‹ Prequel: Thomas Sykes.

Oliver Sykes


“Yeh were kissin’ ‘em! I saw it!” Tom exclaimed, his face growing red. Oliver had dashed off just in time, dragging himself off to his own room. I cursed at myself for letting Oliver get the better of me.
But how was I to explain things to Tom? “Im sorry, but I forced your brother into it?” Surely guilt would eat away at Oliver, and he would come clean. I had hoped as much.
“Tom, please.” I collapsed to the floor, by Tom’s feet, tears rimming my eyes, fogging up my vision. Sobs wracked my body, shuddering uncontrollably.
“After last night!? Yeh kiss me fecking brudda? Did last night mean anythin’?”
I nodded, wiping tears away with the back of my hand. He kicked up paper, the fluttering white pages hitting my face. I yelped, crawling away from Tom, backing into the corner of the room, bringing my knees up under my chin.
Tom forced his fist through the wall, leaving a relatively big dint in the wall. He rubbed his knuckles, cradling them gently. He cursed, running his palms down the sides of his face.
“Why?” he calmed, turning to me.
My body shuddered again, another round of sobs overtaking me. I cowered back, dipping my head into my knees, my hair falling over my face. I couldn't speak, my crying cutting off oxygen to my lungs. I had to stop sobbing in order to breath, not an easy task when your boyfriend is furious with you.
“Yeh need ta leave. I Don't want ta see yeh, eva again.” his accent was deep, booming. I nodded, pitifully picking myself up from the corner, dragging myself to the door, wiping away more tears. I sobbed, stopping by the opened door to turn to Tom, his back facing me.
“I love you Tom.”
I didn't expect anything in return, and thats what I got. I wandered out, feeling sorry for myself, and having the guilt monster eat away at my emotions, affecting my train of thought. I past Oliver on the way out, not bothering to give him the time of day. He seemed upset as well. But for what? He ruined my relationship, why was he upset?
“I’m sorry.” I faintly heard him as I shut the door behind me, the outside air nipping at my body. All this for a fucking T-shirt and my Bra. I might as well have streaked around the house, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I took one last look at the house, my eyes moving up to Tom’s window. His agonising face looking down at me, a look of shame spread across his face. He shook his head, prancing away from the window.
Now he wont ever look at me, Ever!

“Holy shite, wha’ happened to yeh?” Lee asked, brushing my hair away from my neck line, observing the dark rings. I sighed, slamming the door of my locker, placing my forehead against it. Lee backed away, hinting at my body language.
“Somethin’ happen’d?” he gently rubbed my back, leaning in to embrace me. I held back tears, pushing Lee away. He winced, not sure what I was doing. He backed up, taking a few steps back, giving me my space.
“I think its best if you leave me alone.” I spoke, sternly, taking off past Lee, his head whipping around as I walked away.
“Rory!” he called out, sighing to himself. Hurriedly, I raced away, quick to turn the corners, quick to get out of his sight. I slumped against a wall, staring down the other end of the hall. Her swaying hips appraoching me, supporting a different style today. Her chocolate hair breezed paste her shoulders, wearing only a dark singlet, blue skinny jeans and a pair of ballet shoes, she happily walked up to me. Her facial expression changing once she saw mine. Sympathy and curiousity crossed her all at once, and before I knew it, she slumped against the wall next to me.
“Eh...” she sighed, flipping over to lean her shoulder against the wall, gazing at me. “Wanna talk ‘bout it?”
I shook my head, gripping onto my books tighter, emotions running rampant. I gave Amanda a weak smile, slanting my lips to the side. She rubbed my shoulder, humming to herself.
“Boy problems?”
I sighed, glancing at her. “Not really.... can we not talk about it?”
She nodded, instantly dropping the conversation. She buried her hands into her pockets, moving away from the wall.
“I’m goin’ ta Olleh’s band practice tonight, yeh?”
I raised an eyebrow. “What are you going for?”
She laughed, averting her gaze across the room, like it was something I wasn't supposed to know. Her bright smile lit up her face, forcing her features upwards.
“Tom invited meh.”
I nodded, tugging in my lips in a frown/pout.
“I take it....” she paused, moving her hands in her pockets. “Tha’ ‘e didn't invit’ yeh?”
I shrugged, looking away. “I wasn't going to say yes even if he did.”
“ ‘E kno’s yeh too well then, doesn't ‘e.”
I paused. Turning back to her. My shocked expression forced her next sentence out quick. “Coz... yeh know, yeh never go out.” she laughed, trying to cover up her embarrassment. I gave another weak smile, trying to ignore her comments.
“Tell yeh wha’. Come with meh!”
I immediately shook my head, keeping my eyes away from her. “I cant... got things to do.” I tapped my books, sucking in a breath.
“ ‘Re yeh avoiding tha boys?”
I scoffed, faking it completely. But she didn't know that. “Why would you say that?” I forced out a laugh, awkwardly glancing away once I finished laughing.
“Did somethin’ happen between yeh and Tom? Yeh can tell me.”
“No... I..” I paused, tugging at my books. “I have to go, I'm going to be late.” I lied, peeling myself from the wall, dashing past Amanda without another word. She sighed, watching me leave her presence. She didn't bother calling out my name, she reacted differently to Lee, instead, she just walked away, forgetting we ever spoke. Just how I wanted it.
Hopefully, she wouldn't get to nosey. Thats the last thing I wanted, Tom finding out I was lying about us being together.
I whipped into class, turning some heads and gaining some whispers. But nothing compared to the stares I was getting from Tom. He sat at the back of the room, next to Curtis, staring at me in disgust. I looked past his stares, ignoring him as I gave a small, meek wave to Curtis. He happily returned the wave.
So Tom hadn't told anyone yet, better yet, Oliver hadn't bragged.
I doged into my seat, sitting at the very front, only one row separating me and the blackboard. I heaved my book onto the table, collecting my tools for the class, before pushing to the left of me. Giving an awkward smile to the unfortunate student next to me. Luckily, he returned the smile. I didn't look over my shoulder at all, figuring that if Tom wanted to get the satisfaction of staring at me, he wasn't going to get the satisfaction of obtaining my attention. I dawdled on the book, drawing squiggles and lines, connecting them later on to produce random pictures. One picture I was happy with was a woman standing on the beach, with a smaller figure standing next to her, holding her hand. A child. I smiled at myself, a fuzzy warm feeling entering my system, very different to the feelings that Tom gave me.
“Miss Skyler...”
My head snapped up, the class seeming distant. The answers to any question he was going to ask was out the window. The topic was the idea behind Romeo and Juliet. I hadn't been listening. But who Hasn't seen Romeo and Juliet? I nodded, making sure he knew he had my attention. The class grew silent, expecting glares directed at me. My fingers started to quiver, my heart pumping faster, the unknown question raising panic. I took a deep breath.
“Can you please enlighten the class with what happens in the end? What are the emotions between Romeo and Juliet?” The teacher proudly asked, taking her seat behind her desk. She seemed a lot smaller now. I glanced awkwardly across the room, trying to quickly count how many eyes were on me.
I sucked in another breath, opening my book.
“Well....” I stuttered, lifting my gaze to the teacher. “As we all saw, Romeo found Juliet, thinking she was dead, he killed himself...” I paused, emotions running rampant in my body. The teacher coughed, gaining my attention again.
“Why does he?”
I swallowed, taking a quick glance at Tom, his weakened emotions showing in has face, but he didn't the best to hide them.
“He feels that life is pointless without his loved one.”
“And what happens when Juliet wakes up?”
I sighed, rolling my eyes. “She she’s Romeo, dead, and reacts just as he did. She kills herself.”
The teacher coughed at another stupid, silencing them quickly. “And what is the motive to their descisions?”
“Well, as I said. They both feel that life is pointless without the other, they feel that nothing is going to be able to seperate them. Not even Death.”
The teacher gave a proud nod. Randomly, she still looked up at me. I sunk back, knowing she was going to ask another question.
“Have you ever felt that way about someone?”
Now, tell me if this is weird or not. I'm sitting in English, with my Ex giving me death stares, to my back, and I have a teacher asking me if I have ever felt so badly about someone. This is English! Not counselling. I have enough problems, I Don't need her telling me what they are. Jeez.
I sighed, shaking my head, bowing it towards the table.
The teacher stiffened, glaring at me oddly, tilting her head to the side. “Miss Skyler, are you feeling alright?”
I shrugged, dawdling my pencil along the spin of the book, my eyes rimming with tears. My hair hung over my face, hiding me features from view.
“Do you want some time off?” the teacher’s voice lowered, her whispery voice alerting all the students to look in my direction, like their was a huge red sign over my head saying LOOK AT ME!
I nodded, scooping my book up and forcefully dragging myself down to the front of the class, rudely rubbing elbows with the other kids as I went. Whispers and glares wrapped around me, keeping me in their eyes. I didn't glance up, didn't give them the opportunity to look at me.
“Here...” she handed me two pieces of red paper, my homework splashed all over them. “Take your time..” she whispered, patting my back.
Sadly, I mournfully wandered out of the room, like a lost puppy.
I turned my back, speeding my steps up, keeping in front of the boy.
“Rory! Don't walk away from meh!” he cried out, sprinting into a jog. I sped up, my feet breaking into a run. Its times like these that I wished I could run fast, and that Lee was a fat kid who couldn't run at all. But who am I kidding, he was fit, and fast. His fingers gripped my upper arms, pulling me back towards him. I flung back, my book landing a blow against Lee’s chest. I sighed, slippin gmy eyes closed.
“If I cant see you, your not there!” I cried out, wiggling out of Lee’s arms. He chuckled, tightening his grip.
“Im ‘ere al’ight, and yeh aren't goin’ anywhere till yeh tell meh wha’ yeh runnin’ from.” he shook my arm, violently making my body convulse in his grip. My eyes rolled around in my head, watching the lights above me fizz and move around the room. When he stopped shaking me, the lights continued to move, dancing in my eyes. I smiled, stupidly, gazing at Lee like he was a god. Lee scoffed, pushing me away.
“Yeh on somefin’?”
I shook my head, ejecting the lights from my eyes.
“No, I just had the shit shook out of me.” I grumbled, pushing Lee away harshly. He staggered back, leaning against the lockers behind him. His fingers splayed out to stop his fall.
“ ‘S not my fa’lt tha’ yeh runnin’ all tha’ time. And yeh kno’ I Don't lik’ yeh ignering meh.”
I rolled my eyes, stabilising my spinning forehead with one palm. “Im not ignoring you.”
Lee shot up, his eyes wide. “Yeh were jus’ runnin’ from meh!”
“I can explain....”
“Yah, and yeh goin’ to... right now.” Lee stomped his foot, pushing away from the lockers. His angry expression erased any jokes about being a care bear. To be honest, I was scared, petrified.
“Look, I'm just... having a rough time.”
“Coz yeh were fuckin’ Olleh?” Lee coughed out.
I paused, my hands growing lack, the sickening feeling laying in the pit of my stomach.
“Lee its...”
“ ‘Ow could yeh? Yeh knew ‘ow Tom felt.” he spat, forcing himself to look away.
“You need to leave me alone.”
“So yeh gonna keep runnin’ away from it?”
I tensed, clenching my fists. “Im not running from it, but he’s got all his friends thinking that I'm the bad character here, it was a mistake, and I'm happy to admit that...”
Lee went to open his mouth, I shot a finger up, silencing his instantly.
“Dont talk, I'm speaking..” I threatened. “... I love Tom, and it kills me to know that ive done this, but shit, why isn't it Oliver’s fault? How come its all my fault? Maybe he should just own up and....”
“Own up ta wha’?” Lee asked, shooting by my side.
I shut my mouth, realising I had said to much. “Wha did Olleh do?”
I sighed, running a palm down my face. “I love Tom, and thats all anyone needs to know.” I spun on my heels, taking a few strides up the hall. “You need to leave me alone, Lee.” I spoke over my shoulder, not making another glance back...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, i know... i made this story upsetting, and now i dont get Tom teddies because of it. and that makes me vvery displeased
But the story is to get better, i swear.

AND I DESERVE THAT SPOON! you know who you are! gimme!!!

How about i lighten the mood with a warm Oliver picture?
Oliver in high school.....awkward. =/