‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


“Curtis!?” Vegan stopped, mid punch, his head snapping towards Curtis as Nicholls collapsed ot the floor, from shock, or Vegan’s bashing, I Don't know, but he was out. Tom and I exchanged a weird glance, looking down at Nicholls’ contorted face, blood trying to seep from his nose. I shrugged, uselessly kicking Nicholls as I walked around him, making it seem unintentional. But Tom caught me, slanting his eyes and ticking one finger backwards and forwards, telling me not to try that again. I blushed, moving to Curtis’ bed, beside Vegan, who had the hugest smile spread from ear to ear.
“Wha tha feck were yeh doin’?” Curtis cursed, rudely pushing Vegan out of the way to gaze over the bed at Nicholls’ lifeless body. “Yeh fecked him up real good, didn't yeh.” he cackled, propping himself back against his pillows, glancing over our heads the the wall.
“ ‘Ow long I been out?”
Tom chewed his bottom lip. He glanced across at me, Vegan turning back to me, unable to know how long he was out. I rolled my eyes, shifting my weight to my other foot.
“Almost twenty-four hours.”
“Shite! A day, guys, Don't think ill need sle’p.” He laughed, tipping his head back. The only one to follow suit was Vegan, forgetting the fact that this boy had told us that something had happened to Lee.
“Dude...” Tom spoke, sternly. “Yeh ‘member anythin’?”
The room silenced, Vegan’s booming laughter instantly ceasing. Curtis face fell, the colour draining from his features as he glanced at each other us, his mouth dropping open.
Tom nodded, patting Curtis’ bed.
“Yeh member anythin’ else?”
Pause. Dead silence.
“Guys, wha’ ‘re yeh doing?”
All our heads snapped around, a small body standing in the door way.

“Dude, ‘Manda Don't talk ta meh, wha’ do I...”
He paused, hesitantly looking over his shoulder. “...shit.”
“Olleh, yeh said tha’ yeh were...”
He sighed. “I kno’ SJ, but I cant.”
Oliver turned back to his friend, leaving SJ to gasp in disbelief. Oliver’s friend tapped his heel, waiting for him to return to the conversation at hand. With a shrug, he went to continue, SJ cutting him off again.
“But yeh said, Olleh.”
He closed his eyes, feeling his anger grow inside him. “I kno’ SJ, but I jus’ cant, I gots thing to do.”
She huffed, defeated. “A’right” She sighed, kicking up her feet as she walks away. “Yeh owe me.”
Oliver’s friend rose his eyebrow, one hand perched on his hip.
“Yeh gotta ditch tha’ shit, if yeh want ‘Manda.”
Oliver sighed, crushing what was left of his joint against the brick wall.
“I brought yeh ‘ere so tha’ yeh could ‘elp meh speak ta Rory ‘bout it.”
His friend frowned. “Yeh want ta talk ta Rory ‘bout this? Why?”
“She’s a gal, and she kno’s ‘Manda, who else can I talk ta?”
The little boy grinned, glancing over his shoulder to make sure SJ was gone. “Defintalely not Sj.”
Oliver nodded in agreement, huffing out the last of his smoke, the stingy smell of weed surrounding his littler mate. “She’d shoot yeh.”
“She’d cut me bawls aff.” Oliver chilled, shivering in the cold wind. He wrapped his arm around him, gripping the sides of his jacket.
“ ‘Ow ‘bout yeh ditch ‘er first, tha’s tha only way.”
Oliver slumped against against the brick wall, peering around it to watch pedestrians walk by. “I cant do tha to ‘er, she’s so good ta meh, she’s great with ‘er.....”
“Okay, stop now.” He mate exclaimed pacing around on the spot, kicking at a small piece of rubbish, watching it flutter into the gutter, escaping.
“Yeh see meh dilemma?”
He shook his head. “No Olleh, its not a dilemma, its simple, really.” He paused, picking at the bottom of his pockets. “Tom was tha same, but look where ‘e is now. ‘Es happeher than I ‘ave ever seen ‘em.”
Oliver slumped, not sure. “ ‘Es just blind, ‘e Don't love Rory.”
His friend paused, glancing sideways at him, his mouth gaping open. “ ‘Ow can yeh say tha!? ‘ave you seen ‘ow happy they ‘re?”
“She’s a bitch...” he trailed off, dipping his head between his shoulders.
“She’s onleh a bitch ta yeh, coz yeh treat ‘er like shit, Olleh.”
Oliver grumbled, burying his hands into his pockets. “I brought yeh out ‘ere, so tha’ yeh would ‘elp meh.”
“Olleh, I cant ‘elp yeh, yeh gotta ‘elp yehself, and yeh better take meh home, who kno’s wha Curtis would ‘ave done by now, probably burnt meh house down.”
Oliver snickered, turning to walk his little friend to the car, jumping into the driver’s side seat next to him. His phone was flashing colours, dancing on the dashboard. But he was too late, but the time he had realised the colours, it had stopped moving, the screen flashing with a Missed Call.
Oliver sighed.
“Fecking Tom.....”
The boy next to him chuckled, pulling out his own phone. “ ‘E didn't call meh.”
“Cant be too important then...”
He glanced sideways towards the tattooed covered man, his friend of over five years. His eyes travelled down to his phone, the lights started up again just as Oliver had kicked the car into gear and had started home.
“Yeh got a message.”
Oliver took a quick look at his phone, his infamous put growing on his face. He shared an awkward look with his friend, the car rolling to a stop in the middle of the road. His friend freaked, frantically looking over his shoulder to make sure so one was coming up behind them as Oliver flicked through his phone.
“Uh, Olleh.... we should...”
“Its Tom, they’re at tha hospit’l.” He throw the phone down, ripping at the wheel, forcing the car around. Planting his foot on the gas, the car whipped around travelling back down the road they had just come from. “Hold on Lee, ‘s gonna be a rough ride.”
Lee gripped his seat, knuckles turning white.

He stood in the door way, Oliver peering behind him. My mouth dropped open, my hands growing slack by my sides. Vegan collapsed against Curtis’ bed, Tom slowly seating himself, rocking his head back and forth.
Silence, dead silence.
Curtis flung himself forward, blinking a few times to investigate who was at the door.
Coughing, one spoke. “Why ‘s Matt on tha floor?”
Curtis choked back a cough. “Lee?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Micheal Jackson. (Lets have a moments silence.)
....Rest in Piece.

Okay! Onto the good stuff.
As promised, i have been writing another Oliver story, and i am 6 chapters into it, but it is not posted yet, and will be soon, but this means that i will be cutting back on updating this story.
So keep your eyes peeled as i post, but i will tell you when its up.
I promise.

To everyone who comments, reads, and subscribes. I LOVE YOU ALL! your comments are my life, and therefore, i live for your enjoyment

And while i speak, Kelsey is throwing love hearts at my crotch in a desperate plea to connect with Curtis, (WHO WANTS TO STAY IN MY PANTS)
He;s not doing anything, but giggling and kicking me. Not comfortable.
But, he does like the colour of my panties. >:D

Waiting for my New Oliver Story?