
A Yu One Shot

A shot rang out through the city, another big entrepreneur dead.

A man dressed in a black suit and tie with a white dress shirt underneath ran from the scene, tucking the pistol in his jacket pocket as he ran, careful not to accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. Don’t want that getting to the chief that he went on a killing rampage. He’d shoot him on the spot.

He got into a black car, and the driver booked it to the headquarters outside town.

“Did you get him?” the driver asked the man.

“Yeah,” the man answered, relaxing into his seat.

“Yu will be happy to hear it, Markus,” the driver said nonchalantly.

“Yeah, I know.” Markus replied, ending the conversation. He stared out of the window of the Lincoln Zephyr, happy to end the conversation.

They reached the lavish mansion, the driver letting Markus out before going to park the car.

Markus went into the mansion, going straight to Yu’s study. He knocked on the door.

“Come in,” a voice said from the other side of the door, and Markus obliged.

Yu was sitting from behind the desk, wearing a dark red suit and tie with a black dress shirt underneath. His black hair was stuck up in different directions, the red streaked part seen from the front. He had a lip ring on his lower lip on the right, as well as an eyebrow piercing. Most people feared him because of these piercings, as well as the red streak in his hair. He was different, and no one had seen this before. This was 1940, after all.

“Well?” he asked him, waiting for the news.

“He’s been killed, sir,” Markus informed him.

Yu got up from the chair he had been sitting in and started walking around the study slowly, reading the spines of the books that were on the bookshelves. Finally, he spoke.

“Thank you for telling me, Markus. You may leave now,” he said, dismissing him.

Markus left the office, closing the door behind him.

Yu sat back down in his chair, putting his hands on his temples, rubbing them as he thought.

He was thinking about all of the items he’s acquired as of late. Millions of dollars, jewels, as well as a devoted group of men in his Mafia were some of the things he’s acquired. The devoted group of men killed men that Yu thought as a threat to him, so he would be at the top of the Gangster Mafia chain. Right up there with Al Capone, even.

He’s even gotten death threats, and dodged bullets a few times too.

Yu was the most wanted man in Germany, partly because he had done so much theft there. He was wanted in other parts of the world too, but not as much as he was in Germany.

Even though I’ve got all of this, I still feel empty. Something’s missing, he thought.

Then, he had a revelation. He stopped rubbing his temples, his grey eyes staring out into the office before him.

He needed a companion- a wife, to be more specific. He hadn’t had a girl on his arm since before he joined the Mafia and was wanted for all the theft and murder he caused.

Sure, if one saw him in the streets, she’d eye him, but then her husband would drag her away quickly, or someone would take her away before he could talk to her.

All of the women he’s ever really talked to were girlfriends before the mafia life, and his mother before she passed on after a hit man came to kill him.

The man shot his mother, hoping it would rile him up, cause him to come close enough to shoot him to his death.

It caused him pain, but he didn’t come any closer. He had picked a rifle up, aimed, and shot the man dead.

It became the Mafia life for him. He vowed to be a great hit man, for his mom. Sure, it was a twisted revenge for others- becoming a hit man in order to have revenge on his mother- but that’s how he thought of it.

Hm… how about kidnapping a woman? He thought. That’s never been done before. I mean, sure, women have been kidnapped just to lure the guy they actually want to their hideout so they could shoot them, but this is a completely different story. I’m kidnapping a woman to wed her- Definitely opposite to the usual.

He then started to think through all of the options for finding a girl. He got out a pen and paper- no matter how cliché it sounded- and wrote down what he wanted to find. It took him a few hours, and a few criss-crosses on the paper, but he finally wrote down what he wanted in a girl. Most of it was demanding, and really hard to find in a girl, so he crossed it out, and soon, it really leaved three things on the paper:


Resides in Germany

Has to love me for who I am

He smiled, happy with his work. He then quickly got out an address book, filled to the brim of all of the rich people in Germany, their occupations, addresses, phone numbers, as well as family life.

Hey, when you’re in the Mafia, nothing breaks a man down more than family.

He decided to just flip through the book and let it land on a random page and hope they have a girl his age residing there.

It opened to the W’s- Wentworth, to be exact.

He looked down the page, ignoring the names listed there, and went straight to children.

Yes! He cheered, for they had a daughter close to his age- Abigail. She was 21, just a year older than he, but he didn’t care.

He wrote down the address, and pocketed the paper before he left his office.

One of his hit men saw him leaving his room and asked, “Sir? Where are you going?”

“It’s personal,” he said stiffly, which ended the conversation. He didn’t want anyone knowing what he was doing, because it was out of character for him. This whole plan was out of character for him, for that matter.

But yet, the more he thought about it, the more he decided that at least a few had to know about the plan. It would be hard to kidnap a rich girl by himself.

He walked through the corridors, looking for the person that he knew would help him out.

“Markus!” he greeted him, sounding a bit cheery. He had found him in the mansion’s library. “I need you to help me carry out a kidnapping.”

Markus shrugged and closed the book he was reading and put it back on the shelf. This wasn’t surprising to him that Yu wanted him to help. After all, he was an expert at carrying out these sorts of missions.

On the way to the car, Yu called on the driver to help in the process of getting away. The all climbed into his Lincoln Zephyr, Yu giving the driver directions to the Wentworth’s house.

“So how much does the guy owe ya?” Markus asked absentmindedly.

“Nothing. I’m just going there to kidnap his daughter for a girlfriend, then hopefully wed her in the end,” Yu said nonchalantly. He really didn’t want to discuss this, but Markus was helping him. Might as well tell him the entire story.

Markus looked at him like he was crazy. “Sir, to be honest, that is a bit weird. Just kidnapping a girl to wed her? It…” he couldn’t figure out what he was trying to say next, so he decided to end it there.

It was a bit odd to just kidnap a girl for marriage. He knew that. But that was the only way he could find someone. Either all of the others were married, he never had time to get to know one, or they just wanted him for his status. This was the only logical-well semi logical- thing he could come up with.

He stared out the window, not bothering to answer Markus’s comment.

They reached the house a few minutes later, parking right outside the gate.

They hopped the fence, the driver carrying a piece of cloth with him to put over the girls eyes so she wouldn’t see them, as well as spare cloth to tie her hands with, and to put around her mouth.

They found her quickly, bounding and gagging her, leaving a note that she wouldn’t be back. That she’d call…eventually.

They put her in the back seat between Yu and Markus so they could keep a hold of her until they got to headquarters (Yu’s Mansion).

She squirmed in her seat, her blonde hair flying everywhere and her screams to let her go muffled by the cloth wrapped around her mouth. They carried her out of the car and into Yu’s mansion.

Once they were inside they first untied the cloth around her eyes so she could see. Yu saw her aqua eyes grow wide at seeing him standing there, and another scream emitted from her mouth.

Yu sighed, and then said to Markus, “Hold her arms while I untie the cloth around her mouth.” Abigail went quiet when he said that he was going to untie the cloth gagging her mouth. She had a daring look on her face to match.

Markus obliged as Yu untied the cloth around her mouth. As soon as he did, Abigail screamed, “WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU KIDNAP ME? What am I of use to you? My dad doesn’t have anything that you would need!” Well, at least she knew who he was. Majority of the people in Germany would.

Yu had an amused look on his face. He stepped closer to her, answering, “Well, he does have something that would be of use to me.” He stepped even closer to her, her face knitted in confusion. “You.”

He stepped back, expecting her to scream and yell again. Instead, she asked in a confused voice, “Me? What am I of use to you? I don’t have anything that you’d need, anyway.”

Yu let out a breath, and looked around the parlor. Many of his hit men were listening in on the conversation, probably wondering why he kidnapped a woman.

“Let’s take this to my study,” he said low enough so just Markus and Abigail heard him. Yu then walked towards his study, Markus following behind with Abigail.

Yu closed the door once the other two were in the room, locking the bolt, then turned around to face them.

“You can untie her now, Markus. I trust that she’ll not try to run away,” he said, eyeing her with humor in his eyes.

He saw fear in her eyes for the first time. Good. At least she’ll listen to him now.

“Have a seat,” he said motioning to Abigail. He then looked at Markus. “Guard the door, will you Markus?” He nodded, and went to do what Yu told him to do.

He then went and sat in his chair, facing Abigail. “Now, to answer your earlier question, the reason why I kidnapped you was because I realized that there’s been something missing in my life. Only today I realized what it was.” Yu got up and walked around the room, pacing. “I haven’t been with anyone since before I joined the Mafia. Any girl that I would find interesting would either have a husband already, or they looked like they’d betray me. I don’t want to be the cause of an affair, since I’m already wanted for the theft around here. I don’t want any more reason for the police to come after me.” He stopped his pacing, and turned to face Abigail. “So,” he said, his hands sweeping out beside him, “How do you feel about all of this?”

She slowly got up out of her chair and went to stand beside Yu, looking up at his face. She looked into his eyes, trying to read them. To see if what he was saying was true. “Let me get this straight. You kidnapped me so you could have a girlfriend?” she asked in a questioning tone.

“Yes.” He said, glad that she understood. “And hopefully, you’ll become my wife in the end. Well, that is, if you’ll be my girlfriend first.”

She shook her head and walked to the other side of the room, and slid down the wall until she was in a sitting position. While shaking her head, she said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t be that. For one, my parents would kill me if I were even a part of this. I don’t want to be a part of this life. You kill people, Yu! Plus, you go off stealing people’s money and things that they need to make a living!” She stopped her rant, realizing that she probably might have gone too far.

His face showed that he was stunned at her answer- anyone could see that. “Abigail,” he said, speaking her name for the first time, “this is all I know how to do. I don’t know how to do anything else besides this! Even if I quit the Mafia, quit stealing, quit all of this, I don’t think I’d be able to get a job anywhere.”

Now it was her turn to be stunned. She got up from her sitting position, but stayed where she was. “How do you know my name? I mean… I know you probably know my dad’s but how do you know mine?”

He debated on how to answer the question, because it would reveal much of how he knew where to steal from, and who to kill to get to the top. He started to play with his lip ring while debating out of habit, and then replied, “We people in the Mafia know everybody. It’s as simple as that,” he shrugged, and then grinned at her. It wasn’t a lie, since they technically did know everybody.

She returned the smile, and then said, “I’m sure I’d be able to help you if you did get out of the Mafia. We’d have to change your look, though. The question is: Would you get out of the Mafia?”

I’d have to give up all of this- my life basically, for her? He thought. He mulled over the thought for a minute, the replied, “Yes. Yes I would. I’d only give it up for you, though.”

Neither of them spoke after he said that, and he was starting to get worried.

“Abigail?” he asked, walking toward her slowly. “Are you okay?”

Her face was in a trance-like state, like she was seeing past him. “So you’d give all of this up…for a stranger to be your girlfriend?” She cocked her head to the side, her wavy blonde hair cascading down her shoulder.

He was in front of her now, and he put his hands over hers, trying to get her out of her thinking trance.

When that didn’t work, he bent his face at eye level to hers, moving closer to her face.

He could feel his heart beating loudly. He was nervous? He’s never, ever this nervous. Even when running from guys with guns ready to fire at will.

His eyes looked at her lips, then back to her eyes, back and forth. He moved closer, closing the gap between them, and kissed her softly.

“Does that answer your question?” he whispered.

She was looking at him now, shock written across her features. Then, she smiled. “Yes, yes it does.”

They kissed again, and then got ready to carry out the plans- plans for him and Abigail to escape.