Status: This story is residing in the back of my mind...I have every intent to continue it. Hopefully soon!!

A Backwards Myth


Sophie Saunders, age 12: Completely normal, completely happy with her life, and completely confused as to why her mother looks at her oddly.

Sophie Saunders, age 13: Angsty, angry, dramatic, and a mythological creature said to be evil.

Sophie Saunders is now 17, but her life hasn't gotten any sunnier. Those funny looks her mother gave her? Yeah, those would be the looks a mother gives her "dangerous" daughter. But Sophie's not dangerous, and that's what angers her. Due to her small town's stupid myths, she has to hide her completely harmless genetic trait while the werewolves--the real dangers!--run around freely. Sophie can't tell anyone her secret, especially her best friend, Nicola Hayes: the cousin of Gideon Hayes, the most popular werewolf in town and the guy who fills Sophie's journal...

Sophie is fed up with her town's myths and is ready to do whatever it takes to restore equality, but will her actions be the thing that brings the prejudice to new heights?
  1. Chapter I: An Outbreak of Skittishness
    An introduction to Sophie, her mother, and her..."condition".
  2. Chapter II: A Lesson in Werebunny Antics
    After a nearly sleepless night, Sophie hears some surprising news from a certain someone's father.
  3. Chapter III: An Unexpected Lack of Prejudice
    Sophie's dreaded Public Speaking presentation brings out the bad--and the good?--in the school.