weaving my hands into his hair. With one heave, Tom had me in his lap, both hands now working into the back of my pants. My hands stayed stationary at the top of his arms, delicately teasing the exposed flesh of his upper arm.
“You’d like that, would you?”
Tom rolled his head back and laughed. “Who wouldn't?” Tom winked, his fingers moving around to the front of my pants, popping open the button. He kept his eyes up at mine, baby blues searching my bright green ones. He pecked my lips, weakly, pulling away taking a quick glimpse into my pants, but my own shadow made it hard for him to see anything.
“I bet yeh I can guess tha colour of yeh panties.” Tom seductively whispered, one finger moving into my panties, crawling down the joint of my left thigh, teasing. I sucked in a breath, eager to know his answer, I bucked my hips, crushing his hand between our bodies.
“Fec.... Blu’?” he stopped himself, regaining composure and weaving his finger further down, trickling along my inner thigh.
“Try again.”
He hummed, his free hand moving down the zipper of my pants. “If I guess right, we feck, right ‘ere,”
I coughed back a laugh, splattering. “Excuse me?”
“Yeh hea-”
“I Don't think so...”
Tom pouted, wiggling his fingers. I sucked in another deep breath, trying to get away from his prying fingers. Tom pressed one hand on my lower back, not allowing me to move out of his grasp. His fingers over over my panties, getting quite a feel. He gave a triumphed grin, before pressing his lips to mine, his tongue licking at my lips.
He peeled away. “Purple... and Lacy.”
I slipped my eyes closed, rocking my hips against Tom’s.
“Looks lik’ we ‘re havin’ sex right ‘ere.” he chuckled, tipping us over, my back harshly grazing over the carpet. Tom’s stern chest pressed against mine, his fingers prying at my pants, pulling them down past my knees.
“What makes you think that your right?” I smirked, my finger gliding under his shirt, dragging it over his head. Tom took a look down, unsatisfied with just guessing, but we both knew he was right. I lolled my head back, his fingers grazing over the lacy of my underwear, teasing.
“Im neva wrong...” he seductively whispered, erupting a shiver throughout my body. I convulsed under him, my breath hitching in my throat.
“Looks like we’re going to have sex right here.” I sighed, pressing a light kiss to the base of his neck, emitting a low growl from the bottom of his throat. “One question.”
“Make it quick.” Tom muffled into my chest, his fingers moving under my shirt.
“Has Oliver had sex here? On the floor?”
Tom laughed, whipping my shirt over my head, pressing a kiss to my lips. “I wouldn't ‘ave sex anywhere tha’ Olleh has... Now shut up, and tha only words I wanna hear, should be meh name. Got it?”
I nodded, my fingers gliding over his arms, leaving crescent moon dents in his biceps. He muffled another groan into my neck, before pushing him self up on his hands, towering over me. He smiled down, taking a momentarily glance over my body, smiling like a crazed teenager.
“Yeh really sexeh, yeh sure yeh can handle meh?” Tom asked, deeply.
I grinned, digging my fingernails into his arms, emitting more groans. “Quickly, or you’ll lose your little friend.”
I crushed our hips together, gyrating.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Come On! i already was pelted with Tom teddies, NOW GIVE ME BACK TOM!
i dont want his clothes! i would much prefer if you gave him back, WITH HIS CLOTHES ON HIM!

Thank you for all the lovely comments, we can each have a share in Tom clothes, since that selfish little.... girl, stole Tom! not that we can share Tom, coz we'd kill him. So, until i get him back, its only shreds of clothes, sorry.
Of course, you can all share Oliver, do what you want to him, he deserves it!
