‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


So throw your Diamonds in the Sky, We’ll stay Gold, forever

The light streamed through the slants in the curtains, giving the room a pleasant glow. I nestled closer to my pillow, unconsciously tugging it under my left ear. I snuggled into it, rubbing my face over its silky cover. The light angled its way onto the pillow, warming up my end of the bed. I stirred, kicking my legs out and stretching, the first thing my eyes landed on being the bedside clock. I blinked, unwrapping my arms hands from the sheets, clenching my fists and delicately rubbing my eyes. I blinked again, registering the time.
10:40 am
I lolled over, expecting to hit the body laying next to me. I smiled, shutting my eyes close. They fluttered open instantly when the back of my hand connected with a flat sheet, no body, no warmth. I lifted my head, gazing over my pillow. The sheets were peeled back, the only remnants of another body was the odd creased in the bottom sheet, and the occasional hair. I sighed, biting my bottom lips. I glanced down at myself, feeling the silky sheet weave among my contours, dipping in between my legs. The velvet material felt nice, much like a warm bath, but without Tom lying next to me, the warm bath seemed pointless. I tugged the sheet around my body, twisting it behind me as I got up, swinging my legs over the end of the bed, gazing down at my pile of clothes. Tom’s were missing.
Slipping my legs in, a wiggling around until I felt comfortable in my pants, I realised I was missing the two most important pieces of clothing. My bra and My shirt. I scurried around the room, picking up the sheet and the blanket, still no clothes.
Shit, I cant go out like this!
I sat down, rubbing my temples with my fore-fingers, trying to remember. I took a quick glace around the room again, satisfied that my clothes weren't in the room. I wrapped both arms around my chest, and paced out, past the pool, and into the house, tippy-toeing my way through the kitchen. I peered around the walls, checking boths ways.
All clear.
I dodged into the lounge room, constantly checking over my shoulder.
This was where we started
My eyes frantically searched the floor, every small noise fluttering my heart and making me jump. My wandering eyes recognised a familiar colour on the ground, nearest the Lounge, but closer to the main entrance. I cursed at myself, creeping over to the clothes, recognising them as mine. I bent down, my arms still wrapped around my chest.
“Eh Tom, I want’d ta-”
The smashing of a dropped glass made me jump, shooting straight up, leaving my clothes on the ground. In the door way stood Oliver, topless, much like myself, and completely shocked. I bit my bottom lip, my eyes shooting between Oliver and My clothes.
“Hey Oliver.” I stuttered, forcing the words from my mouth.
He didn't reply, just took a quick glance over my topless body, smirking to himself. That dirty smirk that usually came with an array of sexual innuendoes. I shuddered, tightening my brace around myself, calculating the distance between me and the clothes and between me and the door.
“Why yeh neked?” he raised an eyebrow, pointing in my direction.
Still chewing on my lip, I shrugged.
“Did yeh and Tom.....” Oliver tried to ask, twisting his face into an ugly smirk, fighting back dirty thoughts. I rolled my eyes, rocking my weight onto one leg, my hip sticking out.
“Look, can you just... look away?”
Oliver shook his head.
“ ‘S not everyday tha a sexy gal like yehself is neked in meh house, and one tha’ I haven't fecked yet.” Oliver crept closer, one foot in front of the other as he moved over, crossing the lounge room. Horrified, I backed up, toddling backwards until my back whacked firmly into the wall, meaning I had no where else to go. I swallowed harshly, glancing in all different directions for a way out.
“Oliver, go away....” I threatened, hoping that Tom would burst into the room. I waited silently, Oliver still approaching me, like a hungry wolf after a helpless deer. I waited until I could feel his breath crawl over my face, alcohol laced in it. A hint of weed travelling somewhere in it. I contorted my face, turning away desperately.
“Was Tom good?” he snarled, trailing a finger down my arm. I shuddered, bashing my back harder against the wall.
“Where... is-is Tom?” I stuttered, shaking uncontrollably.
Oliver smirked, sliding his finger into the top of my jeans, playing with the bow of my panties. I gagged, the smell of alcohol and weed restricting my oxygen, making it harder to breath. I took a deep one, sucking in my stomach, trying to get away from Oliver.
“ ‘E left tha hous’ fer a while.” He placed each hand on either side of me, pinning me against the wall. I gulped, watching Oliver’s lips carefully as they moved closer to my face, his disgusting breath crawling over my face, making my stomach gag again. Oliver’s finger dipped further into my pants, crawling into my underwear. Horrible shudders overtook my body, weakening my knees. Oliver watched my legs give way, darting an arm under my back, catching me. He brought my closer into his chest, his lips ghosting over mine. I shook again, trying to push my way out of his grasp, but with my arms wrapped around my naked chest, that didn't work.
Oliver chuckled. “Yeh not puttin’ up much of a fight, Love.”
I cringed. “Get away from me, Oliver.”
“Com’ on, just a kiss?” Oliver puckered, his face moving closer to mine. I turned away, his alcoholic breath giving me nausea. I wavered, my legs turning to jelly, and not the same feeling as Tom would give me, this was disgust. I pushed against Oliver again, helpless and desperate. He chuckled again, tightening his grip around my waist.
“No.” I boomed, my own fingers digging into the flesh of my sides, just under my armpits. I clenched my teeth together.
“Tom will neva kno’.” Oliver harsly pushed my against the wall, moving one leg between mine as he crashed his lips against mine. Rudely, he bit my bottom lip, and as I went to cry out in agony, his tongue shot into my mouth, making the kiss deeper. I fought against him, but he was too strong, his knee between my legs held me off the ground, and his hands on my face made it impossible to move away. Oliver pulled away, wiping the back of his hand on his mouth.
“If yeh Don't cooperate, ill tell Tom yeh cam’ onta me.”
my mouth fell open. My eyes almost fell out of my head.
How could he do this, to his own brother’s one shot at happiness?
He motioned his fingers over my chest, heaving down on my arms. I didn't budge, digging my fingers further into my flesh, leaving cresent moon indents. Oliver moved to my ear, whispering harshly.
“Move ‘em, or Tom finds out.”
A tear falling from the corner of one of my eyes, landing above my right breast.
“Oliver, Please.” I begged, sinking back into the wall. He placed a kiss into my neck, wrapping one hand around my left arm, tearing it away from my chest.
“If I ‘ave ta remove tha other one, i’ll be telling Tom.”
I slacked, letting the hand drop to my side. I turned my head, tears getting the better of me. Oliver hummed, staring down at my chest, one hand rising to massage a breast. I groaned, clenching my eyes shut, my legs going numb. My stomach sunk, bile rising in my throat.
“Mos’ gals would love this.”
I gagged, my throat expanding. The horrible vomit-feeling rising in my chest, threatening to spill into my mouth. I swallowed hard. Oliver’s hands moving down to my hips, fingers digging into my flesh.
“One kiss, and ill let yeh get yeh bra.” he smirked, mashing his hips into mine. I turned to him, tears lining my face. I nodded, deciding that I should just get it over and done with, before Tom arrived home.
“Just one?”
Oliver nodded. “ ‘S gotta be a good one.”
I closed my eyes, picturing Tom’s plump face, his lovely, heart-warming smile. I wrapped one wrist around Oliver’s head, placing my hand on the back of his neck, pulling his lips onto mine. He groaned into the kiss, mashing his hips against mine again. I clenched my eyes, still trying to picture Tom as Oliver slipped his tongue past my lips, exploring my mouth. The image of Tom disappeared, his lovely, warm smile twisting to look a lot like Oliver’s. But I was wrong, his face was nothing like that when he opened the door.
“Rory, I didn-”
The sound of dropping newspapers was heard, alerting both me and Oliver.
Oliver broke away, jumping from my body, our lips disconnecting with a loud ‘pop’. Oliver froze, gazing at the door.
“Wha’s goin’ on?”
I gulped, bile rising into my throat, my gag reflex taking over.
♠ ♠ ♠
I NEVER MEANT TO MAKE OLIVER MEAN! it just creates more tension. Im so sorry. :( im pretty sure Oli isnt this mean in real life.

Dont hate me =3