‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


It was noon before Tom and I rocked up at school, missing the first half of the day. Parting ways, we gained stares from curious students, jealous ex’s and the odd nerd who didn't know what was going on, but decided to stare anyway.
Prancing into class, like I owned the joint, I rolled back on my heels as I took a seat, seating myself next to the one and only, Lee Malia.
He gave me a sideways glance, not sure how to take my reactions. “Yeh lookin sparkly t’day.”
Now, I was the one giving awkward looks. Shaken from my dream-like state, I raised my eyesbrows. He nodded, noticing my expression change.
“It sounded betteh in meh head...”
“I bet it did...”
He hummed, rocking closer to me. “Wha’ I meant was, yeh looking happeh t’day.”
“Im happy everyday, Lee.”
He nodded, falling silent next to me, moving back to his side of the desk, his pen tapping against the paper as he took down the notes.
“...did you hear about Amanda, apparently she slept with another bloke...”
Pausing, I dropped my pen. The little cylindrical object rolled onto the floor, knocking on the wood with a soft ‘plop’. My eyes drifted over my shoulder, moving my head down to seem inconspicuous. My eyes moved over a girl, and her little friend, both blonde, neither of them Amanda’s friends. Lee tapped my arm, bringing my gaze back around to him.
“Do’s tha’ say ecology?” he asked, leaning to my side.
“Is Oliver at school today?”
Lee ceased. “Wha’ in tha worl’, wha do’s tha ‘ave ta do with the ecology?”
“Where did ecology come into it?” I asked stupidly, raising an eyebrow.
Okay, so neither of us were listening to the other, it happens, not often, but it happens.
“Answeh meh question first, do’s tha’ say....” he started, pointing to the front of the room. In BIG letters sat the words, Ecology, on the end of the last sentence.
Take note, it was in HUGE lettering.
“Lee, cant you see that?”
“So it do’s?”
I rolled my eyes, lurching forward. “Yes, Lee, now answer mine.”
“No, Olleh isn't ‘ere, why?”
“How about Amanda?”
Lee turned to me, craning his neck back. “Wha’s with all that questions?”
“Is she here or not, Lee?”
He widened his eyes, seating backwards. “Okay, Okay, Don't get yeh...”
“Yah, she is, ‘re yeh gonna tell meh why yeh wantta kno’?”
I moved my head over my shoulder, guiding Lee’s eyes to the two girls a few rows behind us, still bickering. But as they watched Lee’s eyes fall onto them, they started to wave and giggle like school girls. Like a rabbits stuck in the headlights, unable to know what to do, hide, or run.
Lee leant towards me, his hair brushing over my shoudler. “Curtis bon’d tha one of that left.”
I twitched. “Lee, I didn't need to know that.”
“Everyone nee’s ta kno’ ‘bout Curtis’ crap sex life.”
“Thats not why I was looking at them.”
Lee perked his ears up. “Yeh weren't?”
“No, I heard them talking...” Lee looked back over his shoulder, completely ignoring my rambles.
“...They ‘re pretteh gals.”
I sighed, rubbing my temples. “Lee, listen to me.”
“I was, yeh were saying somethin’ ‘bout Olleh feckin’ Curtis...”
I stared at Lee strangely, my eyes growing wide. He cowered back into his seat. “..Or was I thinkin’ tha’?”
I choked on excess saliva, trying to swallow and take a breath at the same time. “Why were you thinking about Oliver and Curtis?” I flung my finger up before he could answer. “Actually, I Don't want to know.”
“ ‘S not wha’ yeh thinking...”
“Lee, they were talking about Amanda.... and please get your mind out of the gutter, I thought you were different.”
Lee grinned. “I am, but yeh show meh a man who Don't lik’ a lil porn?”
“His mates doing it? Lee, thats not porn, thats fucking gross.”
“I... I Don't kno’.... just, can we drop it?”
I shut my gob, motioning a zipper. He grinned, trying to turn away from me, the awkward silence growing between us.
“Wha’ were they sayin’ ‘bout Amanda?”
I squinted one eye shut. “Well, between the moans from Oliver and Curtis, I think they said that,.... Amanda was sleeping with a random bloke?”
“Wouldya pleas’ drop it! Its not funneh!”
I rolled back into my seat, laughter ripping through my body. “Lee, I have never met anyone who fantasises about their band mates.”
Lee sat up straight, puffing his chest out, before sinking back and pouting, the care bear look coming back, his hair falling across his face.
“I wasn't fantasising... and yeh friends with Curtis, aren't yeh?”
I cringed. “I Don't want to know who Curtis thinks about, please Don't tell me about it.”
He leant towards me, an evil grin tugging at his lips. “I ‘eard ‘im moaning Nicholls name once..”
He leant back in his seat, clutching his stomach as he let his small laugh erupt into the room. “Im onleh pullin’ yeh leg.”
“Thats enough to keep me awake at night. But seriously, can we talk about Amanda?”
“Wha’s there ta say? Olleh wants back in ‘er pants.”
I was shocked by Lee’s response, usually he wasn't this heartless, but heartless isn't the word I'm looking for. He just, blurted that out, without even thinking about it. Did he mean it, I Don't know, but it was a harsh comment, true or not.
“Well, would you prefer SJ?”
He cringed, contorting his face. “I didn't think so...”
“Olleh ‘ad ‘es chance, and ‘e blu’ it, why should ‘e get another.”
“How many chances did I blow with Tom? And look at us.”
Lee huffed, leaning back in his seat, hands behind his head. “Olleh is different, ‘es heartless, yeh of all people should kno’ tha’.”
“I do.”
“Then why mus’ yeh think ‘e deserv’s ‘Manda? She has made it perfectly cler’ tha’ she Don't love ‘im anymore, but ‘e wont leav’ it alone.”
I lurched forward, getting into Lee’s face. “He loves her, Lee.”
“Do’s ‘e? Or do’s ‘e just want ‘er fer sex?”
I frowned. “Why are you acting this way, this is your friend!?”
“Rory, yah, ‘e is meh friend, but honestly, do’s he deserv’ a gal like ‘Manda?”
I rocked my head to the side, slanting my mouth downwards. Lee had a point. “People change.”
“Yah, they do, but Olleh doesn't.”
I teetered back into my seat, rolling my feet underneath, taking in Lee’s expression, no feeling in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“I jus’ don’t think its al’ight fer Olleh to treat gals tha way ‘e do’s, then get them on their ‘nees, ‘s kinda sick’nin, aint it?”
Frowning, I tilting my head to the side, my pencil rocking against the paper. “Maybe this one girl can change him.”
“Like ‘ow yeh changed Tom?”
“I changed Tom?” My voice squeaked, pure shock cursing through my veins, not the type of shock that causes heart-attacks, but the unbelievable sort.
“Yeh didn't notic’, did yeh?”
I shook my head, paying close attention to Lee’s moving lips, his furrowing brows, his wandering eyes. He bit his bottom lip, knowing he really shouldn't tell.
“ ‘E looks at yeh differentleh now, like, yeh tha onleh person on tha planet, ‘s sick’nin’ if yeh ask meh, but....” Lee trailed off, his blue’s drifting over to me. “ ‘E Don't care wha’ we think, obviously.”
I dipped my head down, letting a small giggle drag from my lips. “Really?”
“ ‘Ave I eva lied?”
“Then why Don't you believe that Oliver can change, I mean, if Tom can...”
“Rory..” Lee cut me off, turning over my shoulder to gaze at the two girls, his eyes drifting back. “Tom and Olleh ‘re two different people, Olleh has probableh given Oral to both thos’ gals.” Le laughed, tapping the desk.
“So, Oliver cant changed?”
Lee slipped back into his seat, hands behind his head, shrugging. “Yeh can try, but yeh will probableh be wastin’ yeh time.”
I exhaled, sinking into my seat, looking down the front of the class, the back of heads was all I could see.

“Maybe I am, but its better safe than sorry, Right?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay or nay?

I would really like other ideas, so.. THROW THEM AT ME!... i have sort of come out from my writers block, but im still stuck. so ideas are vital.