‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


Lee was cute, much like any innocent male in my year. But he had a mouth like Oliver. Look past the looks, and you get bitten.
So, for the girls. Don't be fooled.
I gazed out the window, my chin resting on the palm of my right hand, constantly coming back to reality to write some words on my pages. Making it look like I had done something. The wind whipped through the room as a kid in the front row opened another window. As if it wasn't cold enough now. I wrapped my arms around myself, setting the pen in the crease of my book. I tugged at the edged of my thin jumper, trying to wiggled into it more. No such luck. The jumper wasn't warm enough, no matter how much I buried myself into it.
I had finally convinced Lee that I was a grown woman, and that I could take care of myself, not matter what Tom said to him. He huffed, and nodded, leaving in silence. Not something Lee did, but only when he did it, it meant he was beaten.
None of the boys had turned up at school. Wait, no. one did. Besides Lee. And I spent lunch staring at him, wondering what makes a guy like him choose a girl over his suffering mate.
Matt, or Nicholls, as they called him, sat at their table, enveloped his this weeks new babe. Considering I hardly saw him with girls, this wasn't new. Her name was Natalie, and she was a friend of Amanda. Maybe they made up a double date or something. She had long hair, stopping in the middle of her back. She swung her legs over his, black stocking lining her thighs, following the contours of her legs.
She was sexy.
Her tight shirt and pants left nothing to the imagination, Matt’s hands never helped much.
Back to staring out the window.
Like every other day, the clouds moved, the birds sang, and school carried on without a care in the world as to what happened to the womanizer of the year. I huffed, pouting to myself and averting my gaze to the other end of the room, gazing around innocently. Boredom led to curiosity, which made my eyes wander, wanting to know what every other kid was thinking about. Contorted faces moved into expressions of calmness, sad, the sudden frown, sometimes a smile. But the main expression, was the blank stares facing the board, and the nods that came after a question. I mumbled to myself, cursing under my breath. I knitted my fingers together, tapping my clenched hands together on the table, finding a beat. Now was the time for funny thoughts, but my mind couldn't help it.
I wonder if They have plans to mosh out tonight to their own music?
Stiff chance, considering their screamer was in hospital.
I wonder if Matt knew that?

And the bell signalled the end of the class.

The corridor was flooded with bodies, some holding hands, others just walking beside each other. As I glanced around, I found that I was the only one without a friend. But I was used to that. And just when you think I could get rid of him, he comes bounding down the hallway, actually, he’s running at me, a smile across his face. I wince, waiting for him to come crashing into me. I peek one eye open, his fat face the only thing I could see. His smile covered the majority of his face. I sighed and slumped, my shoulders relaxing.
“What can I do for you, Lee?”
He bounded over to my locker, as if knowing I was going there. He tapped it opened, guessing my lock combination. I raised an eyebrow, wiggling my finger at him. “How did you know me combination?”
He stuck his finger up, slipping his eyes closed, proudly. “Wanna ‘ear some good news?”
I nodded, stopping before my locker, resting on hand on the door, leaning against it.
“Lee...” he tapped his chest. “ ‘S now tha most want’d blok’ in school.” he proudly said, looking down his nose at me.
I stuffed my first book into the locker, ignoring his comment.
“Nah, seriously, Olleh’s gonna be fine.”
I flicked the lid to my bag over, sealing the locker shut, Lee’s blue eyes catching mine.
“Do yeh care?”
I smiled. He knew the answer to that question, he didn't need me to answer it. The answer was pretty obvious.
“Did you expect me to jump around and have a parade for him?”
He straighened up, his head moving in what wasn't a shrug, but wasn't a nod. He wanted to do both, but knew it wouldn't work.
“Would yeh?”
I raised an eyebrow, not amused. “The last thing that boy will get from me is a black eye.”
Lee winced, lifting his hands to run them down his face, dragging down his cheeks, contorting his face.
“Yeh gotta be so violent?”
“Lee, the boy doesn't deserve my sympathy.”
He pursed his lips together, spinning on his heels to walk next to me. Except, he wasn't walking, at least, I wouldn't call it walking, more like, he was floating. He danced around me, kicking and twiddling. I rolled my head to the side, ignoring him.
“ ‘Es meh mate, i’m happy.” he laughed.
“I figured.” I sarcastically sighed, whipping away from Lee’s twirling body. He grasped my hand, pulling me in his direction, letting my books fall from my grasp. I glanced down at them, feeling sorry for the unfortunate circumstance. I glared at Lee, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Yeh comin’ with meh.”
I widened my eyes. “Your kidding right? After what happened yesterday, I Don't think so.” I bent down, picking up my books. That was until Lee kicked them away, booting the rest from my hands.
“Lee!” I whined, skitting across the floor over to my books. But he kicked them away again, quickly gripping my arm and pulling me to my feet.
“Leave ‘em.”
“No, I need them.”
“Nat will pick ‘em up.” he clapped, taking my hand.
“Lee, stop.” I pulled back on my heels, forcing us both to stop. “I need my books, I cant just leave them there, and why would Natalie pick them up?”
Lee clapped again. “Coz she’s with Matt, and Matt’s gonna meet us at tha ‘ospital.”
I tried to back away, but Lee tightened his grip, pulling me out of the school ground, my books lost to me now.
“Lee! I said I didn't want to go!”
“I Don't care, yeh goin’.”
I faked a cry, cringing as Lee threw me into his car, latching over the kiddie lock before shutting the door. “And yeh cant get out, it only opens on tha out’ide.” he jumped into the driver’s seat, kicking over the ignition.
“Why do you all have to be like Oliver?”
Lee giggled, turning in his seat, placing a hand on my knee. “ ‘Oney, yeh just Don't realise how lucky yeh are to ‘ave friends like meh.”
I scoffed. “Please, enlighten me, because right now, I'm having realisation problems.” I sarcastically spat.
“Yeh such a wuss.”
“Lee, thats not helping.”
“Nevah said I was gonna help yeh.”
I crossed my arms over my chest, the seat belt cutting into my shoulder.
“Why must I go to the hospital? What happens if I had something planned.”
Lee faked a laugh, rubbing it into my face. “Love, yeh had no plans, yeh never ‘ave plans.”
“Thanks, Lee, your such a good friend.”
“Just tryin’ ta make yeh feel better.”
He planted his foot on the gas, flogging it out of the car park. Gravity forced me back in the seat, my hand stuck to my chest. He slowed at a stop sign, allowing me to move my limbs. They slacked to my sides, waiting for the next blow of gravity. Lee winked at me, waiting for the kids to cross, before planting his foot again, forcing the rest of the back backwards. I felt like a wrinkly dog, having my cheeks pulled in each direction. Whenever Lee stopped, I could feel the numbness rise in my cheeks, I would like the sides of my mouth trying to get some feeling. And then he would start up again, staring the process all over again. I shrunk back into the seat, slinging my feet over the passenger seat, closing my eyes until we finally made a long stop at the hospital.
Lee bounced out of the car, racing around to my side, unlatching the kiddie lock. He poked my cheeks.
“Yeh lookin’ a bit red.”
I felt like raising my hand, and swinging all my energy into one hard slap. I held back the idea, laughing under my breath.
“Thats your crap driving, I suggest you re-sit your test. Thats horrible.” I tenderly rubbed my cheeks, feeling finally coming back to them. Lee smirked, the evil smirk that he usually gave to Curtis. Usually, I would be suspicious, but for some reason, I wasn't. Before I knew what has going on, I had my eyes clenched shut, a horrible pain shooting through my face, centering at my left cheek. The one closer to Lee. He laughed as tears formed at the corner of my eyes.
“You fucking slapped me?” I asked, getting slightly annoyed.
He laughed, the faint crinkling of his shirt as he nodded the only sign I knew he was still there. I swung one arm up, guessing where his face was. Good thing I guessed right, my hand came in perfect contact with his cheek, a loud ‘whack’ erupting into the parking lot.
“Ah! Feck!” he swore, bending over and clutching his cheek.
“That will teach you.”
I went to turn away, but was stopped short as Lee gave me a sharp shove between my shoulder blades. Instead of walking into the hospital, I stumbled, stupidly, into the glass. My face mushing into the glass. I inched back, swiftly turning on my heel, only to have a hand pressed to my chest. I glanced down at it, following it from the fingers, up the skinny arm, hardly any muscles on it, to the shoulder, where a blue sleeve sat, and up the neck line. No tatts, means it cant be Matt or Oliver, and I'm pretty sure Tom has a few tattooes on his neck line. His jutting chin instantly gave away who it was.
“Yeh’s look stupid. Stop it now.” he snarled, pushing Lee away. Lee huffed, rudely pushing past Curtis and waltzing into the hospital. He had his head shrunk between his shoulders, storming off with his fist clenched to his side.
Care Bear Alert!!
“Wanna tell meh why I just stopp’d yeh bashin’ tha shit ou’ of Lee?”
I raised an eyebrow. “I thought you wanted Lee to be bashed, with you picking on his and all.” I flicked at the skin under my nails, doing my best impression of Amanda.
“Yeh remind meh of SJ.”
I instantly frowned, throwing a silent tantrum. That wasn't the impression I was going for.
“....’Nd i’ll do tha Lee bashin’ around ‘ere.” He chuckled, taking his chance to dodge away, whipping under my flailing arms and dashing into the hospital, a quick tongue flicking in my direction as he fluttered away.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Why So Serious: Here is your update, i hope you enjoy it, sorry i couldnt update any quicker, but ive cut it back to once a day D:

To Lady Dont be Shady : Curtis is just in a bitchy mood, and i thought i would make Lee alot more stronger, instead of his just being a 'care bear'. so they are having a few bitching problems, just something to keep them in the story, :D

All round Lee Care Bears? whose in!? XD