A Toast to the Burning Estate

The first.

Four men ran through dimly lit hallways, passing numerous paintings and sculptures as they did so. After an hour of running, they were outside panting, struggling to catch their breath whilst one of them closed the large oak doors behind them. They were all bent over, some holding their sides while others were smiling and laughing. After five minutes of this, they stood up, their silhouettes on the rocky ground in front of them, before jogging for ten minutes, stopping at a nearby creek.

"There's gonna be terror when they recognize who they've kicked out," one of them, the tall one with light brown, messy hair laughed.

"No," another disagreed, pulling his hood back, "there's going to be terror once they've realized what we've done," he stated, putting his hood back up and pulling it down again. The others all nodded in agreement, some collapsing onto the ground while others leaned back against a creaky tree or misshapen rock. None of them could sleep, all were thinking about the next day, what they would do, the next week, how they would survive, the next month, where they would be. It was a daunting thought process but it helped them stay awake, which was what they all wanted regardless of if their tired eyes fought to stay closed each time they blinked.

The one with the hood spoke up again.

"Do you think they've noticed yet?" he questioned before one of them shook his head.

"Dave, if they had noticed there would be dogs running all over the place, the infantry would be sent out and police cars would be on every main road," the man explained, his hat falling off in the process before he tucked it into his pocket, "No sirens have been sounded to alert us yet, no howls have been heard and no galloping has either. We're fine, but we'll have to make a move at the first sign of morning," he finished before one with long black hair nodded to agree.

"We should probably try to get some sleep, we don't want to add sleep deprivation to our list of worries," the one with long black hair stated.

"Yeah, your right Clint," the one with the messy brown hair agreed but none of them made any move.

They all watched as the moon slowly went down and the sun rise. They watched the sun for a while before they finally realized this meant they had to move. Each slowly got up and stretched, yawned and tried to shield their eyes from the sun after wards.

"So," the one with the long black hair began, "where to now?"

Not one voice replied but nonetheless, they began walking, undeterred by the lack of answer and undeterred in not knowing where they were going before the one with the messy hair finally answered.

"Away," he stated and they continued on.