‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes

Shut Up, Oliver

“Yeh guys okay?” Oliver asked, peering over Lee’s shoulder, one tattooed hand crawling over Lee’s shoulder. His eyes darted down to Matt spread out of the floor, his toes curling in his shoes. He raised an eyebrow. “Why ‘s Matt of tha floor?”
Tom and I pointed in unison, Vegan on the end of our directions. He merely smiled, cowering to Curtis’ side.
“ ‘E was bein’ a prick.”
Lee nodded, widening his eyes. “As yeh do.”
“But... yeh were... kidnapp’d.” Curtis stuttered. Oliver rolled his head back, laughter spilling from his lips. I furrowed my brows, pressing one hand against my hip, rocking.
“Wha’ yeh talking ‘bout?”
I coughed. “You mean to tell me, that while Curtis was having his brains bashed out, you were off picking girls up with dickhead.” I pointed over his shoulder, my narrowed eyes looking straight past Lee and towards Oliver, his gaunt face starting to contort to snarl.
“Watch wha’ yeh say.”
“Or what? Your going to bash me?” I spat back. Lee slapped Oliver’s thigh, silencing him instantly. I huffed in triumph, taking Oliver’s forced silence as a good sign. He turned away, disgusted to look at me.
“Who bashed Curtis?”
Tom, Vegan, Curtis and I all crossed our arms across our chest, playing the annoyed parents. Curtis tapped his fingers against the rails of his bed, slightly more annoyed than the rest of us.
“Dont you think that if we knew that, we’d give a stuff about you getting kidnapped by Mr Shitface behind you.”
“ ‘Ey! I told yeh ta shut up.”
“Fuck you, Oliver.”
Oliver and I snapped our heads around to Curtis, about to pull his hair straight from his head. Tom shrugged at me, confused. He stepped away, unsure of what to do. Vegan did the same, edging away like Curtis was insane.
“She’s annoying, aint she.”
The small voice came from the floor, just by my foot. Now, one would think, that you wouldn't piss of an angry woman while your face is right next to her foot. But Nicholls refuses to think that I'm smart, actually he compares me to some of the blondes he’s had, who haven't even known what a blow job meant.
With one sharp kick, I silenced Nicholls again, Lee dashing to my side to stop me, but it was too late, my foot had already done its damage. Nicholls buckled in pain, wheezing.
“Want another one?”
Lee pushed me away, smiling as he kicked Nicholls as well. He paused, looking at me, smiling like a devilish kid.
“Wow, tha’ feels good.”
Nicholls groaned. “ ‘M glad yeh think so, it hurts like a bitch.” he clutched his stomach, rolling onto his back.
“Guys? Can we get back ta Lee gettin’ kidnapp’d, and meh gettin’ bashed.”
We all nodded. I walked away from Nicholls’ still body, my foot feeling slightly crushed, my toes stinging from the collision with Nicholls’ stern chest. I hobbled over to Tom, he took me under his wing, kissing the top of my head.
“Feel betteh?”
I winked, prying my fingers into his back pockets. “I am now.” He moved down, pressing a kiss against my lips. “I’d take it further...” he whispered, his fingers tickling the flesh just under my shirt, the skin that my pants didn't cover. “...But tha guys might get jealous.”
I smiled, snuggling into his chest, his warm breath ghosting over the back of my neck. I moulded against him, his skinny arms weaved around me, fingers pressed to my skin, trying desperately to crawl into my pants.
“So, why did I get bashed?” Curtis asked, frantically spinning his head to meet each of our gazes, the whole band now in the room. Lee smiled, keeping his thoughts to himself. You knew when he was thinking something dirty, or funny, because a smile spread across his face like he’d just farted. That relieving smile.
I braced myself, trying to get closer to Tom’s chest. But body’s can only get so close, without causing irreversible damage.
“Maybeh yeh did it yehself.”
Curtis glared at Lee stupidly, rolling his eyes. “Oh yeh, I just.... slapped mehself silleh, did I? NO YOU FECKIN’ IDIOT, I DID NOT!” Curtis screamed, flattening his hair down when he finished, like nothing happened. Tom chuckled, his body bouncing against mine.
“No need ta get yeh panties in a knot.” Lee sighed.
“Feck yeh, Lee.”
Oliver stood back, his eyes moving over to mine. Pausing, I glared back, unable to hint at what was in his eyes. My body went cold, Tom’s warm embrace not enough to tear my gaze away. He tried to smile, his lips curving upwards, dimples appearing on his cheeks. Was I seeing things, was Oliver really smiling at me?
“Yeh wish yeh could, but now, yeh only got yeh hand, fecker.” Lee spat, hitting Curtis’ feet, to cowardly to move closer to his body to hit another region that would have been more painful. Lee’s whinny voice pulled my attention away from Oliver, but my eyes urged themselves back. His eyes now filling with sadness, his dark eyes growing darker in the light, his smile dying away.
Was there something going on?
I raised my head, glimpsing up at Tom, blinking a few times before he caught my gaze. He frowned.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
I shook my head, sticking my bottom lip out. “Only the way your brother is looking at me.”
“Get fecked, Lee.” Curtis cursed again, picking up the closest object, the bedside lamp, tossing it in Lee’s direction. This boy had the upper hand, but Oliver didn't. Lee ducked, forgetting the fact that Oliver was barely a few feet away. And while Oliver was too buys trying to get my attention, he didn't see the light come hurtling at him. Tom’s grip loosened around me as he was desperately watching his brother have his face smashed against a flying light. Oliver tumbled to the ground, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
The good thing was, if there was any damage, he wouldn't have to go far for treatment.
“Shit man.” Lee cursed, standing up from his crouch and turning to visualise Oliver twitching on the floor, his fingers gripping at the air.
“Olleh...” Vegan trailed off, a worried expression crossing his face as he glanced at Tom and I, our expression mimicking that of Vegans. I think we all were, but Curtis, he was more shocked than anything that he actually hit something with his lazed toss.
“Shit mate.” Oliver cursed, clutching his nose as he lazily motioned around on the floor, trying to fling himself to his feet. Lee stepped back, afraid to cop a punch to the face. “I’ve had fans tha’ have neva been able ta throw like that.” he joked, coughing out a laugh.
Lee’s body relaxed, knowing he isn't going to get bashed. Tom pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, pinching the skin between his teeth. I sucked in a breath, swinging my hand back to wedge it between his legs, a loud yelp emitting from his lips. Satisfied, I grabbed the front of his jeans, making it as conspicous as possible.
“Make yeh mind up...” he muttered, his warm, soft lips pressed to my ear. “Yeh wanna make sure we neva ‘ave kids, or yeh wanta feel meh up?”
“We?” I froze, turning awkwardly toward Tom, forgetting that Oliver was bragging on about earning a lamp in the face for no particular reason.
“Yes we...” he trailed off, sensing my hostility. “Unless, yeh Don't want kids with meh.” he oddly spoke, his arms loosening around my waist. He was weakening, the thought of not spending his life with me enough to reduce him to tears. Hurriedly, I spun around in his embrace, taking his face between my hands.
“Your dribbling shit, shut up.” I laughed, pressing my lips to his, his arms tightening around my body as he lifted me from the ground.
“Tom... Rory?”
Okay, back to reality.
Awkwardly, I pulled my hair back, pushing away from Tom to re-adjust my clothing. Tom did the same, occasionally sneaking in a wink or a bum pinch.
“Do yeh think yeh can keep it in yeh pants.”
Tom coughed. “Sorreh, couldn't help mehself.. Curtis and Lee were talkin’ ‘bout feckin’ it got meh turned on.”
I crinkled my nose up, not even that was a turn on. The whole room silenced, and Tom had realised, he made a mistake. Not only was it a lame explanation, but the thought of Curtis and Lee even kissing each other had us all gagging.
“Yeh need help, yeh know that?” Curtis snorted, turning his nose up at Tom.
“Yeh loved it, in fact, I bet yeh all wanted ta see it...”
I crossed my arms over my chest, nudging Tom’s side, watching Oliver’s face grow cold, his features droop, his eyes averted to the ground.
Yes, he was heartless, but maybe he was changing.
Tom ignored my nudges, continuing on with chatting himself up about being good in bed. I shuffled across the room, the rest of the boys cursing and huffing at Tom to shut up, towards Oliver. As I went to reach out, to pat his shoulder, he turned away, giving me a cold shrug. He wandered from the room, burying his hands deep into his front pockets, his head hung low.
“Rory.” Tom’s velvety voice brought me back. Blinking, Oliver disappeared from sight. “Somethin’ wrong?”
“Oliver looks upset.”
“Oh...” Tom trailed off, his hand sneaking around my belly button, fluttering up my shirt.
“Maybe I should check on him...”
“Rory, ‘Es a grown man.”
Lee butted in, strangely standing next to me. “No Rory, yeh right, Olleh has been a lil upset... and thats why....”
“THA’S WHY ‘E FECK’D YEH IN THA ARSE!” Curtis yelled out, cackling along with Vegan and a half-concious Nicholls.
Lee rolled his eyes, ignoring them. “ ‘E wants ta talk ta yeh ‘bout ‘Manda, but... ‘e kno’s yeh Don't like him, and ‘e Don't know what ta do.”
My eyes widened. “He wants to talk to me?”
Tom shrugged. “I neva kno’ with tha’ boy, ‘Es like contantly on ‘is period.”
I let out a small laugh, Lee not as amused. “Im being serious.”
“So am I.” Tom nodded.
“Oliver wants to talk to me?”
Tom let me go, perching his lips against the side of my neck, just over one vein, feeling the blood pump in my neck. He licked the spot, blowing cold wind against it, driving me wild. I rolled my eyes into the back of my head, my eye lids fluttering closed.
“Tom, stop.” I groaned, pleading against myself to make him continue.
“Feck Olleh, e’s always dick blockin’ meh.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
While you were reading this, and boosting my ego with your LOVELY comments, i have written a new Oliver Sykes story. Its a little more violent than this, but only in the beginning.
Its called Into My Web.
Tell me what you think of it.
