‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


The clock buzzed 7:15, its red digits lighting up the room. Lazily, I rolled over, the familiar feeling of another body against mine. Pressing my hands against the bare chest, I pressed my lips to the ridge between his pecks, kissing my way up to his chin, running my tongue over his lips.
Waking with a stir, he squeezed my backside and murmured, his words barely audible. He rolled away, swatting my attempts at waking him.
Rolling onto my back, I let my eyes slip closed again, sleep deciding whether to keep me awake or go back into the comforting darkness.

“Holy shit!”
Tom’s profanity echoed through the room, the bed jiggling under his movements. Barely awake, I rolled over, taking a quick glance at Tom’s side of the bed, empty. Sighing, I rolled back, resting my head on my hands, pulling the blankets up over my naked body. The sun stung on my back, filling the room with light, something Tom needed.
“Rory, Love, wake up.”
“Go away....” I returned the swat, pulling the blanket over my head.
“We ‘re lat’ fer school.”
My eyes shot open. “What?” I shot up in bed, the blanket perched just above my breasts. My hair was ruffled behind me, not even hair spray could have made it stand like this. Tom hurried around the room, picking up his uniform, running a hand through his hair quickly, throwing my clothes at me.
“Tom, I Don't have my school uniform.”
“Wha’ yeh mean?”
I patted the bed, seductively trying to get him to come closer. “We can miss school, cant we?”
Tom took one awkwardly glance at me, pondering with himself for a moment, before shaking his head and turning to pick up more clothes, chucking them in my face.
“Tom!” I whinged, crawling out of the bed, keeping the blanket wrapped around my naked body.
“ ‘Ey, wher’ yeh goin’ with tha’, tha’s mine!”
“Tom! I am going to the toilet.”
He threw my panties at me, briefly, they fluttered across the room at me, landing lazily at my feet. I slipped my legs into them, keeping the blanket around my body.
“Now my bra?”
“No, i’m keepin’ it.”
I furrowed my brow. “Tom, I need it. I cant go to school without a bra!”
“Yeh’ll ‘aveta, wont yeh.”
“Tom!” I raised my voice, weaving my fingers into the blanket. The remnants of our sexual acts still strong on the blanket. “Give me my bra!”
He shook his head like a small boy, stuffing it into his pants. “Yeh ‘ave ta go get it.”
I smirked. “You know I will go in there.”
He held his arms out, offering. “Well, I'm not arguin’.”
“Tom, we Don't have time. We re late as it is.”
“Well, yeh betteh make this quick.”
Lazily, I crossed the room, dodging the bed. Tom stood by the entrance to his en suite, hands pressed to his hips, a bulge in the front of his pants. He smirked, wiggling his hips. “Come get ‘em.”
Approaching him slowly, I licked my lips, slipping my fingers into the top of his pants, looking up at him expectantly.
“Still want me to go in there?”
He nodded, pressing his lips to my forehead. As if given an invitation, my hands dipped into his pants, accidentally moving into his briefs. I felt my bra move away from my reach, sliding further into his pants. Gasping, he wiggled his hips more, making the bra move further.
He wanted my hands in there, why else would he wiggle his hips.
“Stop that, Tom.”
“Eh, Eh, EH! tha’s mine, yeh cant ‘ave that.” he yelped, trying to move away.
“I can have whatever I want.”
“Yah, but tha’ is mine, I need that.”
I scoffed, moving my hands further down, brushing over the velvety material of his briefs. “What do you need it for?”
“Ta pleas’ women, yeh like it, Don't yeh?”
I tiltied my head to the side, now in his pants up to my elbows. “Sometimes, and sometimes I want to cut if off.”
Tom gasped, faking shock. “Yeh cant cut meh dick off.”
“Woah! Woah! Woah!?”
Tom and I snapped our head around.
“Wha’ ‘re yeh two doin’? Makin’ a porno?”
Blush crept across my face, giving a light tinge to my cheeks. I hurriedly ripped my hands from Tom’s pants, knitting them behind my back. I took a step back, trying to make the situation a little better. But Oliver just stood in the doorway tapping his foot.
“Yeh realleh need ta give warnin’ when yeh gonna feel each otheh up in broad daylight.” he laughed, reaching into the room to grab something off Tom’s bench.
“ ‘Ey, wha’ yeh takin’?”
“Definateleh not wha she was after.” he cackled, pointing to the bulge in Tom’s pants. Awkwardly, he slanted his grin to the side, chewing on his lip. “I suggest tha’ yeh ‘elp him get rid of tha’, hard ons can get quite painful.”
I blushed harder, dipping my head down.
Tom pushed his hands down his pants, bringing out my bra, the bulge instantly disappearing, much to Oliver’s shock.
“Tha’ was quick.” he laughed, closing the door behind him. Snatching the bra away from Tom, I thanked him, that lustful twinkle still in his eyes.
“Wha was that proposal ‘bout stayin’ ‘ome?”
I stepped away, letting the blanket fall to the ground as I clipped the bra behind me, wiggling myself into it. Stepping out of the blanket, I crossed the room, picking up my discarded clothes.
“The offer was gone, way before I stuck my hands in your pants.”
“Can I get it bac’, maybeh a kiss?” Tom edged across the room, swivelling his hips in a seductive manner, pressing fingers to my hips, digging into the flesh. Gasping, I moved back, trying to get away. His eyes darted over my head, getting a quick view of where I was going. Judging the distance, i’d say I wasn't far from the wall, just where Tom wanted me.
And as planned, my back met the cold material of the wall, my shoulder blades pressing into the hard wall. Tom closed the distance, his chest pressed against mine, bare skin on bare skin. Taking in a deep breath, I lifted my gaze, Tom’s eyes fuelling his lust. His hands darted from my hips and pressing themselves against the wall on each side of me, keeping me from moving.
“Tom, we will be late.”
His eyes drifted over to the clock before meeting mine again. “Onleh the first class, and its English, we can miss it.” he crushed his lips against mine, moving in sync, teeth gnashing, tongues battling. He lifted my against the wall, my feet dangling off the ground.
“Tom....Tom, stop.” I gasped, pulling away for oxygen. He refused my pleas, his hands movind under my hips, thrusting us together against the wall.
“Yeh realleh want meh to stop, now?” he froze, his hands slowly starting to move away, my feet descending to the ground. I was too far gone, adrenaline cursing through my veins, the sensation rising in my belly, egging me on.
“No...” I stuttered out, Tom’s face crushed against mine, more kisses shared, more bruised made. Unclipping the bra I had just spent the last few moments collecting, he tossed it across the room, his hips pinning me against the wall. His hands dipped into the sides of my panties, teasing the sensitive flesh of the inside of my thighs.
In one swift movement, Tom threw me to the side, my body flailing into the bed. It crashed against to wall as it softened the blow, a loud crack erupting into the room.
“Now Oliver is gonna think we are rough.”
Tom smiled, appraoching the bed like a predator with its prey in its sights. “Olleh alreadeh thinks we ‘re rough.”
The bed dipped under his weight, his lips pressed to the flesh on the inside of my thighs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! Yes, im back...
i totally have a good excuse as to why i havent updated.
And its all Mibba's fault.

I thought id finally update, seeing as i hadnt done it in a while.
Im so sorry, i hope you enjoy the update.