Top of the World

Chapter 3

26th November 2009

It's been over a month and Snoz still barely talks to me. He's been taking care of me since the doctor made me go on bed rest last week, but he does it mostly silently, only talking when he has to, and when he does talk, it's in a stiff, emotionless voice. I've apologised until I was hoarse, and I still apologise at least three times a day, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I watched him come in with the glass of water I'd asked for, although I could only just see him over my huge baby bump. Alex was finally starting to grow, but he was still only half the size Joe was, but even so, it was making me get a lot bigger very quickly.

The second the glass was on my bedside table, Snoz turned around and went to leave, but I grabbed his hand, making him turn to me.
"You need something else?" He asked stiffly, and I choked back a sob.
"Yes, I need my boyfriend back." I sobbed, choking on each word. He sighed and shook his head.
"I'm sorry; I'm just not ready to forgive you." He told me softly, then slid his hand out of mine and left.

A few hours later, I yelled for Snoz, because I needed more water, but it was James that came in instead.
"Where's Snoz?" I asked as he sat down beside me on the bed, sighing as he did.
"He went to stay with his Mam for a while. He said him being here while he was still mad was putting too much strain on you, and that he didn't want the stress he was putting you under to hurt the twins, but he swore on their lives that he'll be back before you go in for the C-section." He told me quietly, and I nodded, sighing.
"I guess I'm just going to have to live with it, he's doing it for the boys, so I can't really argue." I mumbled, gasping in pain and rubbing my stomach. I'd been having false contractions for a few days, and although I was getting used to them, they still hurt pretty bad, but I guessed they were nothing compared to the real thing, which, thankfully, I wouldn't have to experience.

24th December 2009

I was woken up with a sharp pain across my stomach. At first I thought it was another false contraction, but as another one ripped through me, I knew these were real ones, they felt different, hurt more. I somehow managed to heave myself out of bed, and stumbled out into the hall, heading towards the stairs when I heard the others down in the living room.

They all looked round when I appeared in the doorway, clutching my stomach, my chest heaving as I tried to keep breathing through the pain.
"Rhys, what are you doing? You know you're not supposed to be out of bed." Matt scolded, but the effect was ruined by the evident worry on his face and in his voice.
"I think-I'm in-labour." I panted, and they all jumped to their feet.

Somehow, we managed to get out of the house and into three separate cars, me lying across the back seat of Sean's car with my head in Gavin's lap, my feet resting on Mike's.
"S-somebody call-oh, my god! My hips are breaking!-somebody call Snoz!" I begged, with an agonised scream in the middle.
"I already tried, there was no answer." Lee told me apologetically from the front seat.
"Try again, please!" I begged, moaning loudly in pain straight after.

When we finally got to the hospital, I was taken straight into a private room, while they waited for an operating theatre to become free. It took a lot of begging and screaming before the nurse would let all of the others into my room.
"Did you call Snoz?" I asked; the second they'd all sat down.
"We keep trying, buddy, but he's still not answering." Sean told me, and I choked back a sob; then sat up, clutching my stomach and screaming in pain as another contraction shot through me.
"Get him here! I don't care how, just get him! I need him here!" I sobbed, and Ian got up, told me he was going to call Snoz again; then left, passing a nurse in the doorway on his way out.
"We're ready to take you into theatre now." She told me gently as the anaesthetist came in.
"No! Not without Snoz! He has to be here." I moaned weakly, just as Ian rushed back in.
"I got him, he's on his way." He told me, rubbing my shoulder.
"See, we can take you down, he'll be here soon." The nurse told me in what I think was supposed to be a soothing, reassuring tone.
"No! I'm not going anywhere without him!" I told her sharply, and she frowned, muttered to the anaesthetist, then grabbed my arm and held it still as the anaesthetist inserted a needle into my arm.

Within seconds, my vision started to swim, and reality seemed to slip away as my whole body went numb. I barely registered the others shouting at the nurse, or the porters coming in and wheeling me out into the hall. We were just about to go into the lift when I heard rushed footsteps, a hand brushing the hair from my face and a familiar voice in my ear.
"I'm here, baby, don't worry, I'm here." Snoz whispered in my ear, and I managed to smile and turn my head towards him.
"It doesn't hurt anymore." I mumbled, and he smiled, still stroking my hair.
"I know, babe, and don't worry, we're going to have our baby boys soon, and Alex's going to be just fine." He replied, making me smile again.
"He's been kicking harder and harder every week, I think he missed his daddy." I told him, and he nodded.
"Don't worry, he won't have to miss me anymore, I'm not going anywhere." He told me, just as my thoughts got fuzzier, and I stopped being able to understand what he was saying.

The next hour is nothing but a fuzzy blur. All I can remember is Snoz whispering in my ear, a bright light, a lot of surgeons, a loud, piercing cry that made Snoz grin like an idiot, then a few minutes later, panic, muttering, and a nurse rushing past with something tiny in her hands, as Snoz started sobbing, then I passed out.
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