‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


He slept peacefully, his lips parted slightly, just enough for oxygen to enter his body. His hands laid by his sides, palms down on the bed. He laid straight, stiff, lifeless. His nose twitched, the tubes running across his face. Ugly brown bandages littered his arms and torso, his tattoos exposed for everyone to see. His chest rose and fell, heaving with his breaths. I sat on one side of the room, my breath hitched in my throat as I watched him sleep, his eyes flutter. The sheet followed the contours of his body, falling loosely around his feet, stretched across his torso and ending just under his chest. Tom gripped my hand, slowly letting it slip as he walked towards his brother’s lifeless body. He seemed lifeless himself, his face drained of all colour, his lips going blue. Tom sat on the bed next to Oliver’s hand, rubbing a thumb over his brother’s hand. Hesitantly, Tom looked back at me, pleading with me as to what to do. I smiled, crossing my arms and leaning back on the wall, crossing one leg over the other.
It had taken hours to get here, and in the meantime, Lee and Curtis bickered over stupid, irrelevant things, while Vegan tried to knock some sense into both of them. Having no such luck. Nicholls had called, requesting the details, but also to inform us that he was dropping over to his girlfriends for a while. So in other words, he would rather get laid than see his best mate in the hospital. Tom shrugged off Nicholls call, trying to make it seem like nothing. But Tom was hopeless in hiding things. Curtis’ whinny voice could still be heard through the walls of Oliver’s room, his annoying whinge ringing in my ears, making me cringe as he yelped.
Tom never flickered, like a candle without oxygen, he stood still, observing his brother. The only way to tell if he was alive was the constant beeping of his heart rate on a nearby machine, and the rise and fall of his chest. Tom ran a finger along a tattoo that ran up Oliver’s arm, following the lines and patterns.
I dropped my gaze to the floor, kicking my feet and straightening up. I tucked my hands into my pockets, knowing that there was nothing more I could do. Tom ghosted over his brother, checking him head to toe, making sure it really was Oliver. He sighed, returning back to my side to wrap his arms around me and sob into my shoulder. I held his head, the other arm locked around his waist, feeling his weight shift as his legs gave way. For a while, I could hold him, his weight etching at my own ability to hold him. Quickly, I searched the room for a seat, my eyes falling on the closest object to sit on. The long seat next to Oliver’s bed, it looked more like a bar with legs. Tom sunk onto the seat as my strength diminished, my arms going numb. Tom tugged at my shirt, bringing me down onto the seat next to him. He brought me closer, his arms back around my waist, his face in the crook of my neck. My cheek was pressed against his ear, relentless, irrelevant words escaping my mouth and wriggling into his ear.
His sobs slowed, his body stopped shivering. I was patting his head, my other hand resting on the upper part of his thigh.
I bit my bottom lip. “Did they tell you what happened?”
Tom nodded, my shirt rising with his nod, letting the cold air to nip at my stomach. “Olleh....” he paused, moving away and wiping his face, looking me straight in the face. “....was bash’d.”
My blood froze, my mouth falling open.
“Who would want to hurt Oliver?”
Tom shrugged, taking a glance over his shoulder, his eyes lingering over Oliver. His grip tightened on my shirt. Instead of letting the shirt become torn my Tom’s grip, I slipped my fingers between his, letting my palm slip against his, entwining our fingers. I kissed each knuckle of his, before pressing our locked hands into my chest.
“Will ‘e be al’ight?” Tom pouted, glaring up at me, tears rimming his eyes. It tore me in half to see him this way. His cheeks were brushed with a light tinge of red, his eyes rimmed with the same colour. His discoloured lips seemed large, and were quivering. My fingers were clammy and cold, his chest heaving with the deep breaths he took. I ran one hand over his cheek, pulling his attention my way. His cerulean blue eyes pleading against mine.
“Oliver is strong, he’ll get through this.” I smiled, pressing my lips to his forehead, leaving a tender kiss.
Tom shuddered, weakly smiling at me. “I ‘ope yeh right.” he pushed his head back into my chest, calming himself down. He fell silent for a few minutes, focusing on something. He let out a small giggle, pressing a hand under my breasts.
“I can ‘ear yeh heart.” he laughed, the little-kid coming out in him. His innocent laugh affected my train of thought, freezing everything on the spot, regardless of what I was thinking of.
“Am I alive?”
He smiled, his teeth peering from under his lips. I rarely saw him smile like this. I suppose, hard times bring out the best and the worst in people. The best, would have to be Tom’s emotions, the worst, Lee and Curtis’ constant bickering.
Surely Matt had beat them senseless by now.
“Of course yeh ‘re!”
I meekly smiled.
I rolled my eyes, hearing the voice get closer and closer. For a group of boys, whose main bloke just got bashed, they seemed pretty content, or Lee was just going through some annoying stage. A small squeak was heard after the loud yelp, the door to Oliver’s room, two boys spilling into the room. My head snapped around, Tom’s still pressed to my chest. I snarled, the two boys whacking each other and seething words between them.
“Fuck yeh, Lee. Yeh such a whinger.” Curtis elbowed him, knocking him against the doorway. Lee’s small fingers wrapped around the doorway, his glare shooting back at Curtis, like he was going to rip out his throat.
“Do you two mind? We are kinda....” I averted my gaze to Oliver’s still body, waiting for the two idiots to tense and apologise. No such luck.
“IT WAS ‘IS FAULT” They both yelled in unison, fingers pointed at each other. Curtis raised an eyebrow, staring down at the smallish boy. Lee nudged him, his strength completely outweighing Curtis’, for he totally knocked Curtis off his feet. He tumbled to the other side of the doorway, his hands splayed out behind him. Tom chuckled, snapping his head around, his innocent eyes glancing at Curtis quickly, before presuming his pose against my body. My arms wrapped around his skinny waist, the belt of his pants digging into the soft flesh of my arm.
Curtis mumbled, flipping over onto his knees, before grasping the end of Oliver’s bed, helping himself to his feet.
“Yeh fuckin’ imbecile, tha’s my fuckin toe’!”
“We all froze, gazing at each other, questioningly. Curtis stumbled back, falling against Lee as he extended a quivering finger in the direction of Oliver, his face drained of all colour. My eyes darted over Tom’s messy hair, collectively caught the dark chocolate eyes that looked over at me, a weak smile tugging at his lips.
Lee and Curtis shuddered in the corner, like they had seen a ghost.
Tom slowly looked over his shoulder, going completely stiff as he realised what was going on. He bounced from my grasp, stepping on my toe as he dashed to the bed side.
“Shit...” I muttered.
“Olleh!?” Lee cocked an eyebrow, staring at Curtis awkwardly, seeing his arms wrapped around the skinny boy. He instantly let him go, letting him fall to the ground. He brushed himself down, like nothing happened. He ignored Curtis’ presence.
Curtis glared at him again. “Wha’ tha’ fuck?”
“Shut up.” Lee gave him a sharp kick, tucking one leg behind the other, afterwards/
Curtis blinked, jumping onto his knees to glare over the edge of the bed at Oliver, who was now sitting up, his elbows placed against his pillow. I couldn't move, my muscles wouldn't allow it. My mouth gaped open, my hands growing numb at my sides. I tensed, clenching my fists, my knuckles turning white under the pressure.
“Tom, wha yeh doin’?” Oliver stuttered, looking down at himself. He tilted his head to the side, looking past Tom and towards me. He wanted to snarl, but he knew better than that,
Looks like the ordinary Oliver is back. Much to my displeasure.
“Yeh in hospital...”
Oliver shuffled. “I realis’ tha’, idiot.”
Tom instantly shut up, not used to Oliver being this way. Wake Up Tom! Oliver was always like this, you just ignored him!
Curtis chuckled, stumbling to his feet, only to have Lee kick his feet out from underneath him. He tumbled to the ground again, his hands spread out in front of him. He flicked his hair over his shoulder.
“I fuckin’ ‘ate yeh, yeh lil shit.” he mumbled, slanting his eyes.
“Shut up, Shitfac’.” Lee twisted his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels, acting innocent. His wild hair kept down my a dark blue beanie, his little face peering out underneath. The Care-Bear coming out in him.
“Fuck yeh.”
Lee cringed. “Fuck yehself, I aint gay.”
“Guys, please?” I slipped my eyes closed, calming the mood. The fell silent, standing awkwardly at the door way, Curtis a head-length taller than Lee, who would take his chance and elbow Curtis whenever he wasn't expecting it. The odd curse escaping Curtis’ lips, but no action. He was waiting, plotting his revenge. Which was probably worse, Curtis had mean comebacks. REAL MEAN.
I hope Lee knows what he’s doing.
“Tom, wha happened?” Oliver pleaded, sinking back into his bed, his hair spread out behind him, stuck to the pillow. His dark locks contrasted with the whiteness of the pillow, his hair looking slightly darker than usual. His dark brown eyes were glazed over, pain and agony littered his face. Every small move made him cringe, his hands fly up and grip his ribs, trying to ease the pain. I couldn't look at him for too long, my stomach was doing flips, guilt rising in my stomach. My heart jumping into my throat. I glanced out the one way mirror behind me, Vegan still asleep on the seat in the waiting room. I glanced sideways at Curtis and Lee, who caught my stare and looked back at Vegan, shrugging in unison.
“I wasn’t gonna wak’ ‘im.” Curtis defended, nudging Lee, who summed up his strength and shoved Curtis away, pouting and crossing his arms.
“Yeh pussy!”
I Don't blame them, I wouldn't wake Vegan either, even if there was a natural disaster. The boy was a bitch if someone woke him up, and he would stay that way the whole day, like he’d taken a bitching tablet, or had a day’s worth of PMS. Never a good thing with boys. If he didn't bitch, he;d kick you in the face, or punch, and claim self defence. The boy was a fucking irritating son-of-a-bitch.
“Well yeh go wak’ ‘im up!” Curtis yelled back, spitting at Lee.
I was surprised that Tom and Oliver were ignoring them. But when I looked over at them, they weren't actually ignoring them, but placing bets on who would win in a fist fight. Oliver seemed to be edging for Curtis, him being the tallest, Tom was barracking for Lee. Sure, he was shorter than the rest, but little elf-boy had a mean punch, not to mention a kick that would make you scream all day long, if he kicked you in the right places.
My bet was on Lee.
Great, now I’m turning out like Oliver and Tom, twisted.
“Wha’s yeh bitch doin’ ‘ere?”
I rolled my eyes. It was just to good for Oliver to stop bitching at me
“Cant remember my name, Oliver?”
He cringed, hating the way I said his full name. Tom furrowed his brows, silently asking me to shut up. I ignored Tom’s stare, his hands gripping onto the sheets of his brothers bed.
“ ‘Ow can I forg’t such an ugehly face.” He snarled looking me up and down.
I sat back, a lump forming in my throat. He had hit a nerve, and as I glanced around, from Tom to Lee and Curtis, none of them stepped in. Tears stung the back of my eyes, I forced them back, knitting my fingers in my lap. I fell silent, averting my gaze. Tom didn't move, didn't say a word. I had expected him to at least stop it, but he made no attempt. Even Curtis and Lee became uncomfortable, realising Tom’s mistake.
“Somethin’ wrong, love?” Oliver sneered, knowing he had struck a sensitive spot. I shook my head, my hair hanging over my face. “Tom, why yeh have a bitch of a gal?”
Tom kept quiet, shuffling around Oliver’s bed. Curtis awkwardly tapped Lee’s arm, pointing at me expectantly. Lee nodded, striding to my side.
“Com’ on, lets get outta ‘ere.” He picked up my arm, pulling me from the seat. Lee wrapped an arm around me shoulders, leading me out of the room.
“I’m Sorreh.” Curtis mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as I passed him.
“Its okay, Curtis, I should have expected it.”
Lee shook his head, leading me away from Curtis. “Wan’ meh ta take yeh home?”
I smiled. Why couldn't everyone be like Lee, uncaring about harsh words, but loyal and funny. I gripped tighter, his fingers squashed with mine. He swung his other arm around me, sensing tears to come shortly, he pulled me into an embrace, still walking me out to the car.
“ ‘E didn't mean it, love.” Lee hushed, belting me up. I felt useless, I needed Lee to put on my seat belt, having Oliver’s words paralyse me.
“Then why did he say it?”
Lee shrugged, manually winding the window down, shutting the door before leaning through it, brushing hair away from my face.
“ ‘E is just jealous.”
“Of what?” I sniffed.
“Yeh make Tom happeh, mor’ happi’er than Olleh can eva make Tom.” He moved away from the window, winding around the car and jumping into the driver’s side, flicking over the ignition. He pumped the gas, kicking it into reverse.
The car lurched forward, a loud crunch erupting.
“What?” I asked, glancing across at Lee.
He bit his bottom lip. “Promis’ yeh wont tell.”
I nodded, crossing my fingers together in front of his face, obtaining a quick smile.
“I jus’ dented Tom’s car.”
I smiled, leaning back into the seat. “Dont worry, he deserved it.”
Lee nodded. “Tha’s meh gal!”
♠ ♠ ♠
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Lady Dont Be Shady:
LAWYERS WONT HELP YOU! They'll just steal your money, as for Oliver Sykes, he'll pay, BIG TIME

Bread anyone? =D