‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


They whizzed past, machines, beeping objects, the odd death. I slunk back into the stiff seats, my phone squashed between my weight and the hard cushion of the seat. Tom sat next to me, his knees quivering, his fingers constantly brushing through his hair.
Another nurse, another doctor, and another patient. The tension built up around us, Lee, Curtis and Vegan, no where to be seen. Tom mentioned something about Nicholls being out with his girlfriend. He was a dead beat to us now.
MY bag hung loosely off my shoulder, tipping down towards the inside of my elbow, I slipped it back up, only to have it come back down. Tom exhaled loudly, running his palms down his face. We had left Amanda at home, drugged her up a little, and let her rest. There was no way she was going to be able to stay stable around here. Not even Tom could. I delicately placed my hand on Tom;s bouncing knee, only to have it knocked back in my face. He stiffened, realising what he had done. But no apology, no nothing. The hand retreated back into my lap, never moving from that spot. Another patient, another hour. The time passed, not getting any news was starting to get to us.
“Fer Fuck sake Curtis, watc’ wher’ yeh goin’.” Tom and I snapped our head around to the double doors, watching the last of Oliver’s friend enter through. Lee bitching at Curtis, tugging at his arm and eating his ear off with obscenities. A smirk tugged at my lips, Curtis wasn't ever going to change, no amount of Lee-yell was going to change that. He was a klutz.
Vegan was first to approach, slowly, not sure where to tread, or what to say. He nodded to Tom, not getting it in return. Sure, his brother wasn’t in the best position, but he should at least have the courage to face his mates, at least say hi.
“Hey.” I whispered, tapping the seats next to me.
In a line we sat, our backs against the wall, our eyes plastered on the doors into the emergency, waiting for a sign. Tom, Me, Lee, Curtis and lastly Vegan. Nicholls still no where in sight, not that I wanted to see his ugly face.
Curtis grew bored, very quickly. It was obvious from my position as he randomly glanced around the hallway and whistled, ticking his own fingers. He started to fiddle, and shuffle in his seat, his body unable to sit still. Lee glared at him weirdly, lifting an eyebrow before exhaling loudly and turning to face me, the same expression over my face.
“ ‘Es bored.” Lee nodded, scratching the top of his head.
And you’d think that Tom would get emotional. But I tell you now, he didn't even blink, hardly moved. His lips never quivered, his fingers flicked on the occasion. It was driving me crazy, surely one bloke cant stay this lifeless for this long. I didn't want to touch him, last time I did, he rebounded my hand, leading to me wanting to back hand him. I took a deep breath, sliding back into my seat, my head wedged between my shoulders.
“ ‘Ow long yeh been ‘ere?”
I looked towards Lee, his little face littered with agony, his eyes darkened. No lights reflected from his eyes, no emotion in his voice. It etched at my heart to see these boys like this.
Yes, Oliver was a prick, but I would never wish something like this upon him.
“A while.”
Lee hummed and nodded, turning to whack Curtis.
“Hey!” Curtis whined, whipping his head around to Lee, his hair following suit. “Wha’ was tha’ fer?”
“Yeh just annoy’d meh.”
Curtis huffed, poking his tongue out at Lee. “Suck mah.....”
“Curtis, shut up.”
He shrunk back in his seat, feeling left out and abused. His head was wedged between his shoulders as he pouted.
The bicker between Lee and Curtis continued, and no amount of swearing at them was going to change, even I found that out. Lee nudged Curtis, purposely to get his attention, and when he obtained that, He somehow made Curtis whine or yelp, which led to him getting sworn at. It got to a point where we ignored Lee’s stupid game, and Curtis whacked him a good few punches in the ribs, brushing his hair back when he was finished, acting like nothing happened.
“Tom Sykes?”
The hallway fell silent, our heads snapping to the Emergency doors, a slim doctor standing there, tapping his chest. Tom stood, dragging himself across to the small doctor.
The rest was oblivion, nothing. I couldn't hear anything, Tom just nodded, no glances back, nothing. Curtis became more frustrated, swearing under his breath, still annoying the shit out of Lee. Vegan had gone to sleep beside Curtis, he lent the other direction, so that he was woken by Curtis’ constant moving.
Still no sign of Nicholls.
More chatter, more minutes passed, still no word. Tom weeped a little, letting his emotions get the better of him. I went to rise, Lee’s hand pushing me back in the seat.
“Let ‘im cry, ‘s his brudda in ther’..” Lee sadly nodded, relaxing back into the seat.
I felt hopeless, incapable. I sat there, staring at my best friend break down in front of the doctor, his body slack and crumble to the ground, and I couldn't help him. I knew, that I couldn't run to his side, that I couldn't comfort him, this was his brother, and only family would help him.
“His parents?” I whispered to Lee, who just shrugged.
“Out of town.”
The doctor bent down to his level, hushing him while continuing to inform him on Oliver’s situation. Tears rimmed my eyes, the prickly sensation coming into my throat, my mouth running dry. I was panicking, freaking out, I didn't know what to do. I was getting Curtis syndrome, my body quivering, my legs unable to stop moving. I slipped my eyes closed and started to sing to myself, incoherent lyrics moving past my lips. The doctor picked up Tom, gripping him under one arm, uncomfortable lifting him to his feet. He paced Tom over, giving us all a nod before turning on his heel, going just like he came, quietly. His coat trailed behind him, caught in the breeze. The doors shut, sealing us from seeing his walk down the corridor. Tom shivered next to me, his baby blue eyes now filled with agony and pity, his lips pouting in a quiver. I wrapped an arm around his cold body, cushioning his head in my chest.
He let the tears flow more freely, sobbing to keep himself from crying.
Curtis and Lee fell quiet, their bickering seizing for just a few minutes as Tom cried, his tears wetting my shirt.
“They wont let meh see ‘im.” he sobbed, sucking in a deep breath, rubbing his face against my shirt. I patted his head, placing kisses on the crown, his hair warm under my lips. “ ‘Es too badly cut up.”
I nodded, placing my lips against his head. “Maybe thats a good thing, you Don't want to see Oliver like that.”
He snorted, holding back another cry. His hands gripped my sides, holding my closer. The wet patches on my shirt clung to my body, a cold chill erupting from them. My hands were under Tom’s elbows, holding him up. He shuddered, tears wracking his body.
Never had I seen a Sykes boy cry this bad. I’d seen Tom cry plenty of times, but never like this. If he wasn't going to stop, this boy was going to choke on his own breath.
Lee stood up, his warm body moving away from mine. He used his hands to symbolise a coffee, lifting his imitation to his lips. I nodded, my chin resting on the top of Tom’s head.
“Would you like a coffee?”
He nodded, his nose rubbing against the skin between my breasts. The tears penetrated my shirt, now making my bra uncomfortably cold and wet. Tom’s fingers played with the material around my hips, threading his fingers in the belt loops of my pants.
Lee wandered off, beckoning Curtis to go with him. Leaving us with a sleeping Matt. Tom slowed his breaths, becoming silent. His breathing resumed normally, his heart beating against mine. He sniffed, wiping his face against my shirt. I cringed.
“Thanks for that...” I laughed, my chest heaving up and down.
Tom giggled, moving away from my chest. “No, thankya fer lettin’ meh use yeh shurt as a tissue.”
His eyes were red raw, his cheeks pale with a layer of water over them. Hair clung to his cheeks, sticking around his mouth. I delicately brushed away the hairs, my thumb tenderly brushing the flesh of his cheek.
“I ‘ove yeh.” he smiled, leaning in and pressing his velvet lips to mine, my heart racing. My eyes fluttered close as Tom deepened the kiss. My hands worked behind his neck, looping my fingers together. Tom ripped me out of the seat, flinging me into his lap in his seat, his lips never leaving mine.
“Olleh is dick blockin’ meh.” Tom whispered against my lips when he pulled away, tucking my wild hair behind my ears. I smirked, straightening Tom’s shirt as I bounced back into my own seat, my legs linked with Tom’s. One of his hands brushed over mine, snaking its way down to loop our fingers together.
“Oliver will be alright.” I whispered, patting the top of his hand with my thumb.
“Do yeh think yeh can eva call ‘im Olleh?”
I sighed, frustration setting in. “Whats the difference?”
“Well, now that yeh his fwend...”
I stuck a finger up, cutting him off. “I am not your brother’s friend, I am here because I generally care.”
Tom pouted. “So.... yeah cant call ‘im Olleh?”
“If yeh Don't, then yeh sleepin’ on yeh own.”
I scoffed. “You going to let me sleep on my own? No cuddling? No nothing? I Don't think so, you couldnt last.” I prodded his chest, my hand resting against him. He laughed.
“No, we’ll fuck... but then yeh sleeping on yeh own, i’m not cuddlin’ yeh.” Tom crossed his arms, turning his head away rudely.
“You’ll be sleeping on the couch?” he flipped me back into his lap, his hands landing under my buttocks, slipping his fingers into my pockets. My hands were plastered against his chest, keeping the distance.
“No, you will.”
I snorted. “I’m not having sex with you if your going to make me sleep on the couch, you’ll be fucking yourself.”
Tom pouted.
“Guys, do yeh think yeh can stop talkin’ ‘bout doin’ each other, please...” Vegan started, stirring next to us. “I just got ova’ Lee and Curtis talkin’ ‘bout doin’ each other.”
Tom tapped my buttocks, winking at me seductively. “Maybe we can git tips from ‘em.”
“No.... god no.” I shuddered, making Vegan laugh.
“They give it ta each other in tha arse, I didn't ‘now yeh were into tha’, Tom.”
I cringed. “I didn't know Curtis fucked Lee.”
“I’m not,” Tom quickly spat out.
Vegan laughed. “No, Lee fuck’d Curtis, well tha’s wha ‘e said.” he paused, trying on his serious face. “I’m kiddin’!”
“Hush, here they come.”
Tom tapped me again, causing our hips to crush against each others.
“Stop it!” Vegan seethed through clenched teeth, closing his eyes again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lauren! Why did you let T read my story? im so embarrassed, i dont like My mum reading my stories, but for some weird reason, SHE WANTS TO! im scared.

To 'Lady dont be Shady"
We wont be 90 year old batties, for BMTH will live forever! mwahahaha

Wow, two chapters and 52 readers, I LOVE YOU ALL!
Thank you.

Bread for everyone! =D