My Way Home Is Through You

Your Song

Sitting in Mikey and Gerard's apartment the next day, Ray felt a nervous thrill of excitement. His bandmates were seated around him, each holding his own instrument close and quiet. Anna was tucked safely in Gerard's bedroom, napping cozily where the music wouldn't hurt her ears. The band had come together to practice, and to brainstorm for their next album.

"So dude," Frank said eagerly, looking toward his fellow guitarist. "Let's hear this new song!"

Ray grinned and nodded. Without a word, he set his electrical guitar down and moved toward Gerard's old acoustic. The song he wrote needed polishing, to be sure, but he already knew it sounded better this way. Settling himself down on a drummer's stool, he cleared his throat and began to strum.

"Star shimmers, can you feel it?
Star falls, did you cry?
Life demands the best of all,
You fight the broken limb,
Settling for the least,
Sweating bullets without understanding,
Just who you're dying for.

He walks along the edge of the crowd,
Never blending, always fading,
Until the Ides of March have found him,
And embrace the bitter cold of heart..

Goodnight, Moon,
Goonight, Stars,
But never fade away
He needs the light
To guard the night
And deliver her to day

The White Blossom shines with moonglow,
And she pulls him into sanity,
Still fighting the broken limb,
Till Darkness steps away from her,
And he is all she has.

Goodnight, Moon,
Goonight, Stars,
But never fade away
He needs the light
To guard the night
And deliver her to Day

And sympathetic eyes can never hold,
And never understand,
But thank you, just the same.

Goodnight, Moon,
Goonight, Stars,
But never fade away
He needs the light
To guard the night
And deliver her to day

Goodnight, Moon,
Goonight, Stars,
But never fade away
He needs the light
To guard the night
And deliver her to day."

Throughout the song, Ray had kept his head bowed, avoiding the eyes of his bandmates. As he finished strumming out the song, he cautiously looked up.

Frank and Mikey wore identical faces of awe. Bob sat nodding, with a slight grin on his face. Gerard simply gave him a knowing smile and murmured, "For Anna, right?"

Ray nodded. "For Anna."

A/N: Okay, so the "song" isn't so hot, but I wrote it myself... I read in an article that Ray wrote "Our Lady of Sorrows," and I was trying to go for that same abstract sort of feel... I'm obviously not a song-writer, however. Be gentle. And, lame as it may be, since it is mine, and I did work hard on it, give me credit where it's due, okay?