Status: Done! - Hoped You Liked It

A Day in The Rain

The Frist Meeting

I looked outside the window. People going through their daily tasks. Their own things. Enjoying life. That was me, once upon a time, doing things I like doing. Not now. After the accident, everything changed. Everything. I didn't go out, I don't want people staring at me, they will either laugh or gave sympathy, I don't want either. I didn't look at the world how I used to look it. All it took was one moment, one single moment that changes your whole life.

The thunder rumbled above. The rain. I used to love the rain. It was the best thing ever. I can still feel it. The touch of the drops in my face, and taste of the water. My nurse, left half an hour ago, complaining about the weather, and how she have to make sure that her children don't get a cold. I was sitting at my window, looking at the people. Trying to run away from the wetness that would soon engulf, and you can't escape the rain, you just can't. I opened the window from the latch, pushing the window out. The warm air of the pacific filled me up. The wind, salty, massaged my face. I relaxed. It started to sing to me, whispered to me.

Come my child, How long will you hide?
Come My dear, I will embrace you, take away the pain

The wind was calm and gentle, telling me to go and experience something that I haven't been able to. Lightning flashed. Brightening up the empty street, with brilliant light making it look like if they were coming from a carnival itself. The droplets as diamonds, shadows of the building dancing around the barely seen sunlight. I looked at the street empty, with the rain. Making its own. I took a deep breath in, smelling the sea, testing the salt, and feeling the air. I looked at my jacket, laying on a chair. Without a life of its own. No need to worry about good or bad. I got up from my cozy chair, and want to get the jacket. It was blue, light blue, color of the sky. Light colors always calms me down. I don't who got me this jacket. My parents have tried to contact me for a couple of times, but I don't usually answer them. I opened my bedroom door and stepped into the unlit passage way to the main door, where I might be escaping or taking a punishment. The light blue color was drifting away, making the wall look like it have been white-washed. I made my way to the door, which was standing out from the other things. As I put my hand on the silver handle, I looked to my left and stared at the 18 year old girl with strawberry blond haired girl staring right at me, with her bright green eyes. I examined myself, I still had the scars from the terrible accident. I had one at the left side of my face, starting at the bottom of my eye, and stopping just past my ear. I had another mark of my right cheek, visible through the dim-light coming from the outside, through a small window next to the door. There was another one, a thin line just below my jaw line. I shook my head. I will not make myself sad my looking at the mirror. I have already spend 7 months doing just that, and today I will feel happy with the rain. I opened the door, and shivered as the wind warped around me and pulled me outside. And stepped out into the pavement. I looked around.

Plat, plat, plat, plat
The sounds of the rain drops echoing throughout the dim street. It was early afternoon. As the light was still shining. I looked up into the rain and closed my eyes. I can feel the droplets running through my face and into the pavement. I can hear the wind rushing. I never felt so at peace.
"Hey, girl, do you want to catch a cold or something?"
A voice came from behind. I looked down and opened my eyes. But I didn't turn around to acknowledge him. I was hoping who ever he was, would just go away and leave me with my peace. This is my moment.
I heard footsteps coming behind me. I didn't turn around, but took a deep breath and let it out again. Mixing it with the wet air. By now my hair was wet, no my whole body and clothes were wet. But I was not shriving. It was so warm. Warm. As I was thinking that, I felt a light grip on my right arm, and was turned around to see a boy, about 19, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes. His raven black hair was spattered on his face, which he removed it with his tanned hand.
I looked down at my feet, somehow feeling guilty.
"Hey, are you new here? because I haven't seen you around here" he asked.
Without looking at the shoes, and I nodded.
"That's cool, well, I'm Jason, and you are?" Jason. Jason. Something triggered this name, but I can't put my finger on it.
I could feel his eyes on me, trying to figure me out. I know I have to say something, but I just can't. I was still dazed from looking at his eyes.
"err, did you want to sleep?" he guessed. "Well, urm, OK I guess I think you want me to leave," I looked up a bit, as he turned around, and began to walk away. I wanted him to stop, but I can't manage to find my voice. One step, two step, three step, four step, five step "OK than so I'm leaving, bye bye. I am going" as he said this he stopped walking and turned around. I was still looking at him. My face which was covered by my hair, when I had looked down was hiding my eyes. But I quickly looked down again. My blue shorts were already wet, so was the blue jacket, and patterned white shirt underneath it. I smiled to myself. I heard footsteps again, as Jason began to walk away. "Bye then, see you around,"
I had a strange urge to talk just then.
"I-I- I'm Olivia" I spoke in a low whisper, but load enough for him to hear it.
I heard footsteps coming back towards me. I tried to keep from blushing, but I felt my cheeks go a bit hot.
"Well, nice to meet you Olivia, can I see how you look like now?" he asked cautiously. As if I was going to get a bat out from mid-air and hit him in the head.
I looked up from looking at my barefoot. My long hair was still in my face, so he couldn't see me properly. I might have looked like an werewolf or a crazy cave woman, I thought.
"I can't see you with you hair on your face" he said.
I felt soft hands start to take my hair away from my eyes, and my face, and patting them behind my ear. My heart just started to beat at lightning speed, as he's hands touched my face.
After he was done, he said three words that I don't think I will ever forget them.
"You are beautiful" I looked at him in the eye than. Chocolate Brown Eyes, how I wanted to melt into them, and never come out. Just stay there and think -

Pick Up the Phone, You better Pick up the phone now
♠ ♠ ♠
Continue on the next Chapter.