Someone out of a magic book

We're here

Chapter 3:

“Bridge… CALLING BRIDGET LETHAL TO OUR WORLD!” I jumped a little in my seat. I was dazed out looking at the mountains we were passing on our way down south to North Carolina.

“What B???” I said irritated.

“Oh nothing, just wanted to see if your voice still worked. You haven’t said one word since we left.

“I was wondering the same thing too.” Jenna said from the drivers seat.

“Yes my voice still works, I’m just ready to get out of this car and into the new house.” Our new house was apparently a 3 story old fashioned and probably the only one like it in this town. It was newly built by Jenna’s Business and the color of dark purple… I know sooo not practical at all. It would have white marble flooring, wine red walls and cherry wood furniture down stairs. The Kitchen would be black and white marble and have a granite island in the middle with hanging down utensils. The second floor would hold my mom and Jenna’s rooms, her home office, a library room, and many other unknowns. The third floor is just two rooms that are joined together per to our request. They are mine and Blaine’s rooms, and my Aunt wouldn’t tell me what they looked like. She said it was a “surprise”.

We stopped twice, once for gas the other time for fast food. By the time we got there it was 8pm, and we were all ready to get inside. We turned on Indian Rhode and actually… Our neighborhood looked nice. We drove up to our house which had a nice lawn full of roses and these purple looking things and had bark chips around the concrete drive and porch. The fence was Dark brown and there were pine trees everywhere. Ha… hence the name “Southern Pines”.

“Well, this looks lovely!” My mom said.
“Yes well, it will do.” Yup… you guessed it that was Jenna. Nothing ever really pleases her.

“Why the hell is our house purple?” Ugg Blaine… “I mean seriously? People are gona think we’re weirdo’s”

“Well B, you ARE weird so…” I said ducking away from the hand that went to pop my shoulder. I laughed and turned to grab my purse. But then something caught my eye. There across the street from us in a white and dark blue trimmed house was a boy staring at me from a window. He looked about 9, dark ashy black hair that I could see and classes in front of ice blue eyes. He looked so cute, he was skinny and wore a black t-shirt that said “Not now I’m busy” and had a boy playing play station on it. Yes I know I have GREAT vision. All of a sudden a Guy who looked about 17-18 walked to the window saw us and then pulled his brother away smile and waved and walked away. Ha, his younger brother must be a little nosy for him to have pulled him away like that.

I waved back then turned to see Blaine staring at me. “2 minutes and you already have a crush on the boy next door.” Ah!! “DO NOT!” “Do To!!!”

“Hey! That’s enough save the bickering for inside I’m tired” Jenna said.

We got up to our rooms and my jaw literally dropped. My room was… PINK??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? I hate pink!! Ah I should have known. Well at least the bed spread was black and magenta. Magenta is better than pink I guess. There was Mahogony wood furniture everywhere. From the dresser and night stand to the sit down make up desk to the wood chest that fit in the window frame where I could sit and lean against the wall like my aunt knew I liked.” Well She did get that right at least.

“Ok so is your room as hideous as mine???” Blaine pretty much yelled through our joined door.

“Yeah probably. What color did she choose for you?”

“Grey and BLUE” Ha as much as I hated pink my brother hated blue. We don’t like stereotypes. Blue for boy, pink for Girl… Yeah no. In the next month his room will be covered in posters and I’ll have painted green or red on my walls. And put up millions of book shelves. Yes, I like to read.

“I swear that woman doesn’t know one thing about me! And we’ve lived with her for almost 17 years!” sigh

“Yeah I know right? Oh well. We’ll fix them later. Right now I need a shower and sleep.”

“Mkay well, night Bridge”


I went to the bathroom which was huge btw. I took a shower, and got dressed in my t-shirt and some purple plaid night shorts. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. Lightly tanned skin, Green eyes, dark brown almost black hair and rosy lips. I usually like how I look not to be vein. But It was odd to me how little my brother and I look alike. The only think we had in common was our Green eyes and dark hair. He was 4 inches taller than my 5’5” and he had a lighter complexion than me and also thinner lips. We were both sarcastic, but he was good at running and me well… I don’t do sports. I’d rather not even watch really. After one more look I sighed and went to bed.
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Ok so this is what I got so farr tell me what ya think I'll write more later.